英语人>词典>汉英 : 流苏 的英文翻译,例句
流苏 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fringe  ·  tassel  ·  tassels  ·  fringes  ·  tasseled  ·  tasseling  ·  tasselled  ·  tasselling  ·  edgings

更多网络例句与流苏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author checks "A synopsis of avifauna of China" and other data, and concludes that the bird is a new record of bird in Northeast China, it might be a vagrant.


The tassel that graduates transfer from one side of the cap to the other as a sign of their elevation is an outgrowth of the medieval biretta, a tufted square cap appropriated by undergraduates and schoolboys.


This piece's plot development for the around two parts, the first half description divorces many year Bai Liusu in Shanghai's maternal home full love brothers' and sisters-in-law's satire humiliation, latter half Bai Liusu to Hong Kong, has launched crosscut saw's-like love with loose prodigal son Zhou Runfa.


Tall widely distributed fringed gentian of eastern North America having violet-blue or white fringed flowers.


For assisting identification of crude drug Herba Dendrobii. Methods Morphological and histological studies were carried out on 11 medicinal plant roots in Dendrobium Sw. by microstructural observation. The 11 species were divided into three groups according to their stem morphology: a pair fleshy-stem group, including D. chrysanthum, D. crepidatum, D. primulinum, D. hercoglossum, and D. crystallium; b thick-and rigid-stem group, including D. fimbriatum and D. aurantiacum var. denneanum; c node-or inter- node- bulgy-stem group, including D. findlayanum, D. gratiosissimum, D. pendulum, and D. wardianum. The surface descriptions of velamen were conducted for D. fimbriatum and D. aurantiacum var. denneanum which are similar in characters of cross section.

方法利用形态组织学方法,对茎多肉质的束花石斛Dendrobium chrysanthum及其易混的玫瑰石斛D.crepidatum、报春石斛D.primulinum、重唇石斛D.hercoglossum、晶帽石斛D.crystallium;茎粗硬的流苏石斛D.fimbriatum及其易混的叠鞘石斛D.aurantiacumvar.denneanum;茎节或节间肿胀的棒节石斛D.findlayanum、杯鞘石斛D.gratiosissimum、肿节石斛D.pendulum和大苞鞘石斛D.wardianum共11种药用石斛根进行显微结构研究;对根横切面结构相似的流苏石斛和叠鞘石斛,配合进行了根被表面制片观察。

In the Sufei shop, has chocked up the belt tassels' Chinese type back cushion, silk fabrics wallet which the edge plate buckles, colored, has nearby the fine decoration meal the cloth, the plum blossom design assorted door knob sheath, embroiders the snowflake to decorate the heart shape Christmas which China ties to hang the decoration, the thick cotton material is the thick silk bolting spring teapot wrap, has the collar to have the gauze which or silk fabrics beverage bottle clothes the plate buckles, wraps in the fine gauze bag's lavandula spica, to scatter the plate which the candy resembles in the tray to take away the chopsticks wrap, has an unconventional idea paper matsyasana sunlight chimney, but also has each use attractive glassware, both tradition and modern age, is also antique warm refinedly.


Two Xylaria strains isolated from the stem of Dendrobium fimbiratum and leaf of Dendrobium brymerianum were identificated by morphology and molecular biology.


They have audaciously adjusted, in the name of "good taste," upon the wounds of gothic architecture, their miserable gewgaws of a day, their ribbons of marble, their pompons of metal, a veritable leprosy of egg-shaped ornaments, volutes, whorls, draperies, garlands,fringes, stone flames, bronze clouds, pudgy cupids, chubby-cheeked cherubim, which begin to devour the face of art in the oratory of Catherine de Medicis, and cause it to expire,two centuries later, tortured and grimacing, in the boudoir of the Dubarry.


Shiny,sequined tassels and $1 bills.

流苏 发亮的金片流苏和很多1美元小费

I like the white-fringed, in particular, like Zhang Ai-ling white tassels, like the Inter举手投足exciting show people the little woman; like in the eyes of Van Yanagihara white tassel,Is so perfect, gentle and yet strong, mature and yet delicate, yet bold and detailed, smart and yet simple, this kind of a woman described in Zhang Ailing's lives from the general, so that all the"people"wantto have.


更多网络解释与流苏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alberta Ferretti:编织感流苏上衣

Alberta Ferretti 编织感流苏上衣 | Marc Jacobs 单肩挎包 | Louis Vuitton 混搭材质夸张耳饰

purl edge:荷叶边;流苏边;绣边

"流苏;金银绉边;绣边","purl" | "荷叶边;流苏边;绣边","purl edge" | "平稜互织物;双反面针织物","purl fabric"


流苏树属木犀科(Oleaceae)流苏树属(Chionanthus)植物,全世界只有两种,一种产于北美,一种产于我国,朝鲜和日本也有分布. 其在我国南北各省都有分布,最北到达河北的北部山地,最南到达海南岛. 其散生于海拔3000米一下的混交林或灌丛种.

Chionanthus:毒灰木皮 流苏树皮

chiolite | 锥冰晶石 | chionanthus | 毒灰木皮 流苏树皮 | chionathin | 流苏树脂

Chionanthus retusus:流苏(流疏树)

木 犀 科 Oleaceae | 286. 流苏(流疏树) Chionanthus retusus | 287. 金鐘花 Forsythia viridissima Vahl.

Chionanthus retusus:{流苏}

Chionanthus retusa {炭粟树}{岩栗树}{流苏} | Chionanthus retusus {流苏} | Chionanthus setusa {流苏}

Chionanthus setusa:{流苏}

Chionanthus retusus {流苏} | Chionanthus setusa {流苏} | Chionanthus virginicus {美国流苏树}

Chionanthus brachythyrsus:白枝流苏树

950 伏地杜鹃 Chiogenes suborbicularis | 951 白枝流苏树 Chionanthus brachythyrsus | 952 长花流苏树 Chionanthus longiflorus

Philomachus Merrem:流苏鹬属

(100)阔咀鹬 L. falcinellus | 51.流苏鹬属 Philomachus Merrem | (101)流苏鹬 P. pugnax

Philomachus pugnax Ruff:流蘇鷸 流苏鹬

221 黃胸鷸 饰胸鹬 Tryngites subruficollis Buff-breasted Sandpiper | 222 流蘇鷸 流苏鹬 Philomachus pugnax Ruff | 223 紅領瓣足鷸 红颈瓣蹼鹬 Phalaropus lobatus Red-necked Phalarope