英语人>词典>汉英 : 求值子 的英文翻译,例句
求值子 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与求值子相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That is,the truth value of an implication compound proposition is just the compatibleness degree of the actual implication degree or implication rate between its sub-propositions with the language value that describes the feature of implication relation in this compound proposition.


The key technique in the MUSIC algorithm is the signal subspace extraction which can be found from the eigen decomposition of the sample covariance matrix of the antenna receive signal. The eigen value decomposition of a Hermitian matrix is implemented by using the QR algorithm, and the signal subspace is constituted by collecting the significant eigen vectors.


To solve this problem, an algorithm which can adaptively determine the double thresholds based on gradient histogram and minimum interclass variance and improve Canny operator was proposed. Theory and experiments show that the proposed algorithm is effective and correct.


By means of the numerical methods, the root of the resonance frequency equation is solved, and by means of Ansys software and the finite element method, the torsional vibration mode of the thin ring is analyzed, and the academic value and the simulant value of the resonance frequency are compared.


The left singular vector of the projection has been tracked by the projection approximation subspace tracking algorithm. Then the modal parameters are obtained by least square method. At last an experiment is made using a cantilever beam to prove the efficiency and stability of the method by changing the frequency band of the exciting signal.


The numerical calculation commonly used for the Delphi process more than 100, including solutions of linear algebraic equations, interpolation, numerical integration, special, function approximation, eigenvalue problems, data fitting equation Root and solve nonlinear equations, functions and the extreme optimization, statistical data description, Fourier transform spectra, solution of ordinary differential equations reconciliation partial differential equations.


Stack will be the first to use infix form of the formula into the form of the suffix and then form the basis of the suffix from the beginning of leaf nodes corresponding binary tree structure Finally after by traversal of the tree, and the value of the subtree, that is, for every arrival a node, the value of its sub-tree has been calculated, when the reach the root node, the obtained value is the formula of true value.


First,the determinant is regarded as a function of or- der n and denoted by D;Second,the determinant is expanded by row or by column,then the relation in both of Dand subdeterminants will be examined in details to set up certain a recursion,generally speaking,it must be a homogenous or a non homogenous recursion;fi- nally the coefficients of the general solution are found out with the aid.

给出了用递归关系方法求任意 n 阶行列式的值的一般方法:首先,把已知的 n 阶行列式看作为阶数 n 的一个函数,记为 D;其次,按行或按列展开这个行列式,并仔细观察存在于余子式及 D里的关系,建立关于 D的某一递归关系,此关系总为一个齐次的或非齐次的递归关系;最后,借助于 D(0)、D(1)和D(2)等求出递归关系的通解的系数。

The crossover operation in the traditional GA operating is that choose two chromosome cross only at random also you can cross a bit, match and cross partly, cross order and cross cycle etc.


The crossover operation in the traditional GA operating is that choose two chromosome cross only at random also you can cross a bit, match and cross partly, cross order and cross cycle etc.


更多网络解释与求值子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


~(match) 在 AWK 之涵意简述如下 :的子字符串; 若含有该成立(true) 则执行其对应的 Actions.之前所介绍的各种 Patterns, 其计算(evaluation)后结果为一逻辑值上式利用&& (and) 将两个 Pattern 求值的结果合并成一个逻辑值.当AWK读入的资料列使得 Pattern1 成立时,

interpolation problem:插值问题

算子插值 interpolation of operators | 插值问题 interpolation problem | 插值求积公式 interpolation quadrature formula