英语人>词典>汉英 : 炙过的 的英文翻译,例句
炙过的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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I know that is the sentence frequently said by those women to that badly spoiled you. But please believe in me, there was no such a woman who ever loved you as loyal like me. It was like this and nothing changes now as many years past by, because there is nothing can compare with a child who potentially keeps a secret and unnoticeable love. As this kind of love is hopeless, unrespectable, adulatory and passionate, this was entirely distinguished from those mature women's desirable and insensibly greedy love. No other than a lonely, who can gather all the passion.


Mom calls herself "American mixed grill, a bit of everything white, fatty, and fried."


Research has shown that super-heated bullets do much more damage than conventional ammunition, and the Pyrotechnic Gun takes full advantage of this fact.


They carried on a torrid love affair.


A supernova occurs when a hot, dense star burns up its fuel too quickly and suddenly implodes, generating shock waves and intense blasts of radiation across space.


A supernovae occurs when a hot, dense star burns up its fuel too quickly and suddenly implodes , generating shock waves and intense blasts of radiation across space.


I'm standing in the golden fields, basking in the smell of dry-roasted grass.

沉醉 站在这金色的草原上,呼吸着被仍然是炙热的太阳烘烤过的草的芬香

更多网络解释与炙过的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

grillwork:格子形图案; 花格形装置 (名)

grilled 烤的; 炙过的; 有格子的 (形) | grillwork 格子形图案; 花格形装置 (名) | grim 冷酷的, 可怕的, 残忍的 (形)

Cold Case:铁证悬案

.大卫冯安肯之前拍过.多部膾炙人口的电视影集如<< CSI 犯罪现场>>(CSI)、<<铁证悬案>>.(Cold Case)、<<光.头神探>>(The Shield)、<<数字搜查线>>.(NUMB3RS)等.