英语人>词典>汉英 : 正式加入 的英文翻译,例句
正式加入 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accede  ·  acceded  ·  accedes  ·  acceding

更多网络例句与正式加入相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We've seen China accede the WTO.


Among them the quality of the language is a key, except our national language, as English of the all-purpose language in the world being a stepping-stone to success that we improve one's own quality too, have to admit, our country has already stepped into " people study English " Era,join WTO formally since China,2008 Beijing success of the Olympic Games will be arrived it apply for, it is obvious, China's already complete going to the world, learn English well, will become all people and strengthen and obtain employment the effective way of the competitiveness.


After China joined the WTO, the domestic animated drawing will face more severe challenges and tests.


Nowadays, the competition among enterprises has turn white hot. In face of becoming a member of WTO, overseas medical tycoons eye covetously or menacingly. They are gonging to enter into Chinese market.


After China's joining into WTO, the dominancy of Telecom Industry with rigorous administration has been gradually broken. With the fierce market competition, China Telecom operators are experiencing great changes in 3 aspects, namely Strategic positioning, Product service and Competition Focus transition, with which each operator would pay more attention on its branding construction and its service quality promotion.

中国正式加入WTO 以后,电信行业的严密管制和垄断经营被逐步打破,市场竞争不断加剧,中国的电信运营商正在经历着战略定位、产品服务和竞争焦点转换三个方面的巨大转变,这种转变也使得各运营商更加重视其品牌建设和服务水平的提升。

Compared with other countries, the Chinese telecom market still holds benign developing perspective and high-stepping development at present.


We have joined the World Trade Organization The establishment of an import relief system that abide by WTO agreement is the right and duty of any WTO contracting party. This course is aimed at studying the International Trade Policy changed which affected industrial competition Strategy Also, we compare the safeguards law and practice of USA, EU, Australia, Canada, Mainland China, Korea, Japan, Vietnan, Newzealand, phillippine, Indonesia as well as the rule of WTO safeguards agreement, so as to understand the "safety valve" and industry adjustment roles under safeguards system of each country in the free trade environment. Eventually, we will reduce trade flow an applicable and suitable import relief system, which cause distortion and maintains a fair trade circumstance.


You will be forced to do many unpleasant things prior to your initiation.


Up to the present, we have not be so close to world pulses jumpiness and such deep feel the global competition and various culture. The Dec 11th 2001, the protocol of China be a member of WTO took in effect, China became to be the one hundred and fourty third member of WTO in due form.


Executive Chef Allan Limmer has just joined The Great Wall Sheraton Hotel Beijing in February 2008. He has over 17 years of experience in some of the world's renowned hotels and restaurants in Paris, Dubai, Singapore, Bangkok, etc.


更多网络解释与正式加入相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


近些年来,"竞争力"(competitiveness)已成为出现频率很高的词汇. 自中国1995年正式参加国际竞争力排名以后,世界经济论坛每次公布其年度"全球竞争力报告"都会引起人们对国家竞争力的关注;而自从中国加入世界贸易组织以来,





Pearl Harbor:珍珠港

在大多数人的记忆中,"珍珠港"(Pearl Harbor)首先与1941年12月7日的著名奇袭行动联系在一起. 由日本海军精心策划的突然袭击一举摧毁了美国海军太平洋舰队的主力,并促使美国正式加入二战. 时至今日人们还在乐于探究"珍珠港事件"背后的种种内幕,


亚当与另外两位好友组建了独立流行风格的乐团"常春藤"(Ivy),而克里斯则加入了波士顿的一支名为"怜悯水桶"(Mercy Buckets)的乡村乐队. 直到1996年,克里斯和亚当才以新泽西一家礼品店的名称做为队名,正式以"韦恩喷泉"的名义发表作品.


从20世纪50年代开始,用人名给风暴命名,渐渐成了正式做法. 起初用的都是女性名字,在70年代加入了男性名字,交替使用,按首字母顺序排列. 例如,飓风"珍妮"(Jeanne)之后是"卡尔"(Karl),然后将是"莉萨"(Lisa)和"马修"(Matthew).

Le Meridien:艾美

关於艾美 艾美 (Le Meridien) 品牌於2005年11月正式加入喜 达屋酒店与度假村国际集团 (Starwood Hotels & Reso rts Worldwide Inc.) 旗下,现已在全球52个国家拥有 约120家酒店.


由此开始了辛尼传奇的歌唱事业. Cranberries 的原意是酸蔓橘的果实,1990年,霍根兄弟、鼓手洛勒登报招聘女歌手,于是能唱会写的多洛蕾思正式加入Cranberries. 她来参加面试的时候,带着自己创作的>(Linger)的原稿.


lcsun-news新闻网站3月8日报道,美海军最新型"新墨西哥"(New Mexico)号核动力潜艇将于三月底服役. 服役仪式将于3月27日举行,届时"新墨西哥"号潜艇将正式加入美海军舰队. "新墨西哥"号潜艇建造耗资27亿...

Republic of Ireland:爱 尔 兰 共 和 国

1921年,爱尔兰人民经过多年武装斗争,终于成立了英国主权下的"爱尔兰自治区". 1948年11月17日,爱尔兰获得完全独立,正式脱离英联邦. 1949年4月18日,爱尔兰共和国(Republic of Ireland)正式宣布成立. 1973年,爱尔兰加入欧盟.