英语人>词典>汉英 : 热心 的英文翻译,例句
热心 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ardency  ·  ardour  ·  eagerness  ·  enthrone  ·  enthuse  ·  enthusiasm  ·  fervor  ·  forwardness  ·  heartiness  ·  intentness  ·  vehemency  ·  warmth  ·  zeal  ·  zealousness  ·  zest  ·  enthronize  ·  hotness  ·  enthrones  ·  enthroning  ·  enthused  ·  enthuses  ·  enthusing  ·  empressement  ·  enthusiasms

更多网络例句与热心相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Holding intimate teacher gave me an enthusiastic reply, I am reading over and over again, did not expect intimate teacher answers my question was so detailed and my troubles have been solved, I have one more for the future you can talk to a secret friend happy about it.


If you in any way abate the doctrine of hell it will abate your zeal.


The unique aim of superficial study in this article is to arouse more accentuation on systematic research to the topic by those who are intellectually interested in reform and practice of vocational curriculum.


Enthuse. Show enthusiasm openly! Rotary should be fun.


Yes - that he is - the earnestest man in all Wessex, they say the last of the old Low Church sort, they tell me - for all about here be what they call High.


Just image, when you come to Sunday Mass there is no priest who speaks your language. What can you do? Indeed, right now we don't have in Toronto any seminarian who speaks Cantonese or Mandarin training to become a priest. Please pray devotedly! From now until end of April, in our Holy Mass' Prayer of the Faithful we will use the special "Called by Name" prayer. Other than your prayers, my brothers and sisters in Christ, let's also promote religious vocation work, strengthen the bonds among the ministries of the laity, clergy and fellow volunteers in our midst in order that more young men and women will be moved to consider vocations to priesthood or a religious life.

试想一下,有一主日当你步入此圣堂,发觉这儿没有一位能以华语主持弥撒的神父时,你将会有何感想呢﹖的确,我们能操华语的不论广东话或普通话的神父并不多,而现今更是没有任何华人青年在本地修院接受培育,换句话说﹕我们华人堂区在最近的几年内,没有任何可接班的神父,因此,请大家热心的求吧﹗未来一连四个月,即从现在开始直至四月底,我们在每台弥撒的信友祷文中,将会加念本教区特别编写的〝求圣召—Called by Name〞经文,让我们一同热心的献上诚挚的祈祷,并邀请各位在这圣召活动推广期间多方配合,务求能打动更多的青年男女认真的思考圣召问题。

Our life is very wonderful, the people are very friendly. The teacher in the Stafford House School is very kind and loves students. I love England and i am very happy.

我们的生活很棒,人们很热心友好,Stafford House的老师也很热心,他们很喜欢我们,我很开心我爱英国!

The 53,000 dark-suited, white-shirted, tie-wearing Mormon missionaries who fish for souls around the world can seem like America personified: earnest, friendly, optimistic, fond of Jesus and eager to tell you about it.


During our stay we found the Maldivian staff very very friendly from the garden keepers/groundsmen, bar staff, roomboys and waiters always ready to say hello and really helpful, the Reception staff I have to warn I think must be from a different batch as they are a little less helpful and can be real hardwork if you do have a problem or request!


Boys are more enthusiastic than girl, as juniors to seniors, to take part in group activitities. The different enthusiasm to join group activities also lead to different levels of selfishness of middle school students - Those students who are enthusiastic to join group activities has lower selfishness level and lower self-center trend relatively in overall human relations.


更多网络解释与热心相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




eagerly 热心地 | eagerness 热心 | eagle owl 大雕


Abhor 痛恨,憎恶 | Enthuse 热心,石热心 | paralyzed麻痹[瘫痪]的


enthronement /即位/登极典礼/就任主教的仪式/ | enthuse /热狂/感激/使热心/热心/ | enthusiasm /热狂/热心/热忱/所热衷之事/宗教的狂信/

to enthuse:(使热心,表示热心)

to diagnose (诊断) ← diagnosis(n.) | to enthuse(使热心,表示热心) ← enthusiasm(n.) | to reminisce(追忆往事) ← reminiscence(n.)


enthusiasm 狂热 | enthusiast 热心家 | enthusiastic 热心


fertilizi 施肥 fertilize | ferva 热心的 fervid | fervo 热心 fervor


ferva 热心的 fervid | fervo 热心 fervor | festeno 宴会,酒席 feast

solicitous: unconcerned:热心的 - 不热心的

600. soldier 欺压 - | 601. solicitous - unconcerned 热心的 - 不热心的 | 602. somatic - nonphysical 身体的 - 非身体的


ardent /热心的/热烈的/燃烧般的/热的/激烈的/烈/热心/ | ardentness /热心/热烈/ | ardor /热情/热心/热烈/灼热/热忱/