英语人>词典>汉英 : 欢迎者 的英文翻译,例句
欢迎者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与欢迎者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And, at first blush, it looks popular: 54% of respondents are strongly in favour.


That woman never pays her bills; I'll have to put her on my black list .


On the contrary, unintegrated human rights mean people tell lies and do wrong for getting rights, they will finally lose trust of the society or be attacked even get evil results.


"Undesirables", such as gipsies, homosexuals and prostitutes, were rounded up and turfed out of Berlin.


IT者网站提供英文翻译,未经授权请勿转载】 On May 14 message, according to foreign media coverage, the decision that wear Er adopts act to weigh brace up its game is special PC business: Abandon a few the most welcome type, put the emphasis on the heavy head product line that it thinks.


Antitrust laws ... are the Magna Carta of free enterprise.


Any lurkers and peepers are not welcome in our bbs.


Any lurkers and peepers are not welcome in our bbs.


Thousands of welcomers were gathered at the airport.


When enhancing marginal tax rate, self-employer will endure relatively large utility loss, which will cause the profession more popular and less activity to establish this kind of self-employed mini enterprises. When enhancing average tax rate, self-employer will enjoy relatively large utility increase, which will cause the profession more popular and more activity to establish this kind of self-employed mini enterprises.


更多网络解释与欢迎者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bienvenue n.f:受欢迎者,受欢迎的东西

27 souhaiter v.t 祝愿,希望 | 28 bienvenue n.f 受欢迎者,受欢迎的东西 | 29 client,-e 顾客

matinee idol:受女观众欢迎的男明星

lip-synchronist 对口型录音者,配音演员? | matinee idol 受女观众欢迎的男明星? | money making movie star 所拍影片卖座的影星?


实施骚扰者可以是受害者的管理人员、雇主的代理人、其他领域的管理人员、同事或者非雇员;受害者可以是被性骚扰行为影响的第三人而非直接被骚扰者;非法的性骚扰并不一定造成受害者的经济损失或被解雇;实施骚扰者的行为必须是不受欢迎的(unwelcome). 美国立法上将性骚

welcome back:欢迎回来

Let's startwith the cute paraplegic.|我们先看看漂亮的瘫痪者 | Welcome back.|欢迎回来 | You look--|你看着...


115.comer新来者,有希望者 | welcomer 欢迎者 | incomer 进来者,移民,新来者


precept:箴言,教训,命令书 | preception:训诫者,指导者,教师 | receive:接受,欢迎,收容,理解

Favorite Posters:最受欢迎的发贴者

Fail when CRC or length errors in chunks 当块中出现 CRC 或长度错误时失败 | Favorite Posters 最受欢迎的发贴者 | File Descripion Settings 文件描述设置

a troop of welcomers:一群欢迎者

一群美女 a galaxy of beauties | (4)一群欢迎者 a troop of welcomers | 一群示威者 a troop of demonstrators

Thousands of welcomers were gathered at the airport:数以千计的欢迎者在机场上集合

(3)A traveler is checking in at the airport. 一位旅客在机场办理登记手续. | (4)Thousands of welcomers were gathered at the airport. 数以千计的欢迎者在机场上集合. | at the beginning of 在...的开始

Seems like someone's itinerary didn't leave room for interlopers:看来有人并不欢迎 这冒失的闯入者

- and lived to tell about it. - Hey.... | Seems like someone's itinerary didn't leave room for interlopers.|看来有人并不欢迎 这冒失的闯入者 | Doesn't chuck know a party isn't a party until someone cras...