英语人>词典>汉英 : 滑翔 的英文翻译,例句
滑翔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
glide  ·  volplane  ·  glided  ·  glides  ·  volplaned  ·  volplanes  ·  volplaning

更多网络例句与滑翔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The design method of fractional Controller for angle stability loop and mass center control loop of GREP was studied.The fractional PI~λD~μController and integral PID Controller were designed respectively for some type GREP.The simulation results show that the fractional PI~λD~μController designed by this method has its own features compared with PID Controller.


And I have to say between Hang Gliding and paragliding, paragliding is the more dangerous.


Go Hang Gliding- Hang Gliding is also one of the best things you can do.


POWERED HANG GLIDER : A hang glider fitted with means of propulsion capable of launching it and sustaining flight.


The German Hang-gliding Association trains hang-gliding and paragliding instructors, licenses aviation schools, examines pilots and tests hang-gliders, paragliders, harness gear, rescue equipment and winches.


Taking range as the performance function, considering end velocity, height and trajectory slope angle constraints, the optimal glide trajectory was solved by maximum principle of Pontryagin and conjugate-gradient method.


In a stabilised turn, the paraglider is the aircraft with the record of the smallest turning circle, as shown in figure 4 comparing paraglider, hang-glider and sailplane.


A method was proposed for approaching the glide trajectories based on nsegment constant gliding angle.


The approach to calculating the gliding angle and flight time of each segment was given.The procedure for approaching the whole glide trajectory was described.Two examples show that the differences in the gliding range and flight time between the approximate solution and the...


Glidings, including hang gliding and paragliding, are gaining popularity both as competitive and spectator sports.


更多网络解释与滑翔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sports acrobatics:滑翔运动 gliding; 技巧

跳伞 parachuting | 滑翔运动 gliding; 技巧 sports acrobatics | 拔河 tug-of-war


aerodone 滑翔機 | aerodonetics 滑翔術 | aerodontalgia 航空性牙痛;氣壓性牙痛

aerodonetics:滑翔术, 空中滑翔学

aerodone | 滑翔机 | aerodonetics | 滑翔术, 空中滑翔学 | aerodontalgia | 牙痛(在高空中气压低所产生的)

experimental aerodonetics:实验滑翔力学(滑翔力学,飞行安定学)

实验 experiment | 实验滑翔力学(滑翔力学,飞行安定学) experimental aerodonetics | 经验数据,实验数值 experimental data


Aeroplanes航空器 | Gliders滑翔翼/飛行傘 | Hang Gliders滑翔

Motor Gliders:動力滑翔機

Gliders滑翔機 | Motor Gliders動力滑翔機 | Model Aircraft模型航空器



paraglider wing:滑翔翼

"paraglider","滑翔翼" | "paraglider wing","滑翔翼" | "parallax","视差"

Hang Gliding:悬挂滑翔

滑翔伞在美国还是相当新鲜的事物,而悬挂滑翔(hang gliding)的存在已经有30多年了. 因此,在那些最初由悬挂滑翔飞行员飞行,并常常是由当地的悬挂滑翔俱乐部维护、控制、投保和管理的场地上,你常常会发现自己和三角翼一起,并在三角翼中飞行.

Hang Gliding:滑翔

高空滑翔--在卧龙冈寻求刺激,高空滑翔(Hang Gliding)是个不错的选择,从Bald Hill山崖一跃而下,让迎面而来的劲风把自己吹上半空,然后象小鸟般展开双翼,自由的翱翔,最后慢慢降落在柔软的沙滩上,奇妙的感觉不言而喻.