英语人>词典>汉英 : 海龟 的英文翻译,例句
海龟 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
chelonian  ·  turtle  ·  turtling  ·  thalassian  ·  turtled  ·  turtles

sea turtle · green turtle
更多网络例句与海龟相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One young calf especially enjoyed raising a turtle to the surface with his snout and then shoving him across the tanklike an aquaplane.


For years, people who were aware of the Turtle story have assumed that there was only one female Turtle, Liz Cheval.


I saw a documentary about illegal turtle hunting which had a video of them being clubbed to death.


Largest of the hard-shelled turtles, the endangered loggerhead sea turtle can be found in all but the coldest ocean waters.


In another game, as the turtle swims across the oceanarium, the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly. This knocks the turtle down several feet. He no sooner recovers his equilibrium than the next porpoise comes along and hits him another crack. Eventually the turtle has been butted all the way down to the floor of the tank.


"Loads of people hate snappers," says snapper hunter John Rogers,"but they don't see the turtle underwater, where it is one beautiful majestic animal."

&很多人都不喜欢海龟,&海龟猎人John Rogers说道,&那是因为他们没有见过海龟在水下的样子,在那里它是如此的美丽庄严。&

The green sea turtle is threatened worldwide by overexploitation of eggs and adults.


To prevent a single environmental catastrophe from sending the turtles into extinction, eggs from remaining turtles, including an egg that became sea turtle No. 15, were brought here to Padre Island to begin a new colony.


Photo of the Day April 17, 2008 Baby Alligator Snapping Turtle, Florida, 1999 Photograph by George Grall A baby alligator snapping turtle in a Florida swamp perches on the outsize skull of a record-breaking ancestor.


Tortuga : Throughout the 17th Century, the Island of Tortuga was a hotspot for pirates who would use the island as a hideout.


更多网络解释与海龟相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


飞翔中的翼龙 鹦鹉螺(Orthocone) 利用触须来推动圆锥型身体喷气式的前进 利兹鱼(Leedsichthys) 40000颗牙齿过滤小动物 可能是最大的鱼 邓氏鱼(Dunkleosteus) 快速、强大并且乐于吃下所有东西 古海龟(Archelon) 这种巨大的海龟

homophone for "turtle:海龟"的同音词

4. hai gui pai--海龟派,海归的谐音 | 5. homophone for "turtle"--"海龟"的同音词 | 6. desperately--拼命地

Twilight Sea Turtle Features:海龟催眠

Twilight Sea Turtle Features海龟催眠: | Twilight Sea Turtle Features:海龟催眠灯特点: | Night sky projection on ceiling夜空的设计照在屋顶上

Caretta caretta:海龟科 Cheloniidae 蠵龟

凹甲陆龟 Manouria impressa Ⅱ | 海龟科 Cheloniidae 蠵龟 Caretta caretta Ⅱ | 海龟 Chelonia mydas Ⅱ


血清学研究也表明,玳瑁与蠵龟属(Caretta)和丽龟属(Lepidochelys)的亲缘关系较海龟属(Chelonia)近. 在菲律宾群岛中,玳瑁有多个已知的巢位,长滩岛(Boracay)上就曾发现过一些刚孵出的稚龟. 位于菲律宾群岛西南部的一小岛群已被命名为"海龟群岛",

Chelonia mydas:绿海龟

绿海龟(Chelonia mydas)是濒危物种,过去本港仅在5至7月,曾於南丫岛深湾发现有绿海龟产卵. 但去年9月,一只绿海龟却罕有地在大浪湾海滩产卵,渔护署检走部分海龟蛋并进行人工孵化,结果成功孵化了60只小海龟,计划当天气回暖便会放养小海龟,

Chelonia mydas:爬行类 海龟 绿海龟

蠵龟 Caretta caretta | 爬行类 海龟 绿海龟 Chelonia mydas | 棱皮龟 Dermochelys coriacea

Cheloniidae spp:海龟科所有种

海龟科 Cheloniidae | ★海龟科所有种 Cheloniidae spp. | 鳄龟科Chelydridae

Cheloniidae spp:海龟 海龟科所有种

泥龟 Dermatemys mawii | 海龟 海龟科所有种 Cheloniidae spp. | 蠵龟 Caretta caretta

Chelonia depressa Flatback turtle:平背海龟

(绿)海龟 Chelonia mydas Common green turtle | 平背海龟 Chelonia depressa Flatback turtle | 太平洋绿海龟 Cheloniaagassizii Pacific green turtle