英语人>词典>汉英 : 渔夫 的英文翻译,例句
渔夫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fisher  ·  fisherman  ·  fishermen  ·  peterman  ·  fishers

更多网络例句与渔夫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the shade of a palm tree, an Acapulco fisherman takes a nap with his loving chick.


It was one of those days that the peasant fishermen on this tributary of the Amazon River dream about.


Photographing a cormorant fisherman in the early morning on the Li River in China, I was surprised to see two large batteries on his bamboo raft powering his electric light, evidence again of the rapid modernization of China.


Peterman, and the reason behind the clothing company's success can be found in a quote from J.

n J。渔夫公司:是的,真的是一个渔夫,你会发现这个服装公司成功背后的理由来自 J。

A lofty room on the ground-floor containing all the ingenious instruments the English--eminent in piscatory pursuits, since they are patient and sluggish --have invented for fishing


On the Mexico coast, an American businessman sat on the shipside of a small fishing village, looking at a Mexico fisherman rowing a tiny boat in shore, with several rhubarb fish in his boat; the businessman laid it on with a trowel to fisherman for those slap-up fish, and asked him how long he took to catch so many fish?


In the beginning,some points are randomly distributed over the grabbling domain,and every point of them is regarded as a "fisher".Then every "fisher" of them is used to search "himself" optimum points or global optimum solution through "his" moving search,reducing search and speeding search independently.


Old Man and the Sea, the story very simple, write a老渔夫for 84 days did not catch the case of fish, and finally caught a big alone Marlins, but the fish is too big, his boat at sea for three days to drag the tired, tied up and killed by his side in the boat, but the journey home, but also many shark attacks have been, returned to Hong Kong with only the head, tail and a spine.


In southern China, where rivers abound , fishermen and farmers alike believed they needed the assistance of river dragon gods in the spring to help them reap their harvests: the farmers wanted rain, of course, and fishermen fish.


One day the fisherman sea fishing event of a difficult, the fisherman's son to have something taken away, Wang Lena那条drift of fish, but a beautiful fish to starve to death.


更多网络解释与渔夫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You feel guilty about the fish man? A little:你同情这个渔夫? 有一点

Oh! Well, he, erm, comes all the way from Maine every Thursday.|哦! 他每... | You feel guilty about the fish man? A little.|你同情这个渔夫? 有一点 | I'm sorry about the other day. Oh, that's alright.|那...

der Fischer:渔夫 德语初级词汇 德语词汇下载

der Film, e 电影;胶片 | der Fischer, = 渔夫 德语初级词汇 德语词汇下载 | der Fleck, en 地点;斑点


而阿泰第四节的被逐表面是与科比的争斗,但是阿泰在后半段面对沃顿语言和身体的纠缠,心态发生了微妙的变化. 火箭不幸的被湖人这一暗器击中. 而下一场渔夫(fisher)有可能被禁赛,湖人的另一暗器农夫(farmer),回到主场的火箭应加以提防.


一个钓者(angler)或渔夫(fisherman)能用他的钓竿(fishing pole)养活自己,并且尚有多馀的渔获可供贩卖. 一个牧人能让他的动物随他的意念移动到任何地方. 你需要一根牧羊人杖(shapherd's crook)来驱使你的动物按照指定的路线移动.

fisherman:渔夫 复数形式

28. dislike 不喜欢 反义词 like 喜欢 | 29. fisherman 渔夫 复数形式 fishermen | 30. photography n. 摄影 photograph n. 照片 相片

A Fisherman:(渔夫

He''s just a fisherman . (他只是一个渔夫) | A fisherman? (渔夫?) | Well, tell your fisherman friend... (那你告诉你的渔夫朋友)

Fisherman napoli:那不勒斯的渔夫

10 我挚爱的罗马 Roma my love | 11 那不勒斯的渔夫 Fisherman napoli | 12 威尼斯的平底船 Venice gondole


fisherman 渔民 | fishermen 渔夫 | fishery 渔业

The Fishermen:渔夫们

101.吹笛子的渔夫/The Fisherman Piping 105 | 102.渔夫们/The Fishermen 106 | 103.驴和马/The Ass and the Horse 107


亦下为声明全文: 火石软件CEO吴锡桑正式更名为吴渔夫 致火石软件的合作伙伴们: 兹声明火石软件CEO吴锡桑已正式更名为吴渔...火石软件(广州)有限公司 广州玩酷软件有限公司 2010年3月30日 火石创始人兼CEO吴渔夫(Fishman)先生简介...