英语人>词典>汉英 : 松开 的英文翻译,例句
松开 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
disentangle  ·  disentwine  ·  easing  ·  loosen  ·  relinquish  ·  unclasp  ·  undo  ·  unloose  ·  untie  ·  untied  ·  unclasped  ·  unclench  ·  unclinch  ·  undouble  ·  unentangle  ·  unkink  ·  unloosing  ·  unsnarl  ·  relinquishing  ·  disentangled  ·  disentangles  ·  disentangling  ·  loosens  ·  relinquished  ·  relinquishes  ·  unclasping  ·  unclasps  ·  unclinched  ·  unclinches  ·  unclinching  ·  undoes  ·  unloosed  ·  unlooses  ·  unsnarled  ·  unsnarling  ·  unsnarls  ·  unties

更多网络例句与松开相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His hands grip the metal balustrade, let go, grip again.


But he stressed that, while his fist was still unclenched, the onus was on Iran to grasp it.


I believe, it was torturous when you left my grip, because that means it is the time when I should let you go.


A stalklike bundle of nerve fibers connecting different parts of the brain.


During the process, does not loosen embroiders frames to embroiders various types pattern in, after completing the embroidery, could not loosens immediately, must make the starching movement on the back side that to be fixed the end of thread and the embroider thread which for the embroider thread not to fall off and the cloth corrugation.


An unfastening or letting go of something caught or held fast.


The act of unfastening or ''.


The act of unfastening or loosening .


You will follow the dive as you swing back under the glider. If you release the brakes when the leading edge is pointing up, glider can be attack so fast and u can get into trouble..NEVER RELEASE THE BRAKES WHEN THE GLIDER IS BEHIND YOU! When the leading edge is pointing to either side, or not entirely straight down, you're also in trouble. The glider will easily develop cravattes, and enter cravatted spirals


You will follow the dive as young back under the glider. If you release the brakes when the leading edge is pointing up, glider can be attack so fast and u can get into trouble..NEVER RELEASE THE BRAKES WHEN THE GLIDER IS BEHIND YOU! When the leading edge is pointing to either side, or not entirely straight down, you're also in trouble. The glider will easily develop cravattes, and enter cravatted spirals


更多网络解释与松开相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

back off tool:松开工具

back off sub 丢手接头 | back off tool 松开工具 | back order 延期交货


disentrancement 使从迷惘中觉醒 | disentwine 松开 | disepalous 有两萼片的


disentomb /盗坟/从坟墓中取出/发掘/ | disentwine /松开/解开/ | disequilibration /平衡不稳/

let someone go:松开或释放某人

811let someone down使某人失望 | 812let someone go松开或释放某人 | 813let sth go松开或释放某事物

let sth go:松开或释放某事物

812let someone go松开或释放某人 | 813let sth go松开或释放某事物 | 814liabilityn. 责任,债务,倾向


loosenaconnection 松开连接部位 | loosened 松开的 | loosenedrock 松散岩石


unslugged /无磁滞的/ | unsnap /解开扣子/松开扣子/ | unsnarl /解开结子/松开/


"出坞","undock" | "松开夹扣,松开压具","undog" | "波纹电流","undulating current"


unsnap /解开扣子/松开扣子/ | unsnarl /解开结子/松开/ | unsociability /不爱交际/非社交性/不和气/


untutored /未受教育的/粗野的/幼稚的/ | untwine /松开搓合之线/ | untwist /松开搓合之线/解开/