英语人>词典>汉英 : 流弊 的英文翻译,例句
流弊 的英文翻译、例句


corrupt practices
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Yet, this objective view is not that of photography, overt realism or imitation; it contains a kind of difference arising from being outside of the city scene, a view addresses urban living and its abusiveness.

这 个客观的角度当然不是照相式的简单再现和复写,而是一种异在于城市景观之外,却又能够揭示和捕捉它的种种流弊的立场。

Working helps us to get over three evils -- living boringly, doing bad things and being poor.


For Africa's leaders, it hasbeen a shameful failure of morality and diplomacy, harming the region in everyway.


Shang Yang's works don't have the abuses of twiddling too much with form language, indulging too much in form factors like colors and lines, lacking connotation, which late west modernism authors are like .The essential reason is that Shang Yang is always concerned with life fervidly.


During the last five to ten years, beginning in the halcyon days of the late 1990's when, it seems, everyone was an internet or high tech millionaire on paper, Congress was amenable to bankruptcy reform to address real or perceived abuses.


Yet, noticeably, Xun Zi Thought enjoys some features of ruling and governance, including the characters of revering etiquettes and unifying institutions.


No inference is here intended, that the laws, provided by the State against false and defamatory publications, should not be enforced; he who has time, renders a service to public morals and public tranquillity, in reforming these abuses by the salutary coercions of the law; but the experiment is noted, to prove that, since truth and reason have maintained their ground against false opinions in league with false facts, the press, confined to truth, needs no other legal restraint; the public judgment will correct false reasonings and opinions, on a full hearing of all parties; and no other definite line can be drawn between the inestimable liberty of the press and its demoralizing licentiousness.


Although there are laws designed to protect consumers, there isa sufficient number of law enforcers to cover all the abuses of the marketplace.


Although there are laws designed to protect consumers, there is not a sufficient number of law enforcers to cover all the abuses of the marketplace.


Although there are laws designed to protect consumers, there is not a sufficient number of law enforcers to cover all the abuses of the marketplace.
