英语人>词典>汉英 : 流畅 的英文翻译,例句
流畅 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fluency  ·  liquidity  ·  mellifluence  ·  volubility

easy and smooth
更多网络例句与流畅相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Other disfluencies are associated with neuropathology such as the speech characteristics associated with apraxia, parkinsonism, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis and others.


The paper also involves the practical researches of flow experience in athletic sports and some other fields.


Movements in 3D spaces could only be displayed either jerkily or with minimal details a couple of years ago, but today flowing and quick movements in detailed sceneries are standard features.


The article introduces the general concept and major characteristics of flow state.

摘 要:介绍流畅心理状态的一般概念、流畅心理状态的主要特征以及国内外对于流畅心理状态研究的动态,并对当前对于流畅心理状态研究的现状进行简要的评述,旨在为我国运动心理学工作者更好地了解流畅心理状态的研究动态提供参考和借鉴。

Within word disfluencies such as sound or syllable repetitions, prolongations, disrhythmic phonations and tense pauses are more apt to be considered "stuttered" and represent a greater danger sign than disfluencies that occur in between words such as interjections, revisions, phrase repetitions and multisyllabic whole-word repetitions.


Third, according to canonical correlation, high confidence demonstrated a positive relationship with high concentration feedback and the moderate autotelic experience of flow experience. However, as players' somatic anxiety increased, they perceived lower flow experience in feedback and the autotelic experience.


For gender,four dimensions (Challenge-skills balance,Sense of control,Loss of self-consciousness,and Autotelic experience) ofdispositional flow and the total scores of men athletes were higher significantly thanthat of women athletes for Chinese samples;there was no significant difference forAmerican samples.


3Goal setting increased the occurrence of flow experience,especially on thedimensions of Action-awareness merging,Sense of control,Loss of self-consciousness,Autotelic experience,and the total for the dispositional flow,while onthe dimensions of Challenge-skills balance,Sense of control,Loss of self-consciousness,Autotelic experience,and the total for the state flow.


For competitive levels,there was significant difference on threedimensions (Total concentration on the task at hand,Sense of control,and Autotelicexperience) and the total for Chinese samples;the scores of expert athletes were lowerthan that 1st grade,2nd grade,and general athletes.There was also significant difference on three dimensions (Action-awareness merging,Unambiguous feedback,and Autotelic experience) and the total for American samples;the scores ofDivision-Ⅰathletes were lower than that Division-Ⅱathletes.


MyDesk 2.0 is the first really general visual and none-code programming system in the world. It can be used to create individuating and professional computer software without using computer languages.MyDesk 2.0 is a highly effective factory of software. A mass of standard ActiveX controls are its part fittings. Organizing and using different ActiveX controls reasonably, can carry out different actual applied functions, so it is a system with infinite extension.

这是使用MyDesk 2.0开发的多路摄像头监控系统,该产品可以流畅地同时接受 4 个摄像头的视频信息,如果有更多摄像头,可以在任意窗口随意选择没有被正在使用的摄像头,并且支持视频捕捉、截图等功能,录像保存为高质量的*。avi 文件,可用各种媒体播放或编辑工具打开,方便用户的二次编辑,图片则保存为*。jpg 文件,系统运行流畅,录像和图片质量高。

更多网络解释与流畅相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

affluently:富裕地, 流畅地

go to rack and ruin 被毁灭掉 | affluently 富裕地, 流畅地 | coferment 辅酶

A fluent aphasiac retrieves words:一个语言表达流畅的失语症患者

Now all we need is the English-Aphasiac dictionary.|现在我们需要的就... | A fluent aphasiac retrieves words|一个语言表达流畅的失语症患者 | that are stored somewhere close to the one he wants.|在组织词语...

C:Courante:舞曲,有法国式和意大利式两种. 前者强调高雅,后者强调流畅. 快速

A:Allemande舞曲,亦称作德国舞曲,因为那个词在法语中就是指德国的一... | C:Courante舞曲,有法国式和意大利式两种. 前者强调高雅,后者强调流畅. 快速. | O:Optional,只要不和其他乐章重复,可以任选一个舞曲作为这个乐...

bsp; C:Courante:舞曲,有法国式和意大利式两种. 前者强调高雅,后者强调流畅. 快速

bsp; C:Courante舞曲,有法国式和意大利式两种. 前者强调高雅,后者强调流畅. 快速. | O:Optional,只要不和其他乐章重复,可以任选一个舞曲作为这个乐章. 一般有一下... | Menuetto:小步舞曲,唯一保存到奏鸣套曲中的舞曲...


25 remiss 疏忽的 | 26 facile 容易的,流畅的 | 27 intangible 无形的

mit FluB:(德)流动地,流畅地

mit Feuer(德)如火地,火热地,热情洋溢地. | mit FluB(德)流动地,流畅地. | mit Freiem(德)自由地.


二、流畅(Fluidity)佳例样式古老的榆榻,大挖马蹄腿(Large C-Curved Legs)带有夸张的曲线牙板以媲美"螳螂肚"(Praying Mantis'S Belly)(图3). 然而我们不应只欣赏此榻个别的曲线,而是要能欣赏匠师以其娴熟的技术将这些曲线接合一起形成流畅生动的造型.

MIT Z-Cord:平衡中性.温润厚实,极具音乐性与流畅度

KimberKable PowerKord 纤细流畅.透明而又柔顺.形体感稍小. | MIT Z-Cord 平衡中性.温润厚实,极具音乐性与流畅度. | NBS Statement Pro 卓越的密度与重量感,沉稳持重,调性较暗但具韵味.


gliding 流畅的 | glidingly 流畅地 | glim 灯火


gliding /流畅的/滑顺的/滑行的/ | glidingly /流畅地/滑顺地/滑行地/ | glim /灯火/蜡烛/灯笼/些许/