英语人>词典>汉英 : 水平思考 的英文翻译,例句
水平思考 的英文翻译、例句


lateral thinking
更多网络例句与水平思考相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first part is the author"s special viewpoint about the thinking ability, such as the meaning, the essence, the classification and the operating process. The second part describes the relations between developing thinking ability and the urgent needs of country, society and individual development from five aspects. The third part is about the connection and differences of thinking ability, intelligence, ability, creativity and the constructivism theory. The forth part analyses the teachers" nine injudicious actions that will influence the students" thinking ability. The fifth part discusses the students" seven bad learning behaviors that will cause the degradation of thinking ability. The sixth part is about the unsuitable policies or actions adopted by school, society or family that will cause the degradation of the students" thinking ability. The seventh part discusses the countermeasures that can maintain and develop the students" thinking ability. The eighth part brings forward twelve countermeasures that can exercise the student"s thinking ability in chemistry teaching. The last part gives a brief account of the task.The author expects that this article can enhance the coteries" attention to the students thinking ability.


Lateral thinking can be learned, and Dr.


Therefore, humor has the same basis as creativity and lateral thinking.


He has written 15 books of lateral thinking puzzles and hosts the lateral puzzles forum.


Paul Sloane is an author and speaker on leadership, innovation and lateral thinking.

Paul Sloane是一个在领导、创新和水平思考方面的作家和演讲家。

They need Lateral Thinking.


De Bono has created several techniques to help you apply lateral thinking to problem solving and idea generation.


Australian institutions develop creative, analytical and lateral thinking – and individuality.


Through the widly use of in-direction selected topic tacic, mainly develop the explore ability while making mistakes. According to investigation and study, it may help develop the self-thinking ability of the students and also the practise level, team work spirit, the sense of responsibility; Many faced and mutually worked evaluatation tactic is a negation for traditionnal evaluatation, it is good for the establish of newly relationship between teachers and students also students themselves, it may help the rising of students'study level and their self-confident, then the perfect of oneself. I hope this text will have some teahing reference for teachers, thus this text would have little help for the implementation of Chinese comprehensiveness studing.


Based on the high standard sports of Texas University, USA, this paper intents to probe into the following aspects: How does the PE Teaching of American Universities develop a very high standard sports team with all dimensions while keeping high standard universal education; The teaching mode: high standard sports brings abundant sponsorship and donation which conversly stimulate the flourishment of PE teaching.


更多网络解释与水平思考相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他们将他们赶兴趣的社会热点问题都融入到了课堂中,在他们的幻灯片中提到了文身(tatoo),减肥(lose weight),健身(body building)等热门话题. 思维阻塞是指思维主体或囿于旧框框或限于知识水平,对所思考的问题不理解而"欲进不能",


swap data 交换资料 | elaterin [化]西洋苦瓜素 | lateral thinking 水平思考

Later Han:东汉

水平思考 lateral thinking | 东汉 Later Han | 满头大汗地 in a lathered sweat

Lateral Thinking:水平思考

他原创了"水平思考"(Lateral Thinking)这一概念,被收入权威的>. 他出版了62本书,这些书已经被译成37种文字. 在因特网上,涉及他的信息已超过了4000000条. 离开中国万里之遥泰晤士河畔的伊顿公学(Eton)是世界上最著名的私立中学之一,


一个在创造性团队中工作并管理这样团队的管理者所能采取的最有效的改进创新的策略,是要求人们以相当不同的方式来思考组织的设计及创造力. 我的论点是聚焦于创造力的"种类"(type)比创造力的"水平"(level)更有益. 这可能需要进一步的解释才能让人明白.

lose weight:减肥

他们将他们赶兴趣的社会热点问题都融入到了课堂中,在他们的幻灯片中提到了文身(tatoo),减肥(lose weight),健身(body building)等热门话题. 思维阻塞是指思维主体或囿于旧框框或限于知识水平,对所思考的问题不理解而"欲进不能",

Achieve Professionalism:达到职业水平

Reverse Thinking 逆向思考 | Achieve Professionalism 达到职业水平 | Celebration:感恩與慶祝

Wishful thinking:愿望式思考

两性的差别在于:在女性,不良的应对策略和过多的愿望式思考(wishful thinking)与8-OH-dG的水平呈正相关;在男性,个体的8-OH-dG的水平与其在职业问题中的自我评价有密切联系,如研究发现,经常自责的男性的8-OH-dG的水平较高.

prerecorded tape:预录磁带

acline 水平地层(未经褶皱的) | prerecorded tape 预录磁带 | independent thinking 独立思考

law enforcement agent:执法官

lateral thinking:水平思考 | law enforcement agent:执法官 | learned:博学;精通某门学问