英语人>词典>汉英 : 水平击球 的英文翻译,例句
水平击球 的英文翻译、例句


horizontal stroke
更多网络例句与水平击球相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tungsten metal at the bottom of the design, leading-edge design of a lower technological level of different players can be hit more easily to the sweet spot, as at the same time, double ball design to ensure that the club and ball touch the grass, so as to achieve a more successful hit .


Plumber-Neck The plumber-neck is characterized by a horizontal bend just below where the end of the shaft and the hosel meet. This design, which generally provides a medium amount of offset, does a great job of keeping the hands ahead of the clubhead through impact. This tends to make the putter more forgiving and easier to use, which is the reason it's so popular.


Before you know it, you'll increase your speed and shooting ability just because you paid attention to how well you're able to stay BALANCED.


After comparing with previously report, conclusion was as follow: when players use take-off spike movement by single-foot, the strides should increase progressively after observing the ball's direction, and raise the height of jump by getting faster horizontal and vertical velocity of body gravity. In order to avoid increasing the time of take-off, the body gravity is inadvisable to drop so much. In air motion period, player's movement of arm swing will influences the time of spike, if we emphasize the quick offensive, it should reduce the movement of arm swing to decrease the time of spike. When spiking, the joint of elbow should flex by a little range to make forearm powerful.


To his credit, Safin boosted his net play over the years and turned into a good volleyer, knowing when to come in.


Greens rolling 7 to 8 feet on the stimpmeter can provide very enjoyable playing conditions to players of all levels.

如果球能在 Stimpmeter 上滚7-8英尺的话,就能够让各种水平的打球的人享受到击球的乐趣了。

更多网络解释与水平击球相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


每一个标准杆为3杆的球洞都会令低差点球友从一个水平的球位上开球. 为什么这种直截了当的直线击球常常会打出一个"柏忌"(bogey)球呢?因为,即使在一个非常完美的击球位置上,也都可能出现偏离球洞区的战术性错误.

above the average:在一般 水平以上, 中上; 在平均数以上

above the average 在一般 水平以上, 中上; 在平均数以上 | batting average [体](棒球等)击球手的平均击球率; [口]平均成功率 | be well up to the average 完全达到一般水平