英语人>词典>汉英 : 枪膛 的英文翻译,例句
枪膛 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bore  ·  chamber  ·  bores  ·  chambers

更多网络例句与枪膛相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have more bullets in the chamber now.


Made through combining a self-loading chamber /*怀疑是Auto Loading Chamber*/and the Repeater Rifle, this technological terror will rain down a barrage of bullets on your enemies in less time than it takes to butter your crumpet!

通过组合"自动填弹枪膛"/*怀疑是自动裝填枪膛Auto Loading Chamber 游戏中验证一下*/和"连发来福枪",这种科技怪物能够向你的敌人们雨点般射出密集的子弹幕,用时比在薄饼上抹黄油的时间还要短!

Rifles should be cleaned regularly by pulling a piece of flannelette through.


Rifles should be regularly pulled through with a piece of flannelette .


Late Shanghai Artist to Get First Hometown Solo Show "Daily Incantations," a work by artist Chen Zhen SHANGHAI, Feb. 9, 2006 - Almost a decade after artist Chen Zhen angered Shanghai censors with his acerbic work Gaming Table, which linked money, chamber pots and military strategy, the city is to host his first solo exhibition.

迟的上海艺术家拿第一场家乡独奏表演"每日的诀语",艺术家陈 Zhen 的一个工作上海,2006 年二月 9 日-几乎十年在艺术家陈 Zhen 之后用他的 acerbic 激怒上海检查员工作赌胜负桌子,联编了钱,放在枪膛内壶和军事的策略,城市是主办他的第一单独的展览。

Gun is treated, that is, magicians could be secretly re-nail out from the barrel of a gun.


Midway of the slope between bridge and fort were the spectators - a single company of infantry in line, at "parade rest," the butts of the rifles on the ground, the barrels inclining slightly backward against the right shoulder, the hands crossed upon the stock.


The effect of refined cotton,carbon fiber content and length on the safety of caseless ammunition and self-ignition temperature of simulating bore test was analyzed by testing the ignition point of 5 s delay of the propellants containing carbon fiber or refined cotton,impact sensitivity and temperature of simulating bore test.


Cleaning kits were developed and issued; barrels with chromed chambers and later fully-chromed bores were introduced.


The Breda 30 1/6 scale is Twisting Toyz products that all the details are well done; I'm quite like the quality!


更多网络解释与枪膛相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a narrow escape:九死一生

射进他的枪膛,塞的满满的!如果这颗子弹,左一点,右一点,或者上一点,下一点,非穿透他的脑袋不可. 然而,似乎世界上最不可能的事,就发生了. 这段故事的标题,该题作"九死一生"(A Narrow Escape)才对. 那才叫离死亡只有一拃的距离呢!


值得一提的是狙击枪管的枪膛(bore)不像突击步枪或者主力步枪(battle rifles)的枪膛一样有电镀铬防锈蚀的程序,这也是为了减少对弹著精密度的妨碍所作的考量.

Bore diameter:膛径

从一个阴膛到枪膛对面另一个阴膛间的距离,比"膛径"(bore diameter)还大一点. 它的作法是将枪管钻一个比阴膛直径(groove diameter)稍大的洞,将一根和枪管内膛形状相反(阴膛线位置突起)、贯串整根枪管的高硬度模杆放在洞中,然后以机器在枪管外锤打,

Bottleneck case:瓶颈式弹壳

Boresighter [枪膛归零器] | Bottleneck case [瓶颈式弹壳] | Box magazine [盒型弹匣]

gas pressure:瓦斯压力

在瓦斯气体进入瓦斯管, 开始开锁时, 弹头必须已经出枪管, 瓦斯气体扩散到大气中, 使枪膛中的瓦斯压力(Gas Pressure)降到与周围的大气相等.早期的M16, 在许多问题之中, 其中之一是因为使用的火药问题, 开锁过早, 因此常常会有退壳失败的故障,

Heat sink:散热板

因此弹壳还扮演了一个散热板(Heat Sink)的角色.在HK研发G11无壳弹药的过程中, 灸发(Cock Off)曾是非常严重的问题, 因为无壳子弹没有弹壳将部份的热能带出, 因此在射击一阵子之后, 枪膛的温度不能散出, 而使得后来的子弹,

In view of sth:鉴于,考虑到

Eject 把子弹从枪膛弹出 | In view of sth 鉴于,考虑到 | In light of sth 鉴于,考虑到某事


同"半自动"(semi-automatic)和"自动装填"(autoloading). 用来将塞在前膛枪枪膛里的弹丸(ball)取出的工具. 其后有螺纹,装在舂条之上,伸入枪膛顶住弹丸施压旋转,前端螺丝尖头旋入铅质弹丸中,进入适当深度后,就可以抽出舂条将弹丸拉出枪膛.

Service brake chamber:伺服制动枪膛,内含弹簧压紧机构,当供应气动压力时促使制动张开

Sending units:发送单元,分带指示灯与不带指示灯两... | Service brake chamber:伺服制动枪膛,内含弹簧压紧机构,当供应气动压力时促使制动张开. | Service brake valve:伺服制动阀,用于操作对制动枪膛的控制,使用手柄...

Service brake valve:伺服制动阀,用于操作对制动枪膛的控制,使用手柄头操作

Service brake chamber:伺服制动枪膛,内含弹簧压紧机构,当供应气动压力时促... | Service brake valve:伺服制动阀,用于操作对制动枪膛的控制,使用手柄头操作. | Single-pole switch:单极开关,内含一个指示灯,合上时该...