英语人>词典>汉英 : 潮湿的 的英文翻译,例句
潮湿的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
damp  ·  dank  ·  humid  ·  moist  ·  plashy  ·  rheumy  ·  sloppy  ·  soppy  ·  unaired  ·  watery  ·  dankish  ·  drippy  ·  madid  ·  moisty  ·  slabbery  ·  spewy  ·  wettish  ·  damps  ·  danker  ·  drippier  ·  moister  ·  rheumier  ·  rheumiest  ·  sloppier  ·  soppier  ·  waterier  ·  dampest  ·  moistest  ·  stickiest

更多网络例句与潮湿的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The bakeout resin, drying and heat bituminization, in General, oven temperature control in a 60-80 ° c, the intention is to support, but on the water evaporation; dry temperature is too high, resin Edition is easy to bubbling.


Dank, damp jungle conditions are bad for such injuries, trust me!


Furthermore, orchids grow in moist habitats that don't favour fossilization, says Norris Williams, a botanist at the Florida Museum of Natural History in Gainesville:"If you're in a wet tropical forest and you fall to the ground, there's a good chance that you're going to rot before you can fossilize."

此外,适宜兰花生长的潮湿环境却并不适合化石的形成,Gainesville市佛罗里达州自然历史博物馆的植物学家Norris Williams说,"如果身处潮湿的热带雨林并暴露在地面,那么在形成化石前,就很可能已经腐败。"

In wet weather may be encountered when comparing species typical scenario is the beginning of the display screen of a very vague until after half an hour to boot normal, due to the impact of air humidity inside the display, the display must be turned on after the warm-up period of time to work properly.


Then sow the seeds in damp sand or wet vermiculite in which the excess water has been drained.


For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil , but watercress does, as the name suggests.


A.C. rectified power supplies were not available; A.C.currents were not allowed in the whole building,a dampish corner in the basement of which served as our laboratory,with a dampish chemical laboratory overhead;we were in on the ground floor.


In 500—1000 ℃, electronic hole conduction is dominant in dry and wet oxygen, air or nitrogen. Protonic conduction is dominant in wet hydrogen and it is about two orders of magnitude higher than that in hydrogen-free atmospheres.


--- Disclosed are a process and plant for the recovery of water from humid air, in which at night cool humid air is passed through an adsorbent medium layer which adsorbs water from the air and in which, by day, air heated by solar energy up to a temperature which is above the ambient temperature is passed first through this layer to absorb water from the layer and then is cooled down so that the water condenses.


Try sitting the child in a steamy bathroom, using a vaporiser or placing a damp towel near a radiator to create moist air.


更多网络解释与潮湿的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

juicy: a.1:多液汁的 2.多雨潮湿的 3.活力充沛的

slip in: v.(不惹人注意地)迅速放置,偷偷塞,悄悄给 | juicy: a.1.多液汁的 2.多雨潮湿的 3.活力充沛的 | vulgarity: n.1.粗俗,粗鄙 2.粗野行为,粗俗语


朝着...;向... towards | 潮湿的 moist | 潮湿的 wet

muggy:闷热的 adj.(天气)闷热而潮湿的

Summer is green and warm. 夏季是温暖常青的. | muggy 闷热的 adj.(天气)闷热而潮湿的 | go swimming 游泳

The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear:海石花和潮湿的树木丛生的

II 第二部分 | 39 The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear 海石花和潮湿的树木丛生的 | 40 The sapless foliage of the ocean, know 大洋底面无生气的丛林,也知道你的声音


plash /积水坑/(水)溅泼/ | plashy /泥泞的/潮湿的/湿地的/ | plasm /血浆/乳浆/原形质/深绿玉髓/

see off ,eye brow ,wet:潮湿的草地好像走着你

夏天的雨来了我看着rain in summer | 潮湿的草地好像走着你see off ,eye brow ,wet | 我的心奇怪的伤心着 being hurting


sopping /浑身湿透的/ | soppy /浑身湿透的/湿了的/潮湿的/ | sopranist /女高音歌手/




maddrell's salt长链高分子质量偏磷酸钠 | madid潮湿的,湿润的 | madidans潮湿的


madid潮湿的,湿润的 | madidans潮湿的 | ready made现成的