英语人>词典>汉英 : 汇集 的英文翻译,例句
汇集 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
influx  ·  marshal  ·  marshaled  ·  marshalled  ·  marshals

更多网络例句与汇集相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To have all the artist ' s words together with all those images is like being given a pair of super-special 3D spectacles.

汇集这位艺术家的语言,配上他的图画,犹如一幅别具一格的3D 全景。

Chinese suppliers (www.china.cn) supply of Manila hemp pulp, sisal pulp, providing Manila hemp pulp, sisal pulp detail, a collection of abaca pulp, sisal pulp of many suppliers, buyers, manufacturers .


Through whom you are transferring your rights. The transferee must then complete and sign the registration application form and lodge this PAL intact together with a remittance for the full amount payable on acceptance


The latent capacity of Alpha platform results from a fact, be about to the data set assemble of extraordinary at certain place, the means assemble that can operate according to Mathematica.


In this paper, about how to realize the wired television bi-directional HFC network technical problems of " the collecting disturbance" and "collecting equalization" were presented because of using the co-axial cable as transmission medium of the branch and going-to-some place by distribution have been solved, and beginning with the noise disturbance analysis, some methods and countermeasures of reforming and settling the problem have been put forward using part of experimental data and theoretic calculation .


The integer 62 953(see Fig.4-1)could be seen as a collection of digits stored on the page in a left-to-right order.Each digit一6,2,9,5,and 3一could either be considered to be atomic or be viewed as collections of dots of ink(suppose we are using a dot-matrix printer).

整数62 953(见图4-1)可以看成是一个储存在本页上,由一组按从左到右排列的数字汇集,每位数字(6、2、9、5和3)既可以看成是原子,也可以看成墨点汇集(假设我们使用点阵打印机)。

The enhancement of conductivity is due to the local concentration of equipotential lines when conductive current is dominant at high frequencies.


Feed Readers, also commonly known as RSS readers, blog readers, feed readers, aggregators, feed aggregators or news readers, is a software or service that retrieves syndicated Web content that is supplied in the form of a web feed (RSS, Atom, RDF and other XML formats), and that are published by weblogs, podcasts, vlogs, and mainstream mass media websites, and provides a consolidated view of the content in a single browser display or desktop application.

饲料读者,也俗称的RSS阅读器,博客读者,饲料读者,信息汇集,饲料汇集或新闻的读者,是一个软件或服务撷取集团的网页内容,就是在供应的形式,一个Web饲料( RSS的原子, RDF的和其他XML格式),并且是公布的博客,播客, vlogs ,和主流传媒的网站,并提供一个综合的看法的内容在一个单一的浏览器显示或桌面应用程序。

Bringing together the stock markets of four European countries (Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Portugal), the NYSE Euronext European platform is Europe's largest exchange by market capitalization of its listed companies and by trading volumes on the central orderbook: a model that concentrates market liquidity to achieve the best prices for buyers and sellers of stocks.


At present, the file that we receive from either the staff or OA who deliver to the filing room that need to be opened or archive, the filing clerk will open or archive the file right away.


更多网络解释与汇集相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

data accumulation:数据汇集

data access 数据存取 | data accumulation 数据汇集 | data area 数据区


collecting well 集油井 | collecting 收集的汇集的 | collection 托收单

Transmission Convergence:传输汇集(子层)

TAST 时间分配话音插空技术 Time Assignment by Speech Interpolation | TC 传输汇集(子层) Transmission Convergence | TCP 传输控制协议 Transmission Control Protocol

Diagonal ribs allow fat to drain away preventing pooling on the cooking surface:对角线肋骨,让脂肪排出,防止汇集于煮食表面

Use one side as a griddle and t... | Diagonal ribs allow fat to drain away preventing pooling on the cooking surface对角线肋骨,让脂肪排出,防止汇集于煮食表面 | Square shape, single-burner design make it...

formulate alternatives:可行方案汇集

formulary 公式汇编 | formulate alternatives 可行方案汇集 | formulate 列出


2. decreed 分布法令 | 3. influx 汇集,流入(人口或物) | 4. census taker 人口调查员

omnibus account:客户汇集综合账户

Ombudsman 申诉专员 | omnibus account 客户汇集综合账户 | on-exchange transaction 场内交易



That heaven's air in this huge rondure hems:汇集成骈俪、骄人的比照

With April's first-born flowers, and all things rare 环宇中天空的所... | That heaven's air in this huge rondure hems. -汇集成骈俪、骄人的比照. | O! let me, true in love, but truly write, 且让我真写吧,让...

field sales force:销售意见汇集法

集体讨论法 jury of executives | 销售意见汇集法 field sales force | 移动平均法 moving average