英语人>词典>汉英 : 消磨时光 的英文翻译,例句
消磨时光 的英文翻译、例句


pass the time · while away the time · laze away
更多网络例句与消磨时光相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Father Conmee went by Daniel Bergin's publichouse against the window of which two unlabouring men lounged.


In my free time I train and compete with my dogs, I like the nature and daily go for walks with my dogs in the forest. I hope to find a nice lady that I can chare my life with, if you are serious and want to know more about me, pleas don't hesitate to write.


In my free time I train and compete with my dogs, I like the nature and daily go for walks with my dogs in the forest. I hope to find a nice lady that I can chare my life with, if you are serious and want to know more about me, pleas don


As for the specifics of your problem, you ask if you should take your boss aside and tell him he's coasting.


Music is the best means we have of digesting time.


They respect the space of others by respecting their own space and carefully monitoring what they do within it, not so much in case someone is watching, but because they assume everyone is bound to be watching, So, whereas drivers caught in other countries' traffic jam may resort to picking their noses as a way of passing the time, drivers caught in a French traffic jam scrutinize themselves in the driving mirror, and make minor but important adjustment to their ties, hair, eyebrows or moustaches.


Such is the modern sport of tennis, once the genteel pastime of the idle rich.


My friend Norm loves photography, but I think he also really enjoys jiu-jitsu and spending time with close friends, among other things.


At least I am a moviegoer and enjoy killing time in the theater.


Li Qi studies with single-hearted devotion and works, the bow ruler in a dining room hiring out for working, evening in bets on the table to wear down the time, although he will excite the emotions in the course of time to Li Qi, but on own initiative cannot be joined to her, in addition he is also not good at expressing the sentiment.


更多网络解释与消磨时光相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

beguile the time:消磨时光, 消闲

pasty butter 加工过度的奶油 糕点用的奶油 | beguile the time 消磨时光, 消闲 | xerogram 干式影印副本

beguile the time:消磨时光

beguile vt.诱骗;夺走 | beguile the time 消磨时光 | beguile with 用...消磨时间,用...消遣

goof around:消磨时光,漫不经心

go with一起,相配,跟......谈恋爱 | goof around消磨时光,漫不经心 | grease/oil someone'S palm贿赂(某人)

pass the time:消磨时光

pass on传递;转移 | pass the time消磨时光 | pass up放过

pass the time:消磨时光 ncN无忧研修网

pass on 传递;转移 ncN无忧研修网 | pass the time 消磨时光 ncN无忧研修网 | pass up 放过 ncN无忧研修网

spend time:度过时光,消磨时光

often 时常,常常 | spend time 度过时光,消磨时光 | well 好

while away the time:消磨时光, 消闲

knowing humor 心照不宣的幽默 | superior persons 大人物 | while away the time消磨时光, 消闲

I'd while away the hours:曾是我爱消磨时光的地方

This empty kitchen's where 这个空畅的厨房 | I'd while away the hours 曾是我爱消磨时光的地方 | Just next to my old chair 紧挨着破旧的靠椅

I'd while away the hours:是我过去消磨时光的地方

This empty kitchen's where空荡的厨房 | I'd while away the hours是我过去消磨时光的地方 | Just next to my old chair那儿有我的陈旧的椅子

But if you're sitting on a barstool:但如果你在酒吧里面消磨时光

This song is not to do with them 这首歌曲不是为他们而写的 | But if you're sitting on a barstool 但如果你在酒吧里面消磨时光 | Wondering what on earth to do 不知道究竟该去做什么