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某件东西 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与某件东西相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If something is a cakewalk, it is unusually easy.


A common noun is a word that speaks of something only in a general way, like book, car, and person.


Under the generalship of Rat, everybody was set to do something or to fetch something.


To get an idea of how these tiny little "hairlike" shutters work, think about how you try to make something look clearer – you squint.


If you pick up the tab, you pay the bill or pay the cost of something.


If something costs you a pretty penny, it costs you a lot of money.


Something of value given by a promisee to a promisor to make the promise binding.


There was something about her eloquence at that moment and the way she thrust that rosebush under my nose which remains unforgettable; she spoke of it as if it were some extraneous object which she had acquired at great cost, an object whose value had increased with time and which now she prized above everything in the world.


Then the clothes have caused the death of the poor man.the hound had been given something of sir henry's to smell so that it would pick up his scent and follow him.i think that is why the shoe was taken from the hotel in london.so the hound followed the scent and bunted this man.but there is one thing i don't understand.how did selden know that the hound was following him?


It looks like you may get money from a family member, bank, court settlement, gift, or other source, allowing you to buy property or fix it up if you like.


更多网络解释与某件东西相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


所有集合都提供了相应的读写功能.将某样东西置入集合时,采用的方式是十分明显的.有一个叫作"推" (Push),"添加"(Add)或其他类似名字的函数用于做这件事情.但将数据从集合中取出的时候,方式却 并不总是那么明显.如果是一个数组形式的实体,

canonical cohomology class:标准上[典范上]同调类

thingumajig (用以指某人或某事)某人, 某件东西 | canonical cohomology class 标准上[典范上]同调类 | enantiotropic 互变的


这些突出的"蚌壳"充分显示了恶俗和"可爱"(cute)之间的亲缘关系. 所谓"可爱",往往就是轻率地把某件东西做得和它本来的尺寸相比要么过大(如浴皂蚌壳)、要么过小(如12英寸的大卫像). 米老鼠刚开始时只有老鼠的尺寸,可是后来它逐渐长大,



Nothing interesting:没有什么有趣的事/东西

something important 某件重要的事 | nothing interesting 没有什么有趣的事/东西 | 7. all over the world 遍及全世界 in the world

thingumajig:<口>(用以指某人或某事)某人, 某件东西

acid room 储酸室 | thingumajig (用以指某人或某事)某人, 某件东西 | canonical cohomology class 标准上[典范上]同调类

go whole hog:干脆彻底地做一件事,不惜重金购买一件朝思暮想的东西

16. fair-haired boy 一个得到上级垂青的年轻人 | 17. go whole hog 干脆彻底地做一件事,不惜重金购买一件朝思暮想的东西 | 18. go the whole nine yards 为了达到某一目的而竭尽全力

wind instrument:管乐器

加上xxxx(另一个原因,不重要),结果扼杀了Big bands的市场,音乐家又开始有工作了.最后提到广播(broadcasting)跟另一个东西(忘了是啥),促成某件事情(好像是音乐的发展吧)管乐器(wind instrument)的历史可以追溯到公元前三四千年,