英语人>词典>汉英 : 模糊 的英文翻译,例句
模糊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blur  ·  blurring  ·  dark  ·  darker  ·  faintness  ·  illegibility  ·  indistinction  ·  indistinctness  ·  mistiness  ·  blurs  ·  fogging

更多网络例句与模糊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We prove the fuzzy set-valued characteristicfunction of a compact Baire fuzzy set can be approached by fuzzy set-valuedcontinuous functions with fuzzy compact support sets,the integral of integrablesimple Baire fuzzy set-valued function can be approached not only by the integralsof integral simple fuzzy set-valued functions,but also by the integrals of fuzzy set-valued continuous function with fuzzy compact support sets.


The study includes the fuzzy independent set, fuzzy bases, fuzzy circuits, fuzzy rank, fuzzy hyperplanes, fuzzy closure operator, fuzzy submatroid, quasi-fuzzy graph matroids, fuzzy graphic matroids, fuzzy dual matroid and so on.


The study includes fuzzy bases, fuzzy circuits, fuzzy rank function, fuzzy hyperplanes, fuzzy closure operator, fuzzy submatrods, quasi-fuzzy graph matroid, fuzzy graphic matroids, fuzzy dual matroid and so on.


Chapter 4 establishes the theory of convex fuzzy mappings: The concepts, such as Jensen's inequality, positively homogeneous, infimal convolution, right scalar multiplication and convex hull are introduced. The corresponding theorems are demonstrated by using the parametric representations of fuzzy numbers. In anti-fuzzy number space, the conjugate mapping of convex fuzzy mapping is concerned, and convexities of conjugate set and conjugate mapping of convex fuzzy mapping are proved. The notions of subgradient, subdifferential, differential with respect to convex fuzzy mappings are investigated, which provides the basis of the theory of fuzzy extremum problems.


The exchange theorem of bases of closed regular fuzzy matroids is obtained with the help of "the exchange theorem of bases" of crisp matroids. Then,the relations between the fuzzy bases and the fuzzy circuits in closed regular fuzzy matroids are studied, and some necessary and sufficient conditions for some fuzzy independent set to be a fuzzy base; some fuzzy circuits from a fuzzy base, and some fuzzy bases from a fuzzy circuit are investigated.


We prove that in every induced locally compact 〓fuzzy topological groupthere exist at least one regular fuzzy set-valued Haar measure.We define the fuzzymeasurable group and prove that the fuzzy set-valued Haar measure in a fuzzymeasurable group is essentially unique.We also construct the fuzzy topologicalstructure on a group by the fuzzy set-valued measure such that make it a fuzzytopological group.


Based on the existed theory of mareoids and fuzzy matroids, this thesis studies the closed regular fuzzy matroid and its fundamental sequence, the fuzzy base and its algorithm of closed fuzzy matroids, the fuzzy circuit and its algorithm of closed fuzzy matroids and so on. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: 1 The necessary and sufficient condition of closed regular fuzzy matroid and a property of its fuzzy dual matroid are found by studying some properties of closed regular fuzzy matroid. 2 By studying some properties of fuzzt bases of closed fuzzy matroid, the necessary and sufficient condition of judging fuzzy bases of closed fuzzy matroids and some corollaries are found. In the end, an algorithm of obtaining a fuzzy base is given. 3 By studying some properties of fuzzt circuits of closed fuzzy matroid, some necessary and sufficient conditions of using its fundamental sequence to express fuzzy circuits are found. An algorithm of obtaining a fuzzy circuit is given. 4 By studying the fundamental sequence of closed regular fuzzy matroid, some necessary and sufficient conditions of fundamental sequence of closed regular fuzzy matroid are found.

本文在现有拟阵和模糊拟阵理论的基础上,研究了闭正规模糊拟阵及其基本序列,闭模糊拟阵的模糊基及算法、模糊圈及算法等内容,现分述如下: 1研究了闭正规模糊拟阵的一些性质,得到了闭正规模糊拟阵的充要条件及其模糊对偶拟阵的一个性质; 2研究了闭模糊拟阵模糊基的性质,找到了闭模糊拟阵模糊基的充要条件和几个推论,最后还给出了求模糊基的算法; 3研究了闭模糊拟阵模糊圈的性质,找到了用基本序列来表达模糊圈的几个充要条件,并给出了求模糊圈的算法; 4研究了闭正规模糊拟阵的基本序列,找到了闭正规模糊拟阵的基本序列的几个充要条件。

Programming to derive fuzzy optimal solutions and fuzzy optimal classification function seta fuzzy set which value is fuzzy optimal classification function and member degree is λ(0≤λ≤ 1,therefore the linear fuzzy support vector machine is constructe...


In this paper,fuzzy complex numbers,limits of the sequence of fuzzy complex numbers,the metrical convergence and levelwise convergence,the continuity offuzzy complex functions,the calculus of fuzzy complex functions,theseries whose terms are fuzzy complex numbers,the series whose terms arefuzzy complex functions,the fuzzy complex measure and fuzzy differentialequation are investigated in details.All this may be a foundation forfurther researching fuzzy complex analysis.


In order to get the design of general fuzzy controller , the principal theory , characteristic and the important application of the fuzzy control is expatiated .a two fuzzy inputs value and one output value model is established, and the calculate software of the fuzzy controller is designed ,at the same time ,the fuzzy control table is acquired ,on the bases of which The real-time software is


更多网络解释与模糊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gaussian Blur:滤镜除了能对图像进行模糊处理外,还可以设置模糊的强度

Motion Blur 滤镜会使物体产生正在快速移动的效果 | Gaussian Blur 滤镜除了能对图像进行模糊处理外,还可以设置模糊的强度 | Smart Blur 滤镜可以产生以色级为区域的图像模糊效果,使整个图像产生不同的区域效果

Radial Blur:辐射模糊

边宽(Width)为6PX,颜色为白色,选择内边描(Inside). 执行滤镜(Filter)模糊(Blur)中的 辐射模糊(Radial Blur),在辐射模糊(Radial Blur)对话框中设置模糊值为50. 向下合并图层,一个冰块就这 样完成了.

Radial Blur:放射状模糊

自动选取(Auto Select)工具主要(three-way)色彩校正工具次要(two-way)色彩校正工具自定浏览视窗(Browser)配置方式在资料库(Library)中储存喜好设定、自定特效、渐层,及文字样式等等10 种以上模糊滤镜,包括高斯模糊(Gaussian)、色频模糊(Channel Blur)、放射状模糊(Radial Blur)及散焦(Defocus)25 种以上变形特效,

Directional Blur:沿指定方面产生模糊

Compound Blur 沿指定的模糊层的的亮度为基准,对当层模糊 | Directional Blur 沿指定方面产生模糊 | Radial Blur 以效果点为基准,产生辐射模糊

fuzzy Cartesian product:模糊笛卡儿积,模糊卡的逊素积

fuzzy cardinality 模糊基数 | fuzzy Cartesian product 模糊笛卡儿积,模糊卡的逊素积 | fuzzy category 模糊范畴

Fuzzy Logic Control:模糊逻辑控制

模糊逻辑控制(Fuzzy Logic Control)简称模糊控制(Fuzzy Control),是以模糊集合论、模糊语言变量和模糊逻辑推理为基础的一种计算机数字控制技术. 模糊控制实质上是一种非线性控制,从属于智能控制的范畴. 模糊控制的一大特点是既具有系统化的理论,

fuzzy set:模糊集合;乏晰集合;模糊集

Fuzzy scale 模糊等级 | Fuzzy set 模糊集合;乏晰集合;模糊集 | Fuzzy sliding mode control 模糊滑动模式控制

intuitionistic fuzzy set:直觉模糊集

保加利亚学者K.T.Atanassov拓展了Zadeh的工作,把仅考虑隶属度的Zadeh模糊集推广到同时考虑隶属度、非隶属度和犹豫度三方面信息的情况,提出直觉模糊集(Intuitionistic fuzzy set)的概念,由于直觉模糊集比Zadeh模糊集更具体地刻画研究对象的模糊性,


世界是模糊的(fuzzy),人也是模糊的,人们经常运用的思维方式就是模糊思维(fuzzy thinking). 我们所说的模糊(fuzzy)是不精确的意思,不是模糊(blur, vague),不是不清晰、不清楚、不明确、含混. 除有特别标明,本章只是用第一个模糊,

Intuitionistic fuzzy sets:直觉模糊集

如:1986年,保加利亚学者Atanassov在模糊集的基础上,提出了直觉模糊集(Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets)的概念,直觉模糊集是模糊集的推广,模糊集是直觉模糊集的特殊情形.