英语人>词典>汉英 : 求值 的英文翻译,例句
求值 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与求值相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Specifically, if the first disjoin of an or is true, the value of that disjoin becomes the value of the expression, without evaluating the rest; if the first conjoin of an and is false, its value likewise becomes the value of the whole expression.

具体地说,如果 or 表达式的左边部分为 true,那么就不用对其他部分进行求值了,这部分的值直接成为整个表达式的值了;如果 and 表达式的左边部分为 false,那么同样这部分的值也是直接成为整个表达式的值了。

Partial evaluation plays a very important role in software optimization,while incremental computation is a technique for avoiding duplicative computation.


This article introduces some new methods, which utilize the own specialties and integral characters in Laplace transform to solve some special types of infinite integral. For example,,.


The objective of this study is aimed at the implementation of parallelized numerical quadrature routines. The algorithm we choose for numerical quadrature routines is the so called "Adaptive Romberg Tree integration scheme"(abbr."ARTint") proposed by Lin et. al.[1997]. This numerical quadrature scheme can arrange the function evaluation points adaptively in accordance with characteristic of the trend of variation in integrand function values. When the accuracy of the numerical quadrature value is requested to be increased, a newer and larger set of function evaluation points must be incurred. The main advantage of ARTint method is the inclusion of all function evaluation points used in previous stages. It is this feature of ARTint method that makes it a quadratue scheme with prominent computation efficiency.


Polynomials, for arbitrary time derivative, right after the value given ex...


Polynomials, for arbitrary time derivative, right after the value given expression is evaluated.


These EJB components are distributed to diffent computers, and the workflow engines execute distributedly.


Thus, in an unparenthesized sequence of power and unary operators, the operators

因此, 在一个没有额外括号的幂运算符和一元运算符序列中,求值会从右至左进行(这点对操作数本身的求值顺序没有影响):-1**2 会计算为-1 。

The value of a function call is the value returned by the called function except in a virtual function call if the returned type of the final overrider is different from the return type of the statically chosen function,...


Polynomials, for arbitrary time derivative, right after the value given expression is evaluated.


更多网络解释与求值相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

algebraic number:代数数

ial 2) 在代数数(或者函数)域求值 命令格式: evala(expr); # 对表达式或者未求值函数求值 evala(expr,opts); #求值时可加选项(opts) 所谓代数数(Algebraic number)就是整系数单变量多项式的根, 其范围比有理数大, 真包含 于实数域,

evaluation of arithmetic expression:算術表式求值

"引数下标求值","evaluation of argument subscript" | "算术表式求值","evaluation of arithmetic expression" | "指定叙述求值","evaluation of assignment statement"

constrained maximization:局限下求取最大值

constant returns to scale 規模回報不變 | constrained maximization 局限下求取最大值 | constrained optimization 局限下求取最優情況

eager evaluation:急式求值

dependent type 依值型別 | eager evaluation 急式求值 | evaluation 求值


而C/C++语言的表达式中由于++, --等运算符的介入,表达式求值(evaluation)可能导致参与计算的变量本身的值发生改变. 这便产生了副作用.


evaluative 可估价的 | evaluator 求值程序 | evanesce 消散

expression evaluator:表达式求值器,在这里调用对象的函数

11.Time Line Editor:时间线编辑器 | 12.Step-Through Editor:步进编辑器,没有实用价值. | 13.Expression Evaluator:表达式求值器,在这里调用对象的函数.


求积公式[的]余项|remainder of quadrature formula | 求极大[值]|maximizing | 求极小[值]|minimizing


求极大[值]|maximizing | 求极小[值]|minimizing | 求体积|cubature

evaluation of predicates:述詞求值

"混合模式表式求值","evaluation of mixed mode expression" | "述词求值","evaluation of predicates" | "下标引数求值","evaluation of subscript argument"