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正数的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与正数的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Find The Greatest Common Divisor of Two - This function computes the GCD of any two integers, negative or positive, up to 28 digits long.


A power series with a positive radius of convergence can be made into a


Indeed, the signed representation of any positive number is identical to the equivalent unsigned representation.


Similarly, a positive earnings trend suggested an improvement in the firm's ability to produce future positive cash flows, while cash flow in excess of net income demonstrated that earnings are not driven by noncash accruals.


The number of positive numbers is infinite.


You will build a VI that returns the square root of a positive input number.


Under the current schedular tax system, the income generated at different times shall not offset each other, that is to say, all income shall be taxed, and no tax is imposed if no income is generated.


In addition, the optimization triangle interpolation algorithm which is used in mathematics usually is introduced to creating correction terms in VRS for the first time in this paper.


In this article, approaches to measure elements of centring, the calculation of correction number for centring and the ...


This function computes the GCD of any two integers, negative or positive, up to 28 digits long.


更多网络解释与正数的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而基金经理通过扩大阿尔法系数(Alpha)创造更高回报的潜力. 阿尔发系数是衡量经风险调节回报的常用指标,比方说某基金的阿尔发系数呈正数的话,纵使基准指数的回报是零,该基金基金经理还是可凭借其优势的投资技巧,

Beta Coefficient:啤打系数

投资者可理解作长短仓的投资金额相同,又或投资组合的啤打系数(beta coefficient)等于零. 啤打系数是量度投资风险的量数之一. 正数代表与市场走势一致,负啤打系数则表示投资组合的表现与市场呈相反方向. 如投资组合的啤打系数等于零,

price elasticity of demand:需求的价格弹性

142,需求的价格弹性(Price elasticity of demand) 需求的价格弹性是指价格变化 1%导致的需求量变化的百分比 (习惯上 通常以正数表示) . 143,供给的价格弹性(Price elasticity of supply) 供给的价格弹性是指价格变化 1%导致的供给量变化的百分比.

Infirmity often comes with old age:虚弱常随年老而来

7830. The number of positive numbers is infinite. 正数的数目是无穷... | 7831. Infirmity often comes with old age. 虚弱常随年老而来. | 7832. Having a bad temper is his worst infirmity. 坏脾气是他最大的...

P Ply:(帘布的)层

P Pitch 螺距,周节,纵倾 | P Ply (帘布的)层 | P Positive 正的,正数

positive number:正数

i=LI'=(LP)I/P 这里的P是指任何正数(positive number). 这些条件下的白色恒常性 因此,在绝对同质的刺激条件下,雾的外表只能依赖i,如果i保持恒常,并且完全不受L的支配,情况必定是这样. 换言之,有两个面,一个面比另一个面明亮10倍,

positive number, negative number:正数,负数

decrease, increase减少,增加 | positive number, negative number正数,负数 | successive后续的

P positive:正的,正数

P Ply (帘布的)层 | P Positive 正的,正数 | P Power 功率

rational number:有理数

>> 英语教学 >> 在线课堂 >> 初中课堂 >> 正文 初一数学同步辅导下--有理数 初一数学同步辅导下--有理数 有理数(rational number) 第1单元 有理数(1.1-1.2) 一、目标点击 ●1了解正数和负数是实际需要的数.会判断一个数是正数还是负数,


例如:整型数据类型 (char, short, long 和 int) 可以是有符号的(signed)或无符号的(unsigned ),这取决于我们需要表示的数据范围. 有符号类型(signed)可以表示正数和负数,而无符号类型(unsigned)只能表示正数和0.