英语人>词典>汉英 : 欧美国家 的英文翻译,例句
欧美国家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
occident  ·  Occident

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The food anaphylactogen is a kind of potential relatively risky danger, has already been paid attention to American-European countries correspondingly, but hardly there is not a corresponding regulation in our country.


But the majority of developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America failed to accomplish the goal even though they tried arduously during the past more than two hundred years.


Generally, hand crafted eyewear can be made from two type of materials, e.g. Acetate and Celluloid. Nowadays, almost all European and American manufacturer use acetate for eyewear production. It is because of the limitations of celluloid. Such as low plasticity, difficult in dyeing, long period for material maturation and highly flammable. Accordingly, only Japanese manufacturers insist to use celluloid as the building block for eyewear.


In Europe and the United States occupy a wide range of markets, with customers in the United States and Europe have set up branches in China (Ericsson, ABB, 3M, etc.), in order to better serve customers,Arvid Nilsson Also in 2001, entered the Chinese market, services to European and American companies set up factories in China.


The company is headquartered in Guangzhou, Shenyang, Wuhan, Shanghai and Singapore branches. In 2001, the company joined the Chinese Ministry of Health under the Chinese Medical Association communicate to become executive director of the unit. Early in 2005, the company entered the beauty industry, with the Korea Association of shaping a strategic partnership set up to introduce a sweeping throughout Europe and the United States, Korea and Japan and other countries revolutionary rejuvenation and slimming technology Cosmetology mesodermal U.S. Plastic therapy; 2006, the company spent a lot of efforts to consider the introduction of original import from France hyaluronic acid filler products to enter the medical plastic industries and in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities in hospital for more than three clinical experiments, the authority to create brand image.


The rest of the world will be divided between the Euro-American countries, and the two big peripheral powers, Japan and Russia.


The rest of the world will be divided between the Euro-American countries, and the two big peripheral powers, Japan and Russia.


On the other hand, the concept of modernization shows indifferent neutrality while westernization has distinct value-orientation. The Western culture is the fruit of long-time exchange and evolvement of human cultures and it still needs to improve itself. The wider modernization expands, the more countries it involves, and the further it departs from westernization. Non-European and-American countries on the way of modernization have to harmonize old culture and new culture after transforming them to adapt to each other.


Even the people from under-developed regions have benefited by trading in their hand-me-down European- or US-made castoffs for new and improved Chinese products.


Integration of European and American companies popular trend of cloth to their own unique artistic features, the main production bubble cloth, polyester-cotton cloth, poplin fabrics, jacquard, Jian Hua, double Zhoubu, special yarn and dyeing products, products sell in Taiwan, Hong Kong Throughout the country and Germany and other countries in Europe and America.


更多网络解释与欧美国家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lemon Balm:檸檬香蜂草

柠檬的香味是由柠檬香蜂草 (Lemon Balm)提炼而来,所以有浓浓的柠檬香味. 与市售只添加柠檬酸的柠檬口味糖果是不同的. 在古老的亚洲药草典籍中,蜜蜂香蜂草被列为可延年益寿之保健药草. 欧美国家将乾燥的叶冲泡煮成茶饮作为感冒时解热之用.


鸢都市民(cit)说: 欧美国家早就执行农业补贴政策多年了. 我们自建国后实行"剪刀差"政策,依靠牺牲农民的利益来培育工业发展--这是从苏联学习来的,但苏联早就停止了"剪刀差"政策,而我们却一直坚持了五十年. 五十年也太长了,

cobalt chloride:氯化钴

公司所经营的系列产品都经SGS或CTi或BV检测通过,符合欧美国家的环保标准,均不含富马酸二甲酯(DMF)和二氯化钴(Cobalt chloride)等十六项有毒物质. "以科技求生存,以创新求发展"丰富企业内涵、"以高新技术为基础,求是创新;以产品质量为保障,


欧美国家对婴幼儿及儿童服装有更加严格的要求,如欧盟制定的标准EN 14682-2007,对14岁以下儿童服装上的束带或绳索做了详细严格的限定,包括纺织或非纺织材料的绳索(cord)、链带(chain)、条带(ribbon)、细绳(string)、狭条(tape)


66 分特(Decitex略作Dtex)计量纤维细度的公制单位,1分特等于100米长纤维的克数,1分特(Dtex)=1/10特(Tex)67 旦尼尔(Denier)可略作旦或d,欧美国家彩的纤维细度单位,1旦等于9000料长纤维的克数,1d=9Tex=90Dtex.

coronary heart disease:冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病

冠心病(CHD)是冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(coronary heart disease)的简称,也称缺血性心脏病(ischenic heart disease). 一段时期在欧美一些国家统计占人口总死亡的1/3-1/2,占心脏病死亡数的50-75%,我国据北京、天津、上海等一些大城市的统计虽然不及欧美国家占的比例那么大,


Account bank 开户行 | Occident 西方欧美国家 | Small cap 小型股小型公司 资本市场


它是比拼"智慧"的运动. 这项运动在欧美得到广泛认知,国际棋联(FIDE)是得到国际奥委会承认的团体. 国际象棋的世界赛事"国际象棋奥运会(Olympiad)"每两年举行一届,俄罗斯、美国等欧美国家以及中国、印度都是这一赛事中的强队.


欧美国家和伊斯兰教国家基本上都以"统一"(Unity)为口号,而亚洲国家的口号都是"和谐". 丸山认为,H型思维视角将非均质性视为冲突源(笔者的例子:亨廷顿的"文明冲突论". 亨廷顿感觉到,首先会发生冲突的是基督教文明与伊斯兰文明,

foundation course:基础课程

欧美国家,基础课程(Foundation Course)是把平面构成、色彩构成、立体构成综合在一起(在这些国家没有"三大构成课程"这个术语). 构成课程起源于德国包豪斯学校的教学改革. 在20世纪20年代的一场设计教学革命中,年轻的教师伊顿开设了一门全新的设计基础课程.