英语人>词典>汉英 : 激昂的 的英文翻译,例句
激昂的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ablaze  ·  boiling  ·  excited  ·  fevered  ·  heated

更多网络例句与激昂的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Seething victims and pundits have variously denounced Mr Madoff as a "terrorist", a "financial serial killer" and, most cuttingly, a "turd".


Ardent 热情的 Her fervid enthusiasm inspired all of us to undertake the dangerous mission.


However, ten years ago, in the fevered college age, that's the word I hate the most.


Full-throated roars of "Long live Benazir!" shook the august halls of the presidency.


Paul understood that, in the midst of inflamed


One day an excited hunter came to the town to say that he had killed the mountain lion.


In the 1950s and 1960s it was Nasser, Egypt's passionate pan-Arabist leader.


I may not offer soaring, but I do promise results.


We know that sex is not only a medium physical activity, is also a spirit of excitement, emotion emotional activities.


That is not to deny that the angry Chinese nationalists who have deluged the internet with their splenetic outpourings and staged protests in China see article have a point .


更多网络解释与激昂的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fevered :发烧的, 激昂的, 激动的 (形)

feudatory 臣属的; 受有封地的; 隶属于外国的 (形) | fevered 发烧的, 激昂的, 激动的 (形) | feverish 兴奋的 (形)


polite 高雅的 | heated 激昂的 | wonderful 极好的

heatedly:加热地; 兴奋地; 激昂地 (副)

heated 热的; 兴奋的; 激昂的 (形) | heatedly 加热地; 兴奋地; 激昂地 (副) | heath 石南; 石南树丛 (名)


infuriate 狂怒的 | infuriation 激昂 | infuscate 略带褐色的

passionate a.1:多情的 2.充满激情的,激昂的 3.热切的,强烈的

partnership n.合伙(关系),合伙经营(的企业),合伙人身份 | passionate a.1.多情的 2.充满激情的,激昂的 3.热切的,强烈的 | pastime n.消遣,娱乐

Place your sword upon the ground:將手中的劍解放於大地

A battle has been fought, and is now over. = 曾經激昂的戰鬥如今已回歸平息 | Place your sword upon the ground, = 將手中的劍解放於大地 | and rest in the temporal peace = 在短暫安詳的和平中休憩


rant 激昂的演说 | rant 激昂地说 | ranter 大叫大嚷的人


witness 目击者 | tumultuous 激昂的 | turnout 集合的人群

heatable:可被加热的; 有暖气设备的 (形)

heat wave 热浪; 热波 | heatable 可被加热的; 有暖气设备的 (形) | heated 热的; 兴奋的; 激昂的 (形)

of Stranglethorn's jungle, green and lush:荡漾在荆棘谷的葱郁丛林

I am in the morning hush, 我融入这清晨的恬静, | of Stranglethorn's jungle, green and lush.荡漾在荆棘谷的葱郁丛林. | I am in the drums loud and grand, 我跟随着那激昂的雄壮战鼓,