英语人>词典>汉英 : 滩头阵地 的英文翻译,例句
滩头阵地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beachhead  ·  beachheads

更多网络例句与滩头阵地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Well, keep in mind that Chinese people don't know what bears are so once they make land fall and push past the beaches then they will go into the forests of Washington Oregon and California and be like "???" And the bears will take a heavy toll of their infantry. Of course that means they can attack through the harsh deserts of New Mexico where our Arapaho Native American Brothers will make or break the war.


Well, keep in mind that Chinese people don't know what bears are so once they make land fall and push past the beaches then they will go into the forests ofWashington Oregon and California and be like "???" And the bears will take a heavy toll of their infantry. Of course that means they can attack through theharsh deserts of New Mexico where our Arapaho Native American Brothers will make or break the war.


Well,keep in mind that Chinese people don't know what bears are so once they makeland fall and push past the beaches then they will go into the forests ofWashington Oregon and California and be like "???" And the bears will take aheavy toll of their infantry. Of course that means they can attack through theharsh deserts of New Mexico where our Arapaho Native American Brothers willmake or break the war.

请记住中国人很多都不知道熊是什么东西,所以他们登陆以后,穿越滩头阵地,就可能进入俄勒冈州或加州等的森林地带,那样的话很多他们的步兵就会被狗熊消灭,当然他们也可以从南部新墨西哥州严酷的沙漠地带进入,那战争的成败就决定于土著 Arapaho印地安兄弟们的了。

Well, keep in mind that Chinese people don';t know what bears are so once they make land fall and push past the beaches then they will go into the forests of Washington Oregon and California and be like "???" And the bears will take a heavy toll of their infantry. Of course that means they can attack through the harsh deserts of New Mexico where our Arapaho Native American Brothers will make or break the war.

X; _, S9 j9 h:~请记住中国人很多都不知道熊是什么东西,所以他们登陆以后,穿越滩头阵地,就可能进入俄勒冈州或加州等的森林地带,那样的话很多他们的步兵就会被狗熊消灭,当然他们也可以从南部新墨西哥州严酷的沙漠地带进入,那战争的成败就决定于土著Arapaho印地安兄弟们的了。

Furthermore, over 100 thousand suppliers and over 200 thousand products take ttne.net as the beachhead for trading online.


He wasn't being asked to secure a hill or advance on a beachhead.


Military in the first division of the bloody battle hard, and finally occupied a depth of less than two miles of the beachhead.


A beachhead was established through a fierce fighting at each of the landing sites, but this is only the first step towards regaining the mainland.


Invest future with far sight,we can always reserve sufficient vision and stable beachhead for the investment enterprise during the high-speed growth market and make us to go further.


Several other Stuart tanks were captured, or more accurately recovered from the battlefield, following the elimination of the Soviets' Eltigen beachhead in the Kuban at the end of December 1943, four such tanks serving briefly with Romanian forces in the Crimea before being repatriated to Romania as part of an assortment of captured unserviceable tanks in March 1944, spending their final days as static antitank targets with Romanian training units.


更多网络解释与滩头阵地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

live ammunition:实弹

特种部队: special taskforce | 实弹: live ammunition | 滩头阵地: beachhead


base基地 | bastion阵地工事,堡垒 | beachhead滩头阵地


beacher 浪涛 | beachfront 海滨地区 | beachhead 滩头阵地

beachfront:海滨地区 靠海滨的

beacher | 浪涛 | beachfront | 海滨地区 靠海滨的 | beachhead | 滩头阵地, 登陆场, 据点


beachforeshore 海滩 | beachhead 滩头阵地 | beaching 船只搁浅

He wasn't being asked to secure a hill or advance on a beachhead:他没被派去守卫山头或是进攻滩头阵地

After all, it's peacetime.|毕竟... | He wasn't being asked to secure a hill or advance on a beachhead.|他没被派去守卫山头或是进攻滩头阵地 | I mean, surely a Marine of Dawson's intelligence...|我是说 一...


line search 沿线侦察 | lodgment 立足点;滩头阵地 | logistics 后勤学;后勤


beachhead 滩头阵地 | beaching 船只搁浅 | beachmaster 陆战队的指挥官

beachwear:海滩装 (名)

beachhead 滩头阵地, 滩头堡; 据点; 立足点 (名) | beachwear 海滩装 (名) | beacon 烟火; 灯塔 (名)

blue line:停火分界线

beachhead 滩头阵地 | blue line 停火分界线 | bomb-proof shelter 防空洞,防弹掩体