英语人>词典>汉英 : 柔弱地 的英文翻译,例句
柔弱地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
feebly  ·  effeminately  ·  flimsily

更多网络例句与柔弱地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It seems to be an oversimplification to say that the positive emphasis is masculine, while the negative emphasis, with a decrescendo toward the climax, is feminine.


In new environment, perhaps be before the person of bad contact with, the girl always is met make not self-consciously effeminate with lovely about, no matter be,go up from speech dialect, still go up in gesticulation movement, blink the position that use and frequency to go up in the eye even, when metropolis peace very different.


The delicately bred and luxurious woman among you, who does not venture to set the sole of her foot upon the ground because of her luxuriousness and delicacy, she will begrudge the husband of her bosom and her son and daughter

28:56 你们中间柔弱娇嫩的妇人,是因娇嫩柔弱不肯把脚踏地的,必恶眼看她怀中的丈夫和她的儿女

As soon as aunty noticed him,the awful man had already stared at the tender woman with a long pontil in his hand.


The tender and delicate woman among you, which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom, and toward her son, and toward her daughter

28:56 你们中间,柔弱娇嫩的妇人,是因娇嫩柔弱不肯把脚踏地的,必恶眼看她怀中的丈夫和她的儿女。

Again was fulfilled the warning prophecy given fourteen centuries before: The tender and delicate woman among you, which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness, her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom, and toward her son, and toward her daughter,.


更多网络解释与柔弱地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


effeminateemasculateemasculatedemasculativeemasculatory 柔弱的 | effeminately 颓废地 | effeminatelyfemininelyflimsily 柔弱地


effeminate /柔弱的/女人气的/ | effeminately /颓废地/柔弱地/ | effendi /[土耳其] 对官吏等之尊称/


feeblish 较弱的 | feebly 柔弱地 | feed at the public trough 拿干薪


feebleness /弱/微弱/ | feebly /柔弱地/无力地/微弱地/衰弱地/ | feelingful /充满感情的/


feminilism /男子女征/ | femininely /女人似地/柔弱地/ | femininity /妇女特质/温柔/柔弱性/


limply 跛行地 | limpness 柔弱 | Limpopo 林波波河

limpness:柔弱; 疲倦 (名)

limply 软绵绵地; 无力地 (副) | limpness 柔弱; 疲倦 (名) | limy 石灰质的; 粘的; 涂粘鸟胶的 (形)


flimflam /胡说/胡扯/荒唐/胡说的/荒唐的/骗/骗取/ | flimsily /脆弱地/柔弱地/ | flimsiness /脆弱/浅薄/


infirmly /弱地/虚弱地/优柔寡断地/ | infirmness /弱/虚弱/柔弱/ | infix /钻进/插进/深植/插入词/中缀/

That drowns thetender reed:无情地,将柔弱的芦苇淹没

Some say love ,it is river. 有人说,爱是一条小河 | That drowns thetender reed. 无情地,将柔弱的芦苇淹没. | Some say love.it is ravor. 有人说,爱是一把利刀