英语人>词典>汉英 : 消沉 的英文翻译,例句
消沉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
depression  ·  droop  ·  sink  ·  drooped  ·  droops  ·  sinks

更多网络例句与消沉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His setback in the election threw him and his family into a mood of abysmal depression.


To undergo a period especially of depression as an aftereffect of drug-taking.


That man who does not believe that each day contains an earlier, more sacred, and auroral hour than he has yet profaned, has despaired of life, and is pursuing a descending and darkening way.


When Sam's wife left him, he was a basket case for weeks.


A blend of Geranium, Lavender and Bergamot alleviates anxiety and depression.


If anyone has had to battle the blahs big time, it's me.


Doctor Carthaginian Lecktor: Did you rattling see downcast after you effort Mr. Garrett biochemist philosopher to death?


Come, let us seek His face. There is no reason for despair, nor even for despondency. Let us love a chiding God, and before long we shall sing,"Thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortest me."


And the therapist theory, that financial worries cause stress, stress can cause depression, and depression is a total connubial buzz kill.


Enter tall 3 later, the accretion of the insecurity as study, pressure and exorbitant expectation value, contuse possibly the enthusiasm of student learning and initiative, make student mood dejected, and even pessimistic to the future disappointment.


更多网络解释与消沉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AC Air Cooling:风意气消沉,空气冷却,气心灰意冷

AC Aerodynamic Center 空气动力中心 | AC Air Cooling 风意气消沉,空气冷却,气心灰意冷 | AC Air Cycle 空气循环

AC Air Cooling:风意气消沉,空气冷却,气意气消沉

AC Aerodynamic Center 空气动力中心 | AC Air Cooling 风意气消沉,空气冷却,气意气消沉 | AC Air Cycle 空气循环

AC Air-Cooled:空意气消沉

AC Automatic Control 自动控制 | AC Air-Cooled 空意气消沉 | AC Armored Car 装甲汽车

Antidepressant Antidepressant:防消沉药

Antibiotic Antibiotic 抗菌素 Kangjun shu | Antidepressant Antidepressant 防消沉药 Fang xiaochen yao | Antidote Antidote 解毒药 Jiedu yao

biting irony:意气消沉嘲暖讽

Necessity has no law.急不暇择 | biting irony:意气消沉嘲暖讽 | sugar:砂糖

Time bring down:时间使人消沉

Here in heaven 留在天堂 | Time bring down 时间使人消沉 | Time bend nees 时间使人屈服

A little demoralized. - Caesar demoralized:有点意志消沉 - 恺撒,意志消沉

Very...very weary,to be honest.|很...很疲倦,老实说 | - A little demoralized. - Caesar demoralized?|- 有点意志消沉 - 恺撒,意志消沉? | - Never.- His standard was stolen.|- 绝不会 - 他的军旗被偷了

despondingly:沮丧地; 意志消沉地 (副)

despondently 沮丧地; 意志消沉地 (副) | despondingly 沮丧地; 意志消沉地 (副) | despot 专制君主, 暴君 (名)

undercooling, supercooling:过意气消沉

2.3. 吸气 gas absorption | 2.4. 过意气消沉 undercooling, supercooling | 2.5. 过意气消沉度 degree of undercooling

cold-rolled coil:意气消沉轧带卷

拉坯机 withdrawal device | 意气消沉轧带卷 cold-rolled coil | 意气消沉轧钢 cold-rolled steel