英语人>词典>汉英 : 气泡形成 的英文翻译,例句
气泡形成 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

bubble formation
更多网络例句与气泡形成相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Here is the spot where the giant air bubble formed in the mold.


If there is any particulate matter or cloudiness to the solution filter it first.


When the gas flux is constant, the ratio of reduced resistance is improved with the increase of the water stream velocity. However, the relationship between the gas flux and the ratio of reduced resistance is more complex. When the water stream velocity is constant, if the gas flux is small in contrast, the effectiveness of reduced resistance is not obvious. But when the gas flux increased, the jetted gas will form """"archform"""" which will augment the shape resistance. In this condition, resistance could not be reduced and could even be increased, if the gas flux continues to be increased. So that there needs setting a baffle called step, which introduces the jetted gas into the turbulence boundary layer. In this case, the shape resistance may be fairly great. Besides, the waterline of model has also some effect on the ratio of reduced resistance, which acts on the size of wave. If waterline is deep, the wave could not affect the deployment of microbubble layer, so there is almost no effect on ratio of reduced resistance. However, the wave would affect distributing of microbubble layer under the model so that the gas could leak out from the two sides of model and directly affect the ratio of reduce resistance if the waterline is very small. Whether installing the dashplate or not has also the great influence on the effectiveness the ratio of reduced resistance. From the results of experiment, conclusion is that adding dashplate will greatly improve the effectiveness of reduced resistance.


In this article the indirect and direct evidence for the presence of nanobubbles and the basic properties of nanobubbles, including its formation mechanism, morphography and distribution, are reviewed. And the influence of nanobubbles on the long-rang hydrophobic interaction, fluid slippage and some biological problems is discussed.


The reason that why bubbles grew and how the gas was released from undecomposed TiH_2 were stated. The merging of bubbles and formation of bubble-free laye...


The closed-cell aluminum foam was fabricated by direct foaming in melt. Through sampling aluminum foam in different stages the cross-section of them were observed and analyzed. It was explained how TiH_2 was decomposed after entered into the melt, how initial bubbles were formed and what was the state that generated bubbles and undecomposed TiH_2 lay in.


This paper mainly described the pertinent knowledge about the generalization of gas supersaturation, the reasons and factors for gas supersaturation. Furthermore, the relations among life stage, hydrostatic pressure, temperature, intermittent exposure, detection, avoidance and the tolerance of fish to supersaturation were analyzed, AndKey words: dam; dissolved gas supersaturation; gas buhhle disease


The mechanism of void formation in roto-moulding of long-fiber reinforced resin is studied through some experiments.


The mechanism of void formation in roto-moulding of long-fiber reinforced resin is studied through some experiments. The intuitionistic model of surface void is obtained.


Results After improving, lithotripsy could recycle no-air water to be filled into shock wave generator. It not only increased shock wave conducting and stone breaking efficiency, but also decreasee air content in shock wave generator and outer conduct passway, and decreased bubble forming, thus reducing complication in more rational procedures.


更多网络解释与气泡形成相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

foaming agent:发泡剂

目前在国内使用于地暖工程的轻量气泡混凝土是通过把发泡剂(Foaming Agent)和高压空气,水等注入到发泡机里形成气泡,然后再把气泡与水泥泥浆混合的方法而形成的,还可添加沙子、笨板粒子,发泡合成树脂块...与角质层的脂质作用,

air bubble:气泡

称为 胶化时间或可流胶 时间 当此时段太长时会造成板中应有的胶流出太多, 不但厚度变薄浪 费成本而且造成铜箔 直接压到玻璃上使结构强度及抗化性不良 但此时间太短时则又无法 在赶完板藏气之前因黏 度太大无法流动而形成气泡 (air bubble) 现象 C.


(16)起气泡(Bubbling)涂料在施涂过程中形成的空气,或溶剂蒸汽等气体,或者两者兼有的泡. 这种泡在漆膜干燥过程中可以消失,也可以永久存在. (1)针孔(pin-holes)一种在涂膜中巾有在着类似于用针刺成的细孔的病态.


这种现象称为气穴现象(cavitation). 植物可通过某些方式消除气穴造成的影响,例如气泡在某些导管中形成后,它会被导管分子相连处的纹孔阻挡,气泡便被固定在一个管道中,当水分运动遇到气泡的阻隔时,可以横向进入相邻的导管分子而绕过气泡,




刻录时,CD-R盘片的沟槽内有机染料在激光 照射下,形成气泡,这便是"坑"(pit). 气泡一旦形成,就不能恢复原状,因此,CD-R只 能一次写入. CD-RW(CD Rewritable)光盘: 可擦写的光盘. 这种光盘可反复写入及抹除光盘的数据.

volcanic glass:火山玻璃

黑曜石是一种火山玻璃(volcanic glass),它是由一种花岗岩经火山熔融作用,未经冷却而形成晶体. 轻石(pumice)是另一种常在火山地带可找到的类似玻璃物质,其密度很低,而且内部充满了小气泡,因为其本身便是由火山「熔岩气泡」凝固而成.



gas vacuoles:气泡

(4)气泡(gas vacuoles) 某些水生性的细菌如蓝细菌(Cyanobacteria)、盐杆菌(Halobacterium)等,在其细胞质中能形成气泡,具有吸收空气,供氧的代谢,调节比重帮助浮起等作用.

caisson disease:沈箱病

亦称潜水夫病(bends)或沈箱病(caisson disease). 自高压环境骤然转至低压环境时,由於体内有气泡形成而引起的机体生理变化. 非增压座舱式飞机驾驶员、潜水夫和沈箱工人最易罹患. 在常压下人体组织内容有少量与空气成分相同的气体,