英语人>词典>汉英 : 桥接 的英文翻译,例句
桥接 的英文翻译、例句


bridge grafting · bridge connection
更多网络例句与桥接相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective:To study the effect of the compound membrane containing bFGF on the autoplastic nerve graft.


Bridges keep a bridge table to track the MAC addresses available out each port.


Two kinds of di aniline derivative s connected with oxamethylene bridge or azamethylene bridge were synthesizied by condensation of o nitrophenol and ethylene dibromide (1,4 dibromobutane)or 4 chloro 3,5 dinitrobenzotyifluoride and ethylene diamine(1,6 hexandiamine)and consequent reduction.

由邻硝基苯酚和二溴乙烷以及由4-氯-3, 5-二硝基三氟甲苯和乙二胺为原料通过桥接、还原合成两类由氧亚甲基或氮亚甲基桥联的双苯胺衍生物。

Based on synthetically analyzing components and functions of the Bridge Federate, we design and implement the centralized and distributed Bridge Federate software.


The Vinculum family of Embedded USB Host controllers comes from FTDI, an UK company well known for its easy to use USB device bridge chip series.

Vinculum系列的嵌入式USB Host桥接器芯片系由英国的FTDI所发展,FTDI素以它容易使用的USB串口桥接器芯片而闻名。

X-ray examination demonstrated that at 4 weeks after implantation, some or even lateral intertransverse bridging regions were unclear, and material density in the repairing group was lower than control group; at 8 weeks after implantation, interspace between up and down bridging was shrunk, and a great quantity of calluses were successively formed; at 12 weeks after implantation, complete confluence was observed, and the density in the repairing group was closed to that in the control group.

结果:采用脱蛋白处理后的松质骨可见大小不等、相互交通、开放孔隙的网架结构,孔径200~500 μm,孔隙率60%左右,其无机成分为羟基磷灰石,有机成分为胶原,力学性能保存良好,细胞相容性良好。X射线片结果显示:植入第4周,横突桥接处部分区域模糊,以内侧明显,此时修复组材料密度略低于对照组;第8周上下桥接部间隙变小,大量连续骨痂生成;12周后完全融合,两组材料密度接近。

Usually there are two bridging metho d s: static and dynamic. Static method is more efficient but not fit for a large s y stem, while dynamic bridging can be realized by virtue of dynamic mechanism, and in such a case only one bridging interface is needed, which is easy to be maint ained.

通 常,桥接有静态桥接和动态桥接2种方式:静态桥接效率高,但不适宜于大规模的系统;动态桥接采用动态机制实现,只需一个桥接接口,易维护。

The idea that the casing shoe resistance and the crushing strength of the LCM must be considered when design the density of the drilling fluids is presented. It holds that the surface pressure should be junior to the crushing strength of LCM, in order to prevent the formed bridge plug from crushing.


Proofing: automatic generation of laser cutter mold data, setup and selection of rules on bridging, setup of arbitrary bridging, sharing of data of automatic machetes, respective control over production, cut, press and drawing of short planks and direct proofing.


Methods Twenty SD rats were randomly divided into two groups. The left phrenic nerve or accessory nerve was transferred to femoral nerve by the vascularized ulnar nerve bridging in Group A and Group B, whereas the right femoral nerve remained the disjunction. The electromyogram and wet weight, throughput and section area of myelinated nerve fibers, and section area of muscle fibers in quadriceps femoris muscle were determined after 24 weeks.


更多网络解释与桥接相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bridge circuit:桥接电路

bridge 桥接器 | bridge circuit 桥接电路 | bridge connection 跨接

Bridge Table:桥接器窗体

bridge limitel 桥式限幅器;桥式限制器 | Bridge Table 桥接器窗体 | bridge ware 桥制品


桥接(bridging)指为增加输出功率而将功率放大器和音箱作一种特别的连接. 桥接便是将双声道的立体声放大器改接为单路的功率放大器. 由其中一路放大器去负责放大波形的正半周,而由另一路去放大波形的负半周,音箱则像两路放大器通道之间的"桥".

bridging wiper:桥接线刷,桥接帚,并接弧刷

bridging relay contacts 短接继电器接点 | bridging wiper 桥接线刷,桥接帚,并接弧刷 | bridle wire 跳线,绝缘跨接线

bridging wiper:桥接弧刷,关接弧刷

桥接插头 bridging plug | 桥接电驿接点 bridging relay contacts | 桥接弧刷,关接弧刷 bridging wiper

bridge polar duplex system:桥接双工制

bridge plate 架接板 | bridge polar duplex system 桥接双工制 | bridge rail 桥式起重机钢轨,桥形钢轨

bridged impedance:桥接阻抗

bridged cyanine dye laser 桥接花青染料激光器 | bridged impedance 桥接阻抗 | bridging 跨接

bridged tap:桥接

bridge, central-office 总局桥 | bridged tap 桥接 | bridging connection 桥接连接

bridged tap:桥接,桥式分接头

桥接波 bridge waves | 桥接,桥式分接头 bridged tap | 桥头服务器 bridgehead server

bridge joint:桥接,架接

bridge infection ==> 过渡侵染 | bridge joint ==> 桥接,架接 | bridge key ==> 桥路中电键