英语人>词典>汉英 : 款项 的英文翻译,例句
款项 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

a sum of money · sum of money
更多网络例句与款项相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the request of the Applicant, we, industrial and commercial bank of chinaBranch,,hereby issue this letter of guarantee and irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of(say: Amount In Words), plus interest at% of p.a accrued on a 360 days basis calculated as from up to, within Business days upon receipt of your first written demand stating that the Applicant is in breach of his payment obligationunder the underlying contract and the respect in which the Applicant is in breach.


Imports under current and minimum access commitments established as part of a concession referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be counted for the purpose of determining the volume of imports required for invoking the provisions of subparagraph 1 and paragraph 4, but imports under such commitments shall not be affected by any additional duty imposed under either subparagraph 1 and paragraph 4 or subparagraph 1 and paragraph 5 below.


13 Every Receiver, attorney, manager, agent or other person appointed by the Lender under the powers hereby conferred shall, if so desired by the Lender but not otherwise, be entitled to be indemnified out of the Property and the monies arising therefrom or the income thereof in respect of all liabilities and expenses incurred by him in the execution or purported execution of his powers or duties hereunder and also against all loss, actions, suits, demands and claims in respect of any matter or thing done or omitted in anywise relating to the Property and the Lender may retain and pay out of any money in the Lender's hands arising from the terms and conditions hereof or from the Property all sums necessary to effect or secure such indemnity and all such sums shall be a charge on the Property

11.13 如贷款人有意如此而非在其他情况下,每一接管人、受权人、财产接收管理人、代理人或其他由贷款人根据本契据所授权力委任的人,凡因执行或看来是执行其在本契据的权力或责任而招致债务及开支,以及就物业作出或不作出任何事宜或事情引致损失、诉讼、讼案、要求、申索,均有权从物业及从来自物业的款项或收入取得弥偿。为实行及确保上述弥偿,凡贷款人因本契据条款及条件或因物业所得的款项,贷款人可保留及支取所需款额,而一切此等款额须成为物业的押记。

But since the 2nd after the auction ends, brilliance day is become did not entrust to the auction tardy however just pay an auction money, on April 15, shanghai inferior abstruse formal and written announcement auctions an orgnaization, because reason cannot pay corresponding auction money,say, will abandon buying suffer triplex group place holds equity, this is meant triplex the firm ascends the 3rd arsis to sell a station.

但自从第二次拍卖结束后,光华天成却迟迟未向拍卖委托方支付拍卖款项, 4月15日,上海亚奥正式书面通知拍卖机构,称因故无法支付相应的拍卖款项,将放弃买受三联集团所持股权,这就意味着三联商社将第三次登上拍卖台。

4 Fourthly in or towards payment of the secured sum until the whole of the secured sum including interest as aforesaid shall have been fully satisfied and discharged and so that if the Lender is contingently liable or will or may be so liable in respect of any moneys obligations or liabilities hereby secured all money not dealt with under the preceding provisions of this Clause shall be placed on deposit in such separate account as the Lender in its absolute discretion may think fit for the purpose of securing the contingent liabilities of the Lender and shall become subject to this security to be applied against such contingent liabilities as they fall due; and

13.4 第四,偿付有抵押款项或用於支付有抵押款项,直至有抵押款项及上述利息全数偿付与清付为止。如贷款人就本契约担保的任何款项、义务或债务负上或有法律责任,或将会或可能会负上或有法律责任,则在本条之前的条文未有作出安排的一切款项,须存入贷款人按其绝对酌情权认为适宜用作担保贷款人或有债务的独立帐户,以便在或有债务到期时,在不抵触本抵押的情况下用作偿还或有债务。

At end of each mouth the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer a priced statement of the labour, materials and the Contractor's Equipment, except as aforesaid, used and the Contractor shall be not entitled to any payment unless such lists and statements have been fully and punctually rendered. Provided always that if the Engineer considers that for any reason the sending of such lists or statements by the Contractor, in accordance with the foregoing provision, was impracticable he shall nevertheless be entitled to authorize payment for such work, either as daywork, on being satisfied as to the time employed and the labour, materials and Contractor's Equipment used on such work, or at such value therefore as shall, in his opinion, be fair and reasonable.


E Such sums as may be necessary to enable the Tax Equalization Fund to meet current commitments pending the accumulation of credits; such advances shall be repaid as soon as credits are available in the Tax Equalization Fund

e 必要款项,使衡平征税基金在收足贷项款项以前能够支付当前承付的款项;一俟衡平征税基金收到贷项款项,即应归还此种垫款

Notwithstanding anything provided in Clause 13 above the realised sum or any part thereof may be placed and kept to the credit of a suspense account or securities realised account for so long as the Lender thinks fit without any obligation in the meantime to apply the same or any part thereof in or towards discharge of any moneys or liabilities owing or incurred by the Borrower to the Lender or in manner set out in Clause 13 above.


7 Subject as hereinafter provided, any such Receiver may, for the purpose of defraying any costs, charges, losses or expenses which shall be incurred by him in the exercise of the powers, authorities and discretion vested in him and for all other purposes hereof or any of them, raise and borrow money on the security of the Property or any part thereof or any interest therein either in priority to the moneys hereby secured and the security hereby constituted or otherwise and at such rate of interest and generally on such terms and conditions as he may think fit and no person lending any such money shall be concerned to enquire as to the propriety or purpose of the exercise of this power or to see to the application of any moneys so raised or borrowed provided however that a Receiver shall not exercise this present power without first obtaining the prior written consent of the Lender

11.7 除下文另有规定外,任何接管人为支付在行使获赋予的权力、权限及酌情决定权时所招致的任何费用、收费、损失或开支,并为本契据所有其他目的或其中任何目的,可按其认为适当的利率,并一般而言按其认为适当的条款及条件,将物业或其任何部份或其中任何权益作抵押,以筹集与借取款项,该款项可排在以本契据担保归还的款项及以本契据构成的抵押之前,或依照其他先后次序。借出上述款项的人士,无须关注查究行使此权力是否恰当或为何目的,或关注如何应用上述筹集或借贷所得款项,但接管人未经贷款人事先书面同意,不得行使此权力

All the banking financial institutions shall practically fulfill the "six service commitments" and handle special affairs in a special way to ensure smooth channels for earthquake relief donations and remittances; shall provide good services for payment and settlement of disaster relief funds to ensure that disaster relief funds be remitted to the accounts of payees as soon as possible; shall do a good job in capital dispatch and remittance to safeguard the needs of the clients in disaster areas for drawing cash and ensure the timely entry of disaster relief funds into accounts and the timely allotment of disaster relief funds; shall try to resume normal business operation of outlets in disaster areas, and may set up temporary outlets under a special circumstance to ensure the needs of clients for transactions; shall rapidly process international earthquake relief funds and reduce charges as much as possible; shall open green credit-granting channels for earthquake relief, actively do a good job in granting of disaster relief loans, support the timely purchase and circulation of earthquake relief materials, provide special financial services for the heavily affected industries and enterprises of power, communications, highway and railway, etc., guarantee the efficiency in examination and approval of loans and ensure the disaster relief funds be in place timely.


更多网络解释与款项相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Amount due from associates 应收联营公司款项 10,000 | Accruals 应计款项 (58) | Bank balances and cash 银行结余及现金 16

appropriation in advance:预拨款项

在一个有限责任的公司或是合伙企业中,股东或合伙人最大的损失限于其所投入的资本,而在无限责任的组织中,所有...摘要:预拨款项(appropriation in advance) 预拨款项的概念 财政部门按规定预拨给用款单位的待结算款项.

money at call:短期通知款项

由1995年第49号第2条修订)"短期存款"(short-term deposit) 指原订存款到期的期间短於附表1第1项所指明的期间的存款,或短期通知的期间或通知的期间短於该指明期间的存款; (由1990年第3号第2条修订)"短期通知款项"(money at call) 指在要求付款后不超过24小时内须付的款项,

Catholic Diocese:代收教区款项

儿童圣经 Children Bible 194,002 174,796 | 代收教区款项 Catholic Diocese 113,794 98,705 | 代收教研中心款项 Catholic Institute for Religion and Society 9,335 4,698

payment in advance:预支工资;预付款项

payment in advance 预支工资 | payment in advance 预支工资;预付款项 | payment in advance 预支工资预付款项

payment in arrears:拖欠款项

payment 支付;付款;付款额;支付款项 | payment in arrears 拖欠款项 | payment in full 全部付清

Margin account r eceivables:应收孖展账户款项

Debtors, deposits and pr epayments 应收账款、订金及预付款项 14 2,285 10,862 | Margin account r eceivables 应收孖展账户款项 108 55 | Amounts due fr om associat es 应收联营公司款项 19,832 218,626

amount of undercharged:少算款项

amount of overpaid 多付款项 | amount of undercharged 少算款项 | amount under-collected 少收款项

earmarked fund:预留款项;指定用途的款项

duty-paid goods已完稅貨品 | earmarked fund 预留款项;指定用途的款项 | earmarked grant 指定用途补助金

supplementary earmarking:追加指定款项; 补充指定款项

supplementary criteria;补充标准;; | supplementary earmarking;追加指定款项; 补充指定款项;; | supplementary equipment;补充设备;;