英语人>词典>汉英 : 水泥的 的英文翻译,例句
水泥的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
concrete  ·  concreted  ·  concretes

更多网络例句与水泥的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Its mesmeric 催眠术的,使人迷惑的 steel frame, 41,875 tonnes in all, loops,swoops and swirls 打漩,盘绕 over and around the great, red, concrete91,000-seat arena.


In recent years, has invested more than 1000 million, for the production of technical transformation and new product development, conducted a road portland cement, sulfur cement, oil well cement production experiment.


Through electron micrograph, sepiolite is found to have net fiber structure shaped by straw bundle.


Basic experiments prove the possibility of composite of high silica belite aluminosulphate cement and blastfurnace slag , and at the same time discusses the composite mechanism.


Micronucleus test results exhibited that significant differences in micronuclear rates were determined between 0.4 mL bone cement and 0.4 mL microsphere-coated bone cement groups and negative control group, but no significant difference was detected among other groups. This revealed that this microsphere-coated bone cement leaching liquor did not show significant cell heredity toxic effects. Nevertheless, microsphere-coated bone cement in the high concentration and high dosage groups exhibited low toxic effects, mainly showing increased hemolysis rate and micronuclear rate. Thus, it was necessary to control the dosage and concentration of microsphere-coated bone cement.

微核实验结果显示除0.4 mL骨水泥组和0.4 mL微球骨水泥组的微核率与阴性对照组差异有显著性意义,其余各组差异无显著性意义,说明该微球骨水泥的浸提液无明显细胞遗传毒性作用,但是高浓度和高剂量组的微球骨水泥仍有较低的毒性作用,主要表现为溶血率和微核率的提高,因此在应用时要适当控制微球骨水泥的剂量和浓度。

ABSTRACT Purpose By adding additives in carbonated hydroxyapatite cement to increase its rheology to prepare injectable carbonated hydroxyapatite cement.(1) Test the physicochemistry characteristics of ICHA cement.(2) Evaluate the biocompatibility of ICHA cement.(3) Biomechanieal appreciation of ICHA cement used in distal radius fracture.(4) Study the mechanical stability, degradation and bone formation ability of ICHA cement used in goat lateral tibial plateau compression fracture.

目的 在碳酸化羟基磷灰石(Carbonated hydroxyapatite,CHA)水泥原位固化基础上进行改性研究,通过改变其流变学特性,达到具有良好注射性能的可注射性碳酸化羟基磷灰石(Injectable carbonated hydroxyapatite,ICHA)水泥,为骨科的微创治疗提供新方法:(1)制备ICHA水泥,完成理化性质的检测;(2)进行ICHA水泥的生物相容性评价;(3)探讨ICHA水泥在桡骨远端骨折应用的生物力学固定强度;(4)研究ICHA水泥在实验性大动物胫骨平台压缩性骨折中应用的力学稳定性、降解性能及成骨性能。

Theoretical analysis on three series of cements, i. e. Portland cement, high alumina cement and sulpho-aluminous cement, shows that alkalinity of the pore fluid of the balanced hydration product of sulpho-aluminous cement is the lowest, and its strength and alkalinity can be adjusted further by the adjustment of its components.


The composite Portland cement for the road concrete project by adding fine fly ash and ground steel slag into the cement was studied by means of lots of test,and the properties such as flexural strength,abrasive resistance,shrinkage and crack resistance of the composite cement were improved.


They used limestone of different quality and large-fluctuant-range waste stone in proportion and substituted a part of clay with clay stone to produce cement. And the physical performance of the produced Portland cement was improved greatly-28 d strength increased from 50.4MPa to 54.5MPa, and output of the rotary kiln increased. Moreover, the company also tried to use green shale as admixture to produce compound cement and successfully produced compound Portland cement with a little low early strength and a little higher 28d strength than slag Portland cement. And the cement cost decreased 19.59 yuan per ton.

将CaO含量波动范围较宽的废石与不同品位石灰石按比例搭配使用,将其粘土质特性的废石替代部分粘土生产;而且生产的硅酸盐水泥熟料物理性能有较大提高,28d强度由原来的50.4 MPa提高到54.5 MPa,窑产量也有一定的提高;此外,该公司还进行了将绿色页岩作混合材生产复合水泥的生产探索,成功生产出了早期强度略低,但28d强度略高于矿渣硅酸盐水泥的复合硅酸盐水泥,且使水泥生产成本降低19.59元/t。

Investment project of municipal government of Tongliao Trade: building material industry No: 028 Project name Unique cement producing line Cooperation Mode Joint-venture cooperation individual Sum- mary Products Scheme Scale of Operation Forecasting Scales The need of cement is balanced at present, but the special cement (white cement, cement for dam, cement for road) of it is hard-to-get, the condition of it is advanced, the resources of the limestone for producing cement is one billion in Kulun County, and the calcium percentage is over 53%. The resource for producing cement of it will be one hundred million tons in the zone of project. The traffic and electricity power system for the project is plenty.

通辽市人民政府招商引资项目行业:建材 No:028 项目名称特制水泥生产合作方式合资、合作、独资均可项目概述产品方案经营规模销售预测目前,水泥市场呈供求平衡态势,但特种水泥(白水泥、大坝水泥、道路水泥)供应偏紧,而且对原材料的要求极高,库伦旗境内用于生产水泥的石灰石储量达10亿吨,CaC含量达53%以上,项目区符合生产特种水泥的石灰石储量达亿吨以上,项目区内交通便利,电力供应充足。

更多网络解释与水泥的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be acceptable to:对......是可以接受的

227)cement truck 运水泥的卡车,水泥车 | 228)be acceptable to 对......是可以接受的 | 230)model 原型,型号


cemented up 注完水泥;管材内壁的水泥 | cemented 注水泥的;渗碳的 | cementer 灌浆装置;粘结剂;固井公司;固井队工人


cementation 胶结 | cemented 灌水泥的 | cementer 水泥工

portland cement:硅酸盐水泥

硅酸盐水泥(Portland cement) 是以硅酸钙为主要矿物组成的水泥的统称,国际上统称为波特兰水泥. 这类水泥包括不掺或掺有混合材料的各种硅酸盐水泥,中国按其混合材料的掺加情况,共分为如下五类.

white portland cement:白色水泥

装饰水泥指白色水泥(White Portland cement)和彩色水泥(Colored Portland cement). 硅酸盐水泥的颜色主要由氧化铁引起. 当氧化铁含量在3%~4%时,熟料呈暗灰色;在0.45%~0.7%时,带淡绿色;而降低到0.35%~0.40%后,接近白色. 因此,


cementite 渗碳体 | cementitious 似水泥的 | cementum 牙骨质


Cement 水泥 | Cementitious 水泥的 | Certificate 证明,证明书


ultrasonographer 超声波检查仪 | uncemented 非水泥的、非凝固的 | ureteral 输尿管的

The Well-Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty:采用骨水泥的全髋关节成形术

The Sentinel Lymph Node Concept 前哨淋巴结 | The Well-Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty采用骨水泥的全髋关节成形术 | Three-Dimensional Cephalometry三维测颅法 彩色图谱与手册

soft shoulder:軟肩膀? 那是公路邊上沒鋪水泥的地方

chicken wire 雞做的電線? 是鐵血網啦 | soft shoulder 軟肩膀? 那是公路邊上沒鋪水泥的地方 | live hand to mouth 賺得剛夠糊口,過著沒有隔夜糧的生活