英语人>词典>汉英 : 毛笔 的英文翻译,例句
毛笔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

writing brush · Chinese brush · brush pen
更多网络例句与毛笔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The English words"Beijing 2008"are written with aChinese brush below it.


It is a world beyond description by a stroke of the brush made of animal hairs.


Calligraphy is a traditional art of the Chinese nationality, which is completed by a brush pen.


On the inside of the door the figures 52 had been traced with a couple of strokes of a brush dipped in ink, and above the scantling the same hand had daubed the number 50, so that one hesitated.


On the inside of the door the figures 52 had been traced with a couple of strokes of a brush dipped in ink, above the scantling the same hand had daubed the number 50, so that one hesitated.


See teacher ZHU only to put the spirit lamp, a Chinese brush-pen, a white paper and milk respectively on the platform, the teacher spread the paper even first, then took a Chinese brush-pen 蘸 milk in the measuring cup of 蘸, then wrote four big words on the white paper.


The owner just to stick with a brush ink, brush put too much ink rejection of the.


The brush pen is sharp, soft and elastic so that Chinese calligraphy and painting is likely to become an art of line. Chinese ink can be diluted and attempered. Moreover, it is neither sticky, nor astringent nor stagnant. These properties make people able to write or paint freely. The paper for Chinese calligraphy and painting, especially rice paper, can absorb Chinese ink of various kinds. It is suitable for calligraphy and painting using brush pen.


According to tentative,if grass hand is a sort of process of movement that it was mastered by person,and was condensed on rice paper to show being'mood,well then how is it before wrote and after wrote?


They have only drilled the soil moist, like a small purple bamboo-like "small head", to Zhang looked at this world full of vitality; has grown some of the straight thin "pen" with each other competition in a match, the first plants have already been out a "small brush," is just like a painted brush magic spring; some have extended the 45 "arm," the green open "palm", as if waved in welcome to you in your arrival; also has clusters of green "bamboo", which holds together tightly with each other out,"arm", but are not entangled, and do not cover .


更多网络解释与毛笔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bloodletter Quill:血文鹅毛笔

253Shadow of Doubt猜疑之影RAV | 254Bloodletter Quill血文鹅毛笔RAV | 255Boros Signet波洛斯印记RAV

writing brush:毛笔

一说是: 毛笔(writing brush)是以各种毛类梳扎成锥形笔头,粘结在竹管或木管一端,用于书写绘画的笔. 属中国传统的文房四宝之首,是举世无双的书写工具. 古埃及的芦管笔,欧洲的羽毛笔早已退出历史的舞台,而毛笔从漫长的历史岁月中走来,

writing brush:是"毛笔",而不是一种"刷子

Sweetbread是"胰脏",而不是"面包". | Writing brush是"毛笔",而不是一种"刷子". | Small potato是"小人物",而不是一种"小土豆".

writing brush:是"毛笔",而不是"刷子

54.friendly camera是"傻瓜照相机".而不是"友好摄影机". | 55.writing brush是"毛笔",而不是"刷子". | 56.small potato是"小人物",而不是"小土豆".

hair pencil:毛笔

细标线 hair line | 毛笔 hair pencil | 细销 hair pin

Paintbrush tool:毛笔工具

.回到层面板,新建一个层. 用套索工具(Lasso Tool)沿苹果轮廓的边缘做出选区并羽化. 6.用同样的方法做出其他的反光. 注:左边为受光面,要亮一点. 7.新建通道Alpha 2,用圆形选取工具取一个椭圆,并用毛笔工具(Paintbrush Tool)在选区...


半椭圆的描边设置为=书法(Calligraphy),羽毛笔(Quill),3象素,颜色值#6633CC,不透明度(opacity)为96%. 在它下面的椭圆形被填充为#FF00FF>#000000,没有描边,不透明度19%. 最底部的椭圆被填充为#0066FF>#000000,没有描边,

Quick-Quotes Quill:速记羽毛笔

西可 Sickels | 速记羽毛笔 Quick-Quotes Quill | 纳特 Knut

Auto-Answer Quill:自动答题羽毛笔

45. 龙爪粉 Powdered Dragon Claw | 46. 自动答题羽毛笔 Auto-Answer Quill | 47. 拆卸式夹带袖口 Detachable Cribbing Cuffs

floor swab:起模用毛笔

finely subdivided fuel 磨成细粉的燃料 | floor swab 起模用毛笔 | shear rate thixotropy 剪切速率触变性