英语人>词典>汉英 : 架设 的英文翻译,例句
架设 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
span  ·  spans

更多网络例句与架设相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1.0, any weapon with a bipod can be deployed while prone, at a sandbag or at some but not all window ledges.


Test and analytical studies indicated that (1) connection moment strengths in positive bending were similar but in negative bending were different on the order of 0.72 and 0.6 percent compared to the bare steel beam subassembly so that the self-centering behavior of the subassemblies with the composite concrete slab was not observed,(2) force-transferring mechanism in the connection proposed was able to predict the force-deformation relationship of the subassembly with the composite concrete slab, and (3) a general-purpose nonlinear finite element analysis program ABAQUS was used to perform the correlation study on the subassemblies with and without composite concrete slab.


If two mounting screws are desired, translate the stage in the opposite direction to line up one of the other mounting holes.


For the steel truss girder with abroad \\\"bridge crane bar assembled Law,\\\" the level of technology and equipment as a result of the limited duration of its long, far from being able to meet China\\\s bridge construction project as requested in the analysis of large-span suspension bridge mountain girder erection difficulties under the premise that after the election raised more than Aizhai Bridge \\\"self-cross-cable crane swing shift\\\" program to set up the main truss, which is mountainous suspension bridge girder erecting another major innovation.


On period " golden hill business management " the magazine published from " digging pit filling " the by-talk article that speaks of, from a 3 people working party, one person digging pit, telegraph pole of one person erect, one person filling, that person of inopportune erect telegraph pole because reason absent, and the person of filling of those two digging pit is illuminated dry a jest that do not deduce by accident are derivative be short of the impressions that break to business management target.

梗概: 上期《金山企业管理》杂志刊登了一篇从"挖坑填土"说起的杂谈文章,从一个三人工作小组,一人挖坑,一人架设电线杆,一人填土,不巧架设电线杆的那个人因故缺席,而那两个挖坑填土的人照干不误所演绎出的一则笑话引出对企业管理目标缺失的感想。

In 2003, fate brought Jukai and Don together. The two were able to interact and interchange ideas and works, through the help of Coolmack Net. Not only were the two of them admiring each other's work, but they also discovered that they shared much similarity in the usage and creativity of the Adobe Illustrator. That was where it all started. In order for them to communicate and share their ideas much effectively, they discussed the possibility of setting up a website together. Then came the creation of their VI – Djebala. In the very beginning, Djebala was only meant to use for identifying the creation of Jukai and Don. However, it stormed the virtual design community with awes over a very short period of time and created itself a band of the vivid followers. Through these unexpected success and events, as well as all the interactions and support, Djebala grew stronger and gradually evolved into a complete "Graphic Design and Creativity Workgroup." Now, Djebala is not just aiming to create a website, it has grown much larger and greater goals.

秉持著这样的想法,2003年底某个偶然的机会,Jukai与小董两人在台湾一个著名的网路设计论坛「舞动影像」上进行了交流,其中除了彼此欣赏对方的作品外,发现在使用Adobe Illustrator软体绘制向量插图上,两人也有许多共同的理念,为了进一步提高两人作品在网路上提供浏览的方便性,於是逐步思考架设一个「联合个人作品网站」的可能,进而共同设计开发出一个VI─「djebala 激芭乐」,来作为此网站的整体视觉规划识别,真可谓无心插柳柳成阴,一路走来,受到了各种刺激与支持、有志之士的加入与合作,激芭乐渐渐演变成为一个完整的「图像设计创作团队」,凭藉著网路上连结起的同伴合作与交流,持续精进成长,朝向了一个远远比架设网站更大规模的目标迈进!

In order to simplify realization which erects, adopts Microsoft Corporation's Access to take the database platform, like this erects a simple forum on the single plane not to need to install any procedure nearly.


On the project background of Rongzhou Bridge, a half through CFST arch bridge in Yibin crossing Jinshajiang, the optimizing theory is applied to the calculation of the stayed-buckle-cable forces in the process of craning construction of the steel-tube arch segment and construction error adjusting. The calculated optimum cable forces with high precision can guarantee the inner forces and the structuredeformation in safe state, and ensure the line shape of the arch ring in accordance with design requirements as well.


For the steel truss girder with abroad \\\"bridge crane bar assembled Law,\\\" the level of technology and equipment as a result of the limited duration of its long, far from being able to meet China\\\s bridge construction project as requested in the analysis of large-span suspension bridge mountain girder erection difficulties under the premise that after the election raised more than Aizhai Bridge \\\"self-cross-cable crane swing shift\\\" program to set up the main truss, which is mountainous suspension bridge girder erecting another major innovation.


On period " golden hill business management " the magazine published from " digging pit filling " the by-talk article that speaks of, from a 3 people working party, one person digging pit, telegraph pole of one person erect, one person filling, that person of inopportune erect telegraph pole because reason absent, and the person of filling of those two digging pit is illuminated dry a jest that do not deduce by accident are derivative be short of the impressions that break to business management target.

梗概: 上期《金山企业管理》杂志刊登了一篇从&挖坑填土&说起的杂谈文章,从一个三人工作小组,一人挖坑,一人架设电线杆,一人填土,不巧架设电线杆的那个人因故缺席,而那两个挖坑填土的人照干不误所演绎出的一则笑话引出对企业管理目标缺失的感想。

更多网络解释与架设相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


成立至今,欧维信息已连续荣膺Nokia企业解决方案产品华南区优秀代理商. 我们的使命:架设信息技术与客户业务之间的桥梁我们的远景:行业领先信息安全服务管理供应商我们坚信:欧维(Alway),因您(You)而永远(Alway)!


conventioneer 到会的人 | cannoneer 炮手,炮兵 | pontooneer 浮桥架设


定义阶段(Define) 定义阶段将会获取和核实企业的各项需求,然后按重要性先后实施执行. 该阶段将编制功能阵列、架设软硬件,以及评估资料量. 编制功能阵列的好处,是可以把各项功能详细列出来,优先处理重要功能. 架设软硬件时,


erecting yard 装配场 | erection 架设 | erection bolt 安装螺栓

erection drawing:架设图,安装图

架设线图,安装线图 erection diagram | 架设图,安装图 erection drawing | 架设负载 erection load

high rise erection:高层结构架设

high rise city 高中城市 | high rise erection 高层结构架设 | high rise residential area 高层住宅区域




cannoneer 炮手,炮兵 | pontooneer 浮桥架设人 | weaponeer (核)武器专家

bridge wall cover:桥墙盖板(桥墙间架设的耐火板)

bridge type || 桥式 | bridge wall cover || 桥墙盖板(桥墙间架设的耐火板) | bridge work || 桥托,齿桥

converted cable ship:改装电缆架设船

converted balance sheet || 债券股票转换后资产负债表 | converted cable ship || 改装电缆架设船 | converted controlled variable || 变换了的受控变量