英语人>词典>汉英 : 检疫 的英文翻译,例句
检疫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
quarantine  ·  quarantined  ·  quarantines  ·  quarantining

quarantine inspection
更多网络例句与检疫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Generally,to solve the practical problem of bark beetle quarantine in imported timber and wooden packing material,we carried out the research of semiochemicals-trap application,morphological and molecular identification of bark beetle in this project,and the results would contribute to improving the whole level of bark beetle quarantine.


Article 21 Export animals and plants, their products or other quarantine objects shall be quarantined by the port animal and plant quarantine office, and those that pass the quarantine inspection or conform to the standards after a treatment of disinfection and disinfestation are allowed to leave the country.


In respect of import animal products or other quarantine objects that fail in the quarantine inspection, the port animal and plant quarantine office shall issue the Quarantine Treatment Notice notifying the owner or his or her agent to conduct such treatments as disinfection and disinfestation, returning or destruction.


Article 17 On discovering through quarantine inspection that import plants, plant products or other quarantine objects are contaminated with diseases, pests or weeds dangerous to plants, the port animal and plant quarantine office shall issue the Quarantine Treatment Notice notifying the owner or his or her agent to conduct such treatments as disinfection and disinfestation, returning or destruction.


Issuing quarantine certificates or tagging the quarantine label to animals or animal products which have not been quarantined on the spot or fail to pass quarantine inspections, or refusing to issue such certificates or tag such label to animals or animal products which have passed quarantine inspections


In order to provide an scientific basis and technology support to local agricultural by–products export quarantine, an investigation was carried out on the species of stored insects of export agricultural by–products from 2003 to 2005 in the region. The quarantine significance of different stored insects and the insect community structure characteristics of five stored export products were analyzed, besides, a study was conducted on the ecology of Dermestes maculatus Degeer in the laboratory. The main results were as follows. 1. The ordinary and systematic measures were used to investigate stored insect species on export products, such as Willow, Brush, Feather, Leather, Woodwork, grain, coconut funicle, lotus leaf etc., in the finished product, transferring, material reserve and processing storages of the export industries.

为了给该地区农副产品的出口检疫提供科学依据和技术支持,笔者于2003-2005年对江苏沿江地区各类出口农副产品检疫场所的仓储昆虫种类进行了调查,分析了各种仓储昆虫的检疫重要性以及5类出口农副产品仓储昆虫的群落特征,并对重要仓储害虫白腹皮蠹的生态学特性进行了研究,现将结果总结如下: 1、2003-2005年通过对江苏沿江地区的草柳藤制品、笔刷制品、羽绒制品、皮革制品、木制品、粮饲库存点、椰壳纤维、荷叶加工厂等出口企业的成品储藏库、中转库、原料储备库、加工车间等检疫场所的昆虫种类进行了普查和系统调查,共采集标本1800余件,从中鉴定出130种仓储动物,隶属2纲、9目、51科,其中害虫6目、40科、105种,益虫5目、10科、25种;此外,还发现2中国新记录种,即阔鼻谷象Caulophilus oryzae和黑斑豆象Bruchus dentipes。

Article 21 When performing its duties, the health and quarantine inspector and border health supervisor are required to wear their quarantine uniform and their quarantine budges. Their conveyance s at work are required to bear quarantine flags.


Article 21 When performing its duties, the health and quarantine inspector and border health supervisor are required to wear their quarantine uniform and their quarantine budges. Their conveyances at work are required to bear quarantine flags.


Article 26 No persons other than navigation pilot and those approved by the health and quarantine organ shall be allowed to get on board the vessel with quarantine flag or light signal; no unloading of luggage, cargo, postal parcels shall be allowed; no other vessel shall be allowed to get close; no crew member shall be allowed to leave the vessel without the approval by the health and quarantine organ, unless the vessel is in distress.


Article 42 Prior to the departure of the aircraft subject to exit quarantine inspection, the airport is required to submit to the health and quarantine organ the general declaration, deck cargo declaration and other documents related to quarantine and to inform it of the following matters


更多网络解释与检疫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sanitary certificate:卫生检疫证书

植物检疫证书 phytosanilary certificate | 卫生检疫证书 sanitary certificate | 动物检疫证书 veterinary certificate

phytosanitary certificate:植物检疫证书

分别为动物检疫证书(Health Certificate)和植物检疫证书(Phytosanitary Certificate). 世界绝大部分国家和地区对动植物进口都限制很严. 限制范围不仅是活的动植物,还包括死的动植物及其制品,比如动物裘皮、草柳编织品等. 动物及动物制品需要办理动物检疫证书,

pratique message:检疫通信

pratique boat 检疫船 | pratique message 检疫通信 | pratique message 检疫通讯

quarantine flag:黄色检疫旗

quarantinable 应受检疫的 | quarantine flag 黄色检疫旗 | quarantine 检疫

quarantine [sick]flag,yellow flag:检疫旗[黄旗]

检疫[隔离] quarantine | 检疫旗[黄旗] quarantine [sick]flag,yellow flag | 检疫消毒舱 lazaret

quarantine station:检疫所

食品进口申报表等文件由厚生劳动省检疫所(Quarantine Station)负责接收. 检疫所经过书面材料审查和产品检验,决定进口食品及其相关产品是否符合日本>. 申报材料应提交给对货物暂时储存的港口有管辖权的厚生劳动省检疫所.

veterinary certifieate:卫生检疫证书 sanitary certificate 动物检疫证书

植物检疫证书 phytosanilary certificate | 卫生检疫证书 sanitary certificate 动物检疫证书 veterinary certifieate | 商品检验申请表 application for inspection certificate


检疫旗[黄旗] quarantine [sick]flag,yellow flag | 检疫消毒舱 lazaret | 检疫证书 health certificate

quarantinable disease:检疫疾病

\\"鹌鹑\\",\\"quail\\" | \\"检疫疾病\\",\\"quarantinable disease\\" | \\"检疫,检疫法\\",\\"quarantine\\"

quarantine period:检疫期间

\\"检疫官\\",\\"quarantine officer\\" | \\"检疫期间\\",\\"quarantine period\\" | \\"解除检疫\\",\\"quarantine release\\"