英语人>词典>汉英 : 波动 的英文翻译,例句
波动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fluctuation  ·  panting  ·  popple  ·  undulate  ·  undulating  ·  undulation  ·  wave  ·  waving  ·  poppled  ·  popples  ·  poppling  ·  undulates  ·  waves  ·  fluctuations  ·  oscillations  ·  wampish

wave motion · wave propagation
更多网络例句与波动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Autoregressive Process, a useful tool in time-series models, is used in this thesis to demonstrate features of price fluctuation in international oil markets and to find out what causes such fluctuation.


Then, the differential equations are solved by the Fourier expanding and Hankel integral transform method. Integral solutions of soil skeleton displacements and pore pressure as well as the total stresses for poroelastic media are obtained. Furthermore, a systematic study on Lamb's problems in transversely isotropic saturated half-space is performed. Integral solutions for surface radial, vertical and tangentical displacements are obtained both in the case of drained surface and in the case of undrained surface excited by vertical and tangentical harmonic resources respectively. Numerical results show the obvious difference between the model of isotropic saturated poroelastic media and that of transversely isotropic saturated poroelastic media.


This paper analyze and study the influence of the superimposition in depth based on the previous achievements and combined with the theoretical qualitative analysis and project instances. The main contents as follow:Chapter 1: Indicate the significance and objective of this paper, review the previous achievements of the transient process and superimposition, and then present the study purpose of this paper.Chapter 2: combined with the physic knowledge of the fluctuation and the superimposition, Indicate the physical essences and the influence of the superimposition phenomena that exist in the diversion pipe system, and take one hydraulic turbine owning only one diversion tunnel and two hydraulic turbines sharing one tailrace conduit for instance to study out the numerical calculation superimpose operations.Chapter 3: From the calculation theory of the parameter of the guaranty calculation of regulation of the hydro-turbine, qualitative analyze the influence of the superimposition on them and the superpose time, combined with some project instances, get the numerical value of the influence of the superimposition and the superpose time.Chapter 4: Based on the previous achievements of the calculation and theoretical analysis of the surge-chamber ground swell, analyze the influence of the superimposition on it and the superpose time.


Theobserved strain is 10~2 times as local point strain at the same observed stress.This indicates that macroscopical symmetrical rock is quasi-brittle materialwith microcosmic heterogeneousness and its macroscopical mechanicalbehavior is the results of reciprocity and magnification between microcosmiccharacteristic, not simple sum.(4) The degree of irregularity of strain increases with the number of cycle.But degree of irregularity of transverse strain fluctuates larger at the samecycle. Moreover degree of irregularity of transverse strain is larger than that ofaxial strain. This shows that deformation and failure of rock is process ofevolvement of small crack. Small crack evolves from even and out-of-orderstatus to heterogeneous and ordinal status.(5) Ultrasonic speed decreases with the number of cycle. The decreasecourse is such: Firstly, ultrasonic speed fluctuates in a steady scope in somecycles; And then ultrasonic speed quickly decreases to a certain more smallvalue; Afterwards in succedent cycles, ultrasonic speed fluctuates about thevalue. That is to say, ultrasonic speed fluctuates and decreases at intervals ofcycles. In deformation process of rock, quantitative change and qualitativechange of its small crack evolvement carry through crosswise.(6) Strength and modulus of rock decrease with exponential function asscale of specimens increases.


They are as following: to establish the selection method of the slaving designed quality functions according to the interrelationship among designed quality functions; to construct the measurement functions of the optimality robustness with the hypersurface characteristics around the current iterative point of designed quality functions.


You may learn the rhythm more quickly as you champing silently as you practice: pulse-pulse and recover-pulse-pulse and pull-pulse-pulse and recover.


This paper is composed of four parts: the first part is the exordium and explain the developing trend of researches of exchange rate volatility, the second part introduce the data that used in this article and describe the character of the object, the third part simulate the daily exchange rate of the ShangHai Stock Composite Price Index with ARCH models, the fourth part forecast the volatility of the daily exchange rate.

全文共分为四个部分:第一部分阐述了关于收益率波动研究的发展趋势,并总结了国内外基于ARCH 模型的一些实证研究成果;第二部分介绍了本文研究所使用的数据及处理方法,并对该数据的统计特征进行描述;第三部分引入ARCH 族模型对上证指数的日收益率序列进行拟合研究,通过拟合不同的模型揭示了日收益率波动过程中条件异方差的波动特征,定量的刻画了收益率波动的不确定性;第四部分将拟合的模型应用于对收益率波动的预测,分别从定性预测和定量预测两个角度介绍ARCH 族模型的应用实例。

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The complexity of bodywork decides variety of it's error. The station and primary factor which cause error is inconstant change and using correlation analysis can find out the primary factor. With an project given, the theory of correlation analysis for dimension variation of bodywork is discussed through correlation analysis and the layer structure of the bodywork,the state in which the error happened can be found out. How to use eigenva...


The results of research are as follows: there is a weak cointegration between the two varieties in the long run and it can adjust the unbalance of the price fluctuation in the short run; it makes a stronger effect on Hard White Winter Wheat than on Strong Gluten Wheat; the price fluctuations of Hard White Winter Wheat and Strong Gluten Wheat are both affected by their lagged ones in the short run.


更多网络解释与波动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fluctuate i:变动, 波动, 涨落, 上下, 动摇 t. 使动摇, 使波动, 使起伏

607. florid adj. 华丽的, 红润的, 炫耀的, 绚丽的 | 608. fluctuate i. 变动, 波动, 涨落, 上下, 动摇 t. 使动摇, 使波动, 使起伏 | 609. forceps n. 镊子, 钳子

economic fluctuation:经济波动 Economic fluctuation 经济波动

126 1 Economic cycle 经济周期 Economic cycle 经济周期 | 127 1 Economic fluctuation 经济波动 Economic fluctuation 经济波动 | 128 1 Economic miracle 经济奇迹 Economic miracle 经济奇迹

economic fluctuation:经济波动,经济波动

economic fertility 经济肥力,经济肥力 | economic fluctuation 经济波动,经济波动 | economic force 经济力量,经济力量

price fluctuation:股价波动

转矩波动:Torque fluctuation | 股价波动:Price fluctuation | 年际波动:annual fluctuation

seasonal fluctuation:季节波动

年际波动:annual fluctuation | 季节波动:seasonal fluctuation. | 金融波动:Finance fluctuation

Implied Volatility:隐含波动率

在实际操作过程中,除了用已知派生证券的价格和其定价公式倒推"隐含波动率"(Implied Volatility)之外,一个常用的方法是用标的股票历史的波动率来替代将来派生证券存续期标的股票的波动率.

nonsymmetry fluctuation:非对称性波动

经济周期波动:Economic Periodic Fluctuation | 非对称性波动:nonsymmetry fluctuation | 股价波动效应:Stock Price Fluctuation Effect


(图2)还有一种得以成功应用的精益敏捷集成策略是被称为"基础"(base)与"波动"(surge)需求分离法. 此策略是将需求类型分为"基础"需求与"波动"需求(Gattorna与Waiters,1996)两类其中"基础"需求可根据历史数据预测而"波动"需求则不可预测.

undulatory:波动的 波动的 波形的

undulationperiod 波动周期 | undulatory 波动波动的 波形的 | undulatoryextinction 波动消光

wavemark:波动 - 波动刻印

├ waveeye 波动 - 波动眼(觉醒) | ├ wavemark 波动 - 波动刻印 | ├ wavespinarea 波动 - 不动明王阵