英语人>词典>汉英 : 欠单 的英文翻译,例句
欠单 的英文翻译、例句


accommodation kite · accommodation note · accommodation paper
更多网络例句与欠单相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And for this you owe me big-time.


Results: In the 23 cases of disease group, 16 cases were unilateral and 7 cases were bilateral. X-ray examination showed local prominence between ischium and pubis in all cases. Lamellar changes of the bone inhomogeneous in density with round translucence were found in 8 cases accompanied with intact cortex. Mild osseous hyperplasia was found in 8 cases without changes of periosteum and soft tissues. CT examination of 8 cases presented with local prominence between iscbium and pubis, translucence, cataclasm, discontiguous osteal cortex with irregular ends, sclerotic medullary cavity of honey surroundings, but no sequestration and changes of periosteum and soft tissues. The above-mentiooed X-ray features appeared in 14 cases among normal group, bilateral in 3 cases.


He next shows the inefficacy of circumcision and the Law, and that we owe our redemption to Christ alone.


But to show you how little I deserve to be called a professional woman, how little I know of the struggles and difficulties of such lives, I have to admit that instead of spending that sum upon bread and butter, rent, shoes and stockings, or butcher's bills, I went out and bought a cat-a beautiful cat, a Persian cat, which very soon involved me in bitter disputes with my neighbours.


He is sheer defoliated, only keeping trunk, which is stretching comfortably emancipating from being arched with the exuberance and prolificacy.


What money he could lay his hands on he spent like an Indian rajah .


The widely applicated bulk charging mode for a complete net of the electrical bicycle batteries neglects the difference among individual batteries, which can lead to premature damage due to overcharge or undercharge of certain single battery.


Both the underpotential-coverage and the underpotential-electrosorption valency relationships were analyzed, and the interactional properties between the deposit and substrate were obtained.

据此, 分析了单原子层覆盖度以及电吸附价与欠电势之间的相互关系,获得了沉积物与衬底之间干涉特性。

In the research of molding performance of MIM feedstock, for the shortcoming of capillary rheometry, it was propounded that using spiral mold test molding performance of feedstock, and a set of spiral mold was creatively designed with quickly exchange gates and closed mold cavity.


Since the turbine-driven feedwater pump failed to regulate directly the drum level of single boiler and problems like pressure overrun of main feedwater pipe existed, DCS was utilized to solve the problems for its features of shared information, powerful configuration functions and easy modification.


更多网络解释与欠单相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


accepted accounting principles已接受会计原理 | Accepter 受票人 | Accommodation bill; accommodation note (kite); accommodation paper欠单

accommodation bill of lading:融通提单,空头提单

accommodation bill 食宿费用,欠单,空头支票,融通票据 | accommodation bill of lading 融通提单,空头提单 | accommodation occupied by employee 职工福利津贴,雇员福利津贴

accommodation endorsement:融通票据背书

53accommodation draft融通票据;融通汇票 | 54accommodation endorsement融通票据背书 | 55accommodation kite欠单;空头支票

accommodation kite:欠单;空头支票

54accommodation endorsement融通票据背书 | 55accommodation kite欠单;空头支票 | 56accommodation note融通票据

Accommodation bill; accommodation note (kite); accommodation paper:欠单

Accepter 受票人 | Accommodation bill; accommodation note (kite); accommodation paper欠单 | Account帐;帐户;会计科目

accommodation note:融通票据

55accommodation kite欠单;空头支票 | 56accommodation note融通票据 | 57accommodation paper融通票据

Accommodation paper:融通票据;空头票据;欠单

accommodation note 融通票据 | accommodation paper 融通票据;空头票据;欠单 | accommodation party 融通票据关系人

call...to account:责问,要求...说明理;送欠单

call up 打电话给; 召集, 征召...入伍; 使人想起, 使人回忆到 | call...to account 责问,要求...说明理;送欠单 | calm down 平静下来;镇定下来

l owe forty thousand francs:我欠了四万法郎

[51:31.00]l decided that these bills ought to be paid. 我决定要支付这些帐单了 | [51:33.53]l owe forty thousand francs. 我欠了四万法郎 | [51:35.47]Will you lend me the money? 你会借给我这笔钱吗?

underexcited motor:欠励电动机

uncooled motor 非冷却式发动机 | underexcited motor 欠励电动机 | unidirectional current 单方向性电流