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查询 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
demand  ·  quaere  ·  query  ·  refer  ·  demanded  ·  demands  ·  queried  ·  queries  ·  referred  ·  refers

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更多网络例句与查询相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Build a station namely next, I locate the website in practical inquiry kind website, offer mobile phone date to inquire attributively, public transportation inquiry, train schedule inquires, a series of services such as long-distance car inquiry.


Firstly, a spherical mesh with regular subdivision connectivity is constructed to partition the spherical domain into some small regions. Then the region, which contains the query point p, is found according to the position of p and selected as the search area for locating p. During the point location, the barycentric coordinates are used to extract local heuristic information about the location of p so as to find the shortest path from the start triangle to the target one containing p.


Based on monoid comprehension, we presented an extendable object query translation algorithm which can deal with nested subquery, query with existential and universal quantifier, query with aggregate function, query with sort/group. This algorithm converted the query into joins to the utmost to expect different physical implementations of join to raise execution efficiency.


I remember reading an AskTom article by Tom Kyte on parallel query that said that this isn't always what you want - you wouldn't for example want individual OTLP users soaking up all resource for regular transactions or queries - but parallel query is an excellent way to effectively use up all the available CPUs and disk units when you've got a particularly big warehouse query.

我记得读过一篇 AskTom 关于并行查询的文章,上面说到并不是总是如你所想象的那个样子–例如你不能想象让单独一个 OLTP 用户为了通常的事务或者查询使用全部的服务器资源–但是并行查询时一种很好的方式来充分使用所有的 CPUs 和磁盘当在一个特别大的数据仓库的查询中。

Quantifying similarity/difference between two objects plays an important role in many contexts The quality of the similarity/difference scores can be improved by considering the semantic information related to the features of objects A flexible semantic distance function called X Dist is proposed, which can utilize the semantic information to measure the difference between two objects based on a solution to the transportation problem from linear optimization With a ground distance function for single features being a metric, X Dist is also a metric This property is very useful for making searching efficient, but is not investigated in the previous research Moreover, the experimental results show X Dist can be as good as the previously studied similarity measures in nearest neighbor searching, discriminative power and computing speed

量化对象间相似性/差别的方法具有广泛的用途,利用相关的语义信息能够得到更好的量化结果提出了一个量化对象间语义差别的距离函数XDist,它基于线性优化中的运输问题模型和相关的语义信息量化两个对象之间的差别在量化特征的差别函数是度量的情况下,XDist是一个度量,在提高搜索的效率方面具有优势,弥补了以往研究的不足,而且实验初步表明,此函数在最近邻查询效果、差别分辨力和计算速度方面能与已有函数相媲美1 引言量化对象间相似性/差别的方法具有广泛的用途,例如数据挖掘中的聚类;信息检索中的相似文档查询;协同过滤中的相似用户查询;CBR中的相似案例查询集合是对象特征表示的常用结构,集合的元素是与对象特征相关的项,它们可以

Reception management module for preconcert room、cancel reservation、enter room、exchange room、quit room so on; check center module for check enter、check history roomer、check reservation and check counter so on; Stat. report module for enter report、room consumed report、settle accounts report and enter Stat. report so on; foundation information module for operator management and room management so on; system setup module for purview management、system setup.


The paper introduces a method of query, i.e., window query about time series, which is the integrative technique of forward query and inverse query.


You can add a table or query to a query by dragging the table or query name from the Database window to the upper part of query Design view.


The traditional query tree optimization methods,parallel database optimization methods based on left linear trees and right linear trees,bushy trees,and operation of the forest,have their own pros and cons,they have been more in-depth and maturity of the study.The query optimization method based on multiple weighted tree has studied its model of parallel query plan,its complexity model of parallel query plan and query optimization algorithms.The semantic query method transforms an inquiry into one or several semantic equivalence inquiries then has to find and implement a strategy to achieve a better query.Agent-based parallel database query optimization using Multi-Agent technology to automatically search the integrity constraint conditions which are related to the determined query,there for,the efficiency between several relations' joins has been greatly improved.The parallel optimization algorithm,based on genetic algorithm which is suitable for multi-joins of cluster environment,has deeply studied the relations storage options,multi-joins query optimization and query processing and other key technologies based on cluster parallel database.


Dealing with wage movements: positive steps, including normal Jin stalls, job changes, annual examination, the level of change, and so on. information functions: information, including personal enquiries, for payment of wages, wages for the Fund, the wage statistics for positioning and navigation parts. approving statements: approval statements that print out various wage movements approval form, roster and other related statements, including statements of changes in wages, the approval rating table, demobilized cadres approval sheet, changes in allowances that for approval, etc. system maintenance: maintenance of the system some basic settings, including the following: Password settings, initial setup, wage setting, database maintenance, repair databases, data exchange.


更多网络解释与查询相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Achoo:医药卫生保健 分类查询 加拿大

1st Global Directory 工商产品及服务 分类查询 美国 | Achoo 医药卫生保健 分类查询 加拿大 | ADAM 建筑设计及媒体 分类查询 英国

conjunctive query:合取查询

美哈希函数 完美哈希函数的设计 基于磁盘的字典存储 部分指定的查询术语 字符串暴力匹配(Brute-force string matching) 用 n-gram 索引 循环字典(Rotated lexicon) 布尔查询(BOOLEAN QUERY) 合取查询(conjunctive query) 术语处理顺序 随

QEQuery Executer:查询执行器各种版本

QOQuery Optimize查询优化器各种版本 | QEQuery Executer查询执行器各种版本 | QMQuery Manager查询管理器各种版本

QE Query Executer:查询执行器 各种版本

QO Query Optimize 查询优化器 各种版本 | QE Query Executer 查询执行器 各种版本 | QM Query Manager 查询管理器 各种版本

Inkling Query:模糊查询

组合查询:Multi-conditioned Query | 模糊查询:Inkling Query | 查询扩展:query expansion

HitCount integer:文件中的命中次数(单词匹配查询). 即文件中有多少个查询条件中的单词. 可 可

FileName nvarchar 文件名. 可 可 | HitCount integer 文件中的命中次数(单词匹配查询). 即文件中有多少个查询条件中的单词. 可 可 | Path nvarchar 文件的物理路径,包含文件名. 可 可

HitCount integer:文档中的命中次数(单词匹配查询). 即文档中有多少个查询条件中的单词. 可 可

FileName nvarchar 文档名. 可 可 | HitCount integer 文档中的命中次数(单词匹配查询). 即文档中有多少个查询条件中的单词. 可 可 | Path nvarchar 文档的物理路径,包含文档名. 可 可


写出的语句可看作是一个问题,称为"查询"(Query),针对这个查询,得到所需的查询结果. 下面是一个例子:这个查询意为从库表Class中将总分(Total)大于600的所有人选出来,并列出他们的姓名和总分. 用于开发库应用程序的语言中,

Query Designer:查询设计工具 查询设计工具

quality 质量 品质 | query Designer 查询设计工具 查询设计工具 | query value 查询数值 查询

query rewrite:查询改写

如果优化器判定查询物化视图是更好的解决方案,那么优化器会在一个被称为"查询改写"(query rewrite)的过程中改写SQL查询. 在这个过程中,不需要对任何SQL或应用程序代码进行修改,所以任何利用SQL访问数据库的应用程序或特定查询工具都可得益于使用物化视图.