英语人>词典>汉英 : 激情 的英文翻译,例句
激情 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ardor  ·  ardour  ·  emotions  ·  furor  ·  heartthrob  ·  passion  ·  reins  ·  passions

intense emotion
更多网络例句与激情相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is true that he used the old patterns all his life with dogged conservatism (another Sansculotte characteristic, by the way); but the imposed on them such an overwhelming charge of human energy and passion, including that highest passion which accompanies thought, and reduces the passion of the physical appetites to mere animalism, that he not only played Old Harry with their symmetry but often made it impossible to notice that there was any pattern at all beneath the storm of emotion.


People are often vain of their passions,even of the worst,but envy is a passion so timid and shame-faced that no one ever dare avow her.


As it invariably happens, history and memory can prove helpful: Leonardo's Vitruvian man is "the measure of all things", while the Renaissance man expands the static point of view of the project anticipating the crucial theme of individual well-being (as Leon Battista Alberti put it in his De re aedificatoria ,"In the choice of the environment it is best to mind that it is welcome by its inhabitants from every point of view").


Find you passion and in my experience, no matter what you do at work or what you do in official settings, that passion would be grounded in people.


Two stages outside the park hosted an impressive roll-call of talent from across Europe with performances from Ireland's own much-loved chanteuse, Camille O'Sullivan, the irrepressible Sharon Shannon, the world-acclaimed Czech jazz trio, the Emil Viklicky Trio, Slovakian pop band SMILE, the 'etno-techno'folk band Trebunie Tutki from Poland, Jara Raja and a host of other musicians from around Europe.

来自全欧洲的歌手们在公园外的两个露天舞台上进行了激情表演。其中有爱尔兰国内最受欢迎的女歌手卡米尔·苏里文,激情四射的莎郎·莎侬,世界著名的捷克爵士三人组合Emil Viklicky,斯洛伐克的SMILE乐队,波兰的Trebunie Tutki电子民歌乐队,斯洛文尼亚的亚拉哈亚,以及一批来自欧洲各国的音乐家。

If do not have passion, life is dim without light, and passion can make you tough and clinking, never abandon.


There is a sentiment arising, and it will grow, against connubial jealousy, against fierce maternity, against passion of all sorts; unnecessary things now, and things that make us uncomfortable, savage survivals, discords in a refined and pleasant life.


Condemned those who say Christ offered His sacrifice to the Father alone, and not to himself and to the Holy Spirit; those who say the sacrifice of the Divine Liturgy is only figuratively the sacrifice of Christ's body and blood; those who deny that the sacrifice in the Liturgy is one and the same as that of Christ on the cross; those who say men were reconciled to the Son through the incarnation and to the Father through the passion; those who think the deification of Christ's humanity destroyed his human nature; those who deny that his deified human nature is worthy of worship; those who say that, since the human nature of Christ was swallowed up into Divinity, his passion was an illusion; those who say that characteristics of Christ's human nature (creaturehood, circumscription, mortality, and blameless passions) exist only hypothetically, when one considers Christ's human nature in abstraction, and not really and truly.

谴责那些说基督所提供的,他的牺牲给父亲独自,而不是他本人及圣灵;那些说要牺牲神圣的礼拜仪式,只是形象地牺牲了基督的身体和血液;那些否认说,在牺牲礼仪是同一个,因为基督在十字架上;那些说男人得子,透过化身,并给父亲通过激情;那些认为神化基督的人类摧毁了他的人性;那些否认他神化人性的,是值得的崇拜;人士说,由于人性的基督被吞噬成神,他的激情是一种错觉;那些说特色基督的人性( creaturehood , circumscription ,死亡率,和无可指责的激情),只存在理论上,当一个人认为基督的人性抽象,而不是实实在在地。

China in 1949 to the end of 1950"s, which witnessed the first unprecedented outburst of political passion of Chinese youth, 2 the ten-year "Cultural Revolution period: when Chinese youth, driven by enthusiasm and blinded by flightiness and rashness, became politically naive and fanatical, 3 after the Third Session of the Eleventh Party Congress period: when political passion of Chinese youth, with the great tide of reform and open-door policy, came to a new surge, 4 the late 1980s period: when western modern ideas flooded into China, a student movement took place with impatience and negation of Chinese traditions and biased worship of western politics, and 5 the 1990s period: when Chinese youth discarded their restless state of mind started to take part in politics more maturely.


This is a place to burst out mypassion for sports, and also a sharing space for all my friends ofsports lovers.


更多网络解释与激情相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2.激情:激情(excitement)是一种猛烈、短暂、爆发的情绪状态. 例如,暴怒时拍案大叫,暴跳如雷;狂喜时,捧腹大笑,手舞足蹈等. 3.应激:应激(stress)是机体受到出乎意料的巨大精神或躯体压力所引起的情绪状态. 例如人们在遇到巨大自然灾害时的情绪状态.


H=激情(heartthrob) 就如同充满野性魅力的安吉丽娜,仍然喜欢光顾伦敦的CocoDeMer性用品商店一样,她常常花掉上千美元在这里购买激情内衣和教人如何摆出性感姿势的书籍,她喜欢那些新款内衣,包括丁字裤、半罩杯的性感胸罩,

Impudent Girl:激情夏綠蒂(不害臊的姑娘)

89小女賊(小偷也激情) The Little Thief 106 | 85激情夏綠蒂(不害臊的姑娘) Impudent Girl 97 | 尚.考克多\\法國Jean Cocteau AD1889~1963

intense emotion:激情

2)激情(intense emotion)是一种强烈,爆发,为时短促的情绪状态.这种情绪状态通常是由对个人 有重大意义的事件引起的.激情状态往往伴随着生理变化和明显的外部行为表现.另外激情状态下人往往 会出现"意识狭窄"现象,认识活动范围缩小,

Original Sin:原罪/枕边陷阱/激情叛侣

本站提供原罪/枕边陷阱/激情叛侣(Original Sin)在线观看服务,但暂不原罪/枕边陷阱/激情叛侣(Original Sin)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关原罪/枕边陷阱/激情叛侣(Original Sin)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

passion n.1:激情,热情 2.酷爱

passion n.1.激情,热情 2.酷爱 | passionate a.1.多情的 2.充满激情的,激昂的 3.热切的,强烈的 | dispassionatea.冷静的, 不带感情的, 平心静气的

heavy petting:激情的撫摸人類兩性之間

60737激情人類兩性之間hot pant; horny | 60738激情的撫摸人類兩性之間heavy petting | 60739激惱某人成語英美片語成語to twist a person's tail

Z: Zealous:热情的充满激情的 杰伦做什么事都充满激情

X: X-ray X光 相信大家还记得八度空间的封面吧 | Y: Youth 年轻朝气 杰伦很有朝气,还很活泼 | Z: Zealous 热情的充满激情的 杰伦做什么事都充满激情

Energizes ):工作有激情(激情

做事有章法(严谨 Preciseness ), | 工作有激情(激情 Energizes ), | 奋斗没有休止符(恒心 Perserverance ),

D.S. POTTRUK:《激情驱动--鼠标+水泥时代激情驱动企业成长>

<<移动经济>> R. KALAKOTA | <<激情驱动--鼠标+水泥时代激情驱动企业成长>> D.S. POTTRUK | <<战略薪酬--人力资源管理>> J. MARTOCCHIO