英语人>词典>汉英 : 权杖 的英文翻译,例句
权杖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
crosier  ·  mace  ·  staff  ·  taiaha  ·  truncheon  ·  staffed  ·  truncheoned  ·  staffs  ·  truncheoning  ·  sceptres  ·  wands

crown jewels
更多网络例句与权杖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

China is no more than a downfallen baronage though she owns the crosier of historical tradition.


Previous generation of entrepreneurs down, that I had dropped the baton asit was being passed to me.


Learning is a sceptre to s ome, a bauble to others.


The shaft is said to be crafted from the bones of celestials and gilded with obsidian.


The grim beadle now made a gesture with his staff.


Nava Becher reminds me that Moses coiled a bronze snake around his staff and thrust it upward to the sky to remind people of the Almighty and that the snake is a symbol for medicine meaning that what kills you can also cure you.


In short, and incontestably, that which triumphed at Waterloo; that which smiled in Wellington's rear; that which brought him all the marshals' staffs of Europe, including, it is said, the staff of a marshal of France; that which joyously trundled the barrows full of bones to erect the knoll of the lion; that which triumphantly inscribed on that pedestal the date "June 18, 1815"; that which encouraged Blucher, as he put the flying army to the sword; that which, from the heights of the plateau of Mont-Saint-Jean, hovered over France as over its prey, was the counter-revolution.


His symbols are the healing hands and the Caduceus, a winged staff intertwined with two snakes, which can be seen on the signs of pharmacies and hospitals.


In his hand he held a carven staff of oak.


And old Barlow the macebearer laid up with asthma, no mace on the table, nothing in order, no quorum even, and Hutchinson, the lord mayor, in Llandudno and little Lorcan Sherlock doing locum tenens for him.


更多网络解释与权杖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Grim Wand:重权杖

Bone Wand--骨权杖 | Grim Wand--重权杖 | Club--棒


不包含其他型态的狼牙棒 (棍棒),亦即并非所有棍棒等级的武器皆可武器 (Missile Weapons) = 近战武器、飞射性武器、投掷武器、法师的球体法杖 (Orbs)权杖 (Scepters) = 权杖 (Scepter)、雄伟权杖 (Gr

Grand Scepter:(雄伟权杖)

Mace)包括钉头锤(Mace)/流星锤(Morning Star)/连枷(Flail)及它们的优越/精华版,但不包括其它类型的钉头锤权杖(节杖,Scepter)包括权杖(Scepter)/雄伟权杖(Grand Scepter)/巨战权杖(War Scepter)及它们的优越/精华版注:钉锤类中权杖(Scepters)除外注:烧焦之杖(Burnt Wand),

War Scepter:(巨战权杖)

但不包括其它类型的钉头锤权杖(节杖,Scepter)包括权杖(Scepter)/雄伟权杖(Grand Scepter)/巨战权杖(War Scepter)及它们的优越/精华版注:钉锤类中权杖(Scepters)除外注:烧焦之杖(Burnt Wand),


作者Shirley借国王手里的权杖(sceptre)和头上的王冠(crown)代替国王,借农民劳动的工具镰刀(scythe)和铁铲(spade)代替农民. 读者必须借助文化语境将权杖、王冠与国王联系起来. 将镰刀、铁铲与农民联系起来,才能正确理解这4个词的真正含义,

Manufacturer: Sceptre:制造商:权杖

Label: Sceptre 标签:权杖 | Manufacturer: Sceptre 制造商:权杖 | Number Of Pages: 432 页面数: 432

Label: Sceptre:标签:权杖

Format: Bargain Price 格式:议价价格 | Label: Sceptre 标签:权杖 | Manufacturer: Sceptre 制造商:权杖

Yew Wand:紫衫木权杖

Ward--权杖 | Yew Wand--紫衫木权杖 | Bone Wand--骨权杖


klmm 远古战斧 | rots 海之权杖 | axas 先祖权杖

Behold, the Hall of Scepters:看啊,权杖礼堂

A new scepter must be created to celebrate the occasion.|为庆祝这次盛会, 要创造一... | Behold, the Hall of Scepters.|看啊,权杖礼堂 | -They're beautiful. -Every scepter is unique.|-太美了! -每一把权杖都...