英语人>词典>汉英 : 滩嘴 的英文翻译,例句
滩嘴 的英文翻译、例句


beach cusp
更多网络例句与滩嘴相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Worse, rich mudflats are being "reclaimed" for development. The most notorious example, in South Korea, is a 20-mile seawall built to enclose a huge estuary and mudflats at Saemangeum, an area two-thirds the size of Singapore where 400,000 birds, including the spoon-billed sandpiper and Nordmann's greenshank, had fed.


Worse, rich mudflats are being "reclaimed" for development. The most notorious example, in South Korea, is a 20-mile (33km) seawall built to enclose a huge estuary and mudflats at Saemangeum, an area two-thirds the size of Singapore where 400,000 birds, including the spoon-billed sandpiper and Nordmann's greenshank, had fed.


He taught her how to bait a line and fish the shallows for largemouth bass and took her exploring through the backwoods of the Croatan Forest.


It was a hodgepodge fleet—a British crew of old salts on a Higgins boat in the Canadian Navy taking GIs ashore at Utah; LSTs commanded by a twenty-two-years old American lieutenant carrying British troops to Gold Beach; LSTs at every beach, their great jaws yawning open, disgorging tanks and trucks and jeeps and bulldozers and big guns and small guns and mountains of cases of rations and ammunition, thousands of jerry cans filled with gasoline, crates of radios and telephones, typewriters and forms, and all else that men at war require.


更多网络解释与滩嘴相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beach cusp:海滩嘴滩角

滩脊 beach crest | 海滩嘴滩角 beach cusp | 海滩循环 beach cycle


nehrung 沙嘴滩 | neighbor 邻居;邻近值;邻国 | neighborhood 邻近

splash zone:淋溅区

沙嘴滩 spit beach | 淋溅区 splash zone | 溅泼 splattering


常见於海滨或内陆泥滩上的鸻形目(Charadriiformes)鸻亚目(Charadrii)鸟类. 包括反嘴鷸、走鸻、麦鸡、蛎鷸、瓣蹼鷸、鴴、燕鸻、鷸和沙锥等.


鸻形目(Charadriiformes)鷸科(Scolopacidae)多种海鸟(包括丘鷸和沙锥)的统称. 尤指几种小型至中型、体长约1530公分(612吋)、在迁徙期间多集中在海滨和内陆泥滩者. 滨鷸属的种称鷸或细嘴滨鷸、三趾滨鷸和滨鷸(dunlin;有时亦称红背鷸).


螺旋虫(虫管化石) spirorbis | 沙嘴 spit | 沙嘴滩 spit beach

Salt Marshes:盐沼

它包括草本植物盐沼(salt marshes)和木本红树沼泽(mang-rove swamps). 形成 在河口、海湾、泻湖、沙嘴内侧和具有宽缓水下岸坡的开敞海岸,波浪作用弱,潮流携带的泥沙在岸边沉积下来,塑造了潮滩. 沉积物中含有能为植物吸收的微粒矿物和有机质,

beach cusps:海滩嘴

beach 海岸 | beach cusps 海滩嘴 | beach drifting 沿滩漂移