英语人>词典>汉英 : 机构 的英文翻译,例句
机构 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
house  ·  institution  ·  institutions  ·  machine  ·  mechanism  ·  organ  ·  organization  ·  outfit  ·  setup  ·  wheel  ·  houses  ·  machined  ·  machines  ·  outfits  ·  outfitted  ·  outfitting  ·  wheels  ·  agcy.  ·  apparatuses  ·  org.  ·  organs

the internal structure of an organization
更多网络例句与机构相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The variable geometry truss mechanisms have been studied extensively and systematically by this project. The research plan has been completed all sidedly, and expected results have been obtained. Three new kinds of combination decahedrons and a new class of variable geometry truss mechanism, which is composed of an octahedron and three tetrahedrons connected in parallel form, are proposed. The position analyses for decahedrons, dodecahedrons, triple-octahedrons, combinations decahedron and a new type of structure of variable geometry truss mechanisms are presented by introducing additional extra linear displacement sensors and using resultant elimination and homotopy continuation algorithms. The method of kinematical analysis of variable geometry truss mechanisms is established.


The talk will review four 'narratives' of deinstitutionalization: 1 the positive narrative of moving care from the asylum to the community, from 'confinement' to 'hope'; 2 the dark narratives of 'deinstitutionalization' leading to neglect and 'reinstitutionalization'; 3 a cultural narrative of distinctive forms of institutionalization and deinstitutionalization in diverse regions of Asia; and 4 a reminder of the complex history of deinstitutionalization in the United States and Western countries.


The paper studies the distribution characteristics and determinants of job vacancies. The parameter estimation is based on the two-stage Tobit procedure. The main statistical results are as follows: There is a positive correlation between the hiring scale and job vacancy incidence, while there is a negative correlation between the qualification vacancy rate and the hiring scale. The higher the labor turnover rate in units, the higher the job vacancy incidences and the vacancy rates are. The 98.39% of institutions with prospects have labor needs, and 39.53% of units declining say they will hire new staff. After decomposing the Theil Index which reflects the gaps among vacancy rates, the differences among vacancy rates of different units are mainly from the inner causes of various groups, and the intergroup reasons are not main ones.


The paper studies the distribution characteristics and determinants of job vacancies. The parameter estimation is based on the two-stage Tobit procedure. The main statistical results are as follows: There is a positive correlation between the hiring scale and job vacancy incidence, while thereis a negative correlation between the qualification vacancy rate and the hiring scale. The higher the labor turnover rate in units, the higher the job vacancy incidences and the vacancy rates are. The 98.39% of institutions with prospects have labor needs, and 39.53% of units declining say they will hirenew staff. After decomposing the Theil Index which reflects the gaps among vacancy rates, the differences among vacancy rates of different units are mainly from the inner causes of various groups, and the intergroup reasons are not main ones.


Some key part is ameliorated to meet the demands of working. This thesis mainly includes:(1) Analysing the working principle of the spring operateing mechanism, expatiating the character of the mechanism;(2) With the design aim of the spring operating mechanism, accomplishing the design of ZW□-12/630-20 outdoor HV vacuum breaker based on the systemic design theory of the spring operating mechanism, which includes spring mechanism of open-close switch; cam mechanism based on the principle of power balance; buckle-off mechanism with force-minished device; ratchet wheel mechanism with number-increased detent;(3) In the design on the spring operating mechanism for the outdoor vacuum breaker, using the air cushion device with speed controller to ensure the steady working of the spring operating mechanism;(4) Accoding the problem of daily maintenance for HV circuitbreaker, giving some effective steps of daily maintenance.


This paper introduced the working principle and kinematic regulation of intermittent sheet transfer mechanism available,expounded their advantages and disadvantages,and provided out that the tendency of this mechanism is the finer dynamic performance,higher precise and compacter.


This thesis investigates the profile extraction and shape optimization on the result of topology optimization of planar compliant mechanisms. The main context includes the following work:(1) summarizing and analyzing the recent research status, some harvest and unsolved problems;(2) analyzing the conceptual design of planar path-generating compliant mechanisms and its mathematical model and tools;(3) Modifying the method of density contour as the method of profile extraction, and developing a method to optimize the density function in the profile extraction according to the requirement of the design of compliant mechanism;(4) developing a method to abstract the compliant mechanism into a form of links and joints by using the principle of connectivity on topology;(5) developing a method of shape optimization of planar path-generating compliant mechanisms, by representing the profile of the abstracted compliant mechanism as simple curves such as straight lines and arcs, establishing the models of the size optimization of the parameters of these curves, so that the compliant mechanism has a machinable shape;(6) At last, proving the feasibleness and effectiveness of the design method by making simulation design and validating it in FEA software.


The main content of this thesis includes the following parts:(1) In Chapter 2, the conditions of link lengths are derived for the side bars to rotate as cranks. Two types of cranks are defined and then five-bar linkages are divided into four types, i.e.


The new rT joint not only has two rotation axes that intersect at right angle,but also has another rotational degree of freedom which can be used to modify the assembly of other joints.This can change the mobility of the parallel mechanisms that assembled with the new rT joints and leads to two types of metamorphic paralllel mechanisms:In the first type,the mechanism changes its topology by turning the new rT joints in all limbs into different configurations which reconfigures the constraints within the limbs or the assembly of all the limb constraints.This change of mobility is completed by two cases.One is illustrated by a 3PS and a 3C parallel mechanism,by altering the rT joint into different configurations there will produce or reduce local degrees of freedom and thus change the constraits to the moving platform.This qualifies the 3PS and 3C to have variable mobility from 3 through to 6 and from 1 through to 6 respectively.


Under CFI we also include a number of institutions known as cooperative banks. The expression_r cooperative bank is often used to represent a CFI that holds a banking licence, but also a number of other very disparate structures, such as: the apex of a CFI network that holds a banking licence; a joint stock anking subsidiary of an apex of a CFI network; a joint-stock bank subsidiary of n apex of a non-financial cooperative network (U.K., Swizerland); or an entire network of CFI, usually with a relatively high level of integration that holds a banking licence (Netherlands' Rabobank ).


更多网络解释与机构相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Branch Office:分支机构

分支机构(Branch Office) 什么是分支机构 所谓的分支机构是整体企业的一个组成部分,它在经营业务、经营方针等各方面都要受到公司总部不同程度的控制. 分支机构不是独立的法律主体,但通常是一个独立的会计个体.

correcting element:调节机构

现行国家专业标准>中执行器的英译名为correcting unit,其下还有执行机构(actuator)与调节机构(correcting element)两条术语;第三,高校教材>关于执行器的定义是:"执行器是由执行机构和调节机构组成的,

credit rating agency:信用评级机构

而特殊目标机构可能是创始机D、信用增强机构(Credit Enhancement Provider)E、信用评级机构(Credit Rating Agency)券信用风险程度. 美国现有三家评等机构分别为:标准普尔(S&P)、穆迪(Moody's)F、受托机构(Trustee)种: A、转手证券(pass-through)由于银行受到国际清算银行(BIS)的自有资本对风险性资产的限制,

drag link mechanism:牵杆机构,双曲柄机构

牵杆机构 drag link mechanism/drag-link | 牵杆机构,双曲柄机构 drag-link mechanism | 漂移 drift


再次,通过在东道国设立的中介机构(intermediary)或者独立代表(independent person)提供服务的情况下,如果该中介机构或者独立代表获得了永久授权,能够代表有关金融机构向第三方当事人提供金融服务,并在被代表金融机构的管理和控制下开展业务活动,

International Atomic Energy Agency:国际原子能机构(原子能机构),IAEA,原子能机构

international atmospheric interference,国际性大气干扰,, | International Atomic Energy Agency,国际原子能机构(原子能机构),IAEA,原子能机构 | International Atoms-for-Peace Agency,国际和平利用原子能机构,...



non-profit organization:非牟利机构无需缴税的机构,向非牟利机构的捐赠一般也免税

Non-Performing Loan不良贷款已经违约或接近违... | Non-Profit Organization非牟利机构无需缴税的机构,向非牟利机构的捐赠一般也免税 | Non-Recourse Debt无追索权债务有抵押(抵押品一般为物业)贷款,若贷款方违约,放...


美国认为专家组的这一认定是错误的. 美国认为"机构"(agencies)一词使用的是复数形式,而且没有限制,因而指的不是一个机构,也不是几个或一部分机构,而是所有机构.

Certifying body:认证机构

(b)由办事公正、不徇私情、无部门利益倾向的成员组成委员会的常设办事机构,即认证机构(Certifying Body). (c)由认证委员会、认证机构建立若干个授权的资格鉴定机构(Authorized Qualifying Body).