英语人>词典>汉英 : 油炸食物 的英文翻译,例句
油炸食物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fries  ·  fry  ·  frying

更多网络例句与油炸食物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Next time you are craving fried food such as a beef burger why not replace this with a slice of grilled, lean beef on brown bread?


It would be easy for my family to acclimate, but I like draining fried foods on paper towels.


To leave, I said good-bye and reminded him to eat his burg er and fries while


When I was getting ready to leave, I said good-bye and reminded him to eat his burg er and fries while they were still warm.


If you want to lose weight,you should go easy on the fried foods.


Don't eat too much fried food. It's not good for your health.


I love sushi, i love noodles, i love tempura, i love beef szechuan.


The too sweet farcing can let your energy excess, nighttime's eating to fry in oil food be not a good idea either.


An excellent melting ingredient for all kind of recipes: raw in salads, fried as a side dish, cooked in pies or even caramelized combining sweet and sour notes.


When you're sick, your parents tell you not to eat fried foods


更多网络解释与油炸食物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

b)be used to doing:习惯于

Wood and cloth are used to make paper.木和布被用来做纸. | b)be used to doing 习惯于 | I am used to eating fried food.我习惯吃油炸的食物.

feed off:靠......为生

fatty and fried food 肥腻和油炸的食物 | feed off 靠......为生 | fiber n .纤维

deep fryer:油炸锅

适用於油炸食物.263.(O) 冻薯条(French fries) 须解冻即可油炸.264.(X) 油炸锅(Deep fryer)之炸油未达需要温 时即可置入食物油炸,

get addicted to:上瘾

fry n.油炸食物 | get addicted to 上瘾 | get-together n.聚会

measuring cup:杯

不适用於油炸食物.(X)51 油炸锅(Deep Fryer)之炸油未达需要温度时即可置入食物油炸,不影响品质.(X)70 标准计量杯(Measuring Cup) 一杯是等於10盎司(Ounce) .(O)78 回风烤箱(Convention Oven)烹调时箱内温度较一致,

sirloin steak:沙朗牛排

1-3月4-6月7-9月10-12月(4)583 沙朗牛排(Sirloin Steak)是牛体的哪一部位?前腿部腹部后腿部背肌部. (3)588 下列何种油脂适用於油炸食物?沙拉油花生油酥油(Shortening)牛油. (3)590 粉(Breaded)炸食物的裹衣通常有几层处理?一层二层三层四层.

Avoid food colorings:避免食物色彩

Cut fried foods by 90%.油炸食品减少了90%. | Avoid food colorings.避免食物色彩. | For breakfast serve high protein, low carbohydrate meals.早餐服务高蛋白、低碳水化合物膳食.

fried fishcake, fried kamaboko:[油]炸鱼糕

[油]炸鱼条 fried fish stick | [油]炸鱼糕 fried fishcake, fried kamaboko | 油炸食物 fried food

fried kamaboko, fried fishcake:[油]炸鱼糕

油炸食物 fried food | [油]炸鱼糕 fried kamaboko, fried fishcake | 炒面[条] fried noodle

Cut fried foods by 90:油炸食品减少了90

No processed meats.无肉加工. | Cut fried foods by 90%.油炸食品减少了90%. | Avoid food colorings.避免食物色彩.