英语人>词典>汉英 : 机密的 的英文翻译,例句
机密的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与机密的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Alix lowered his voice confidentially :"He's in Paris, but he doesn't come here any more."


As a result of that, it is an extremely confidential matter between me and you.


We are on a highly classified mission...


This is especially important if you have highly confidential documents.


It is a top secret, government detention center.


Any nebulous arguments about us national security and the need for classified research on human subjects speak for themselves.


However, the obligations of confidentiality, limited use and nondisclosure hereunder with respect to the Business Relationship and any Confidential Information shall continue until such time that the information disclosed no longer constitutes Confidential Information under Section 2 of this Agreement, and such obligations shall survive any termination of this Agreement.

然而, 机密的义务,有限使用和未公开以下有关于商务关系和任何的机密数据将继续到如此的时间数据揭露不再组成在这协议的第 2 节下面的机密的数据,和如此的义务将幸存任何的这协议的终止。

But political calculations are likely to have played a bigger role than the regulations themselves, which still allow information to be withheld if it relates to "state secrets" a term applied sweepingly in China.


Baldie followed your XXXX to the Menethil Harbor, saw him met an unknown man,and received something from him.then the unknown man went to Dark Shore by ship.

xd特写:&那个秃驴跟踪著您的到米奈柛酆蟀l现他与一个机密的会面,并且给他了一些东西,随后那个机密就上了去往黑海岸的船&AKw~ _ n

This paper proposes an extended image encryption algorithm, which is used to encrypt the confidential binary images into non-confidential garnished image.


更多网络解释与机密的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

confident a.1:确信的,肯定的 2.有信心的,自信的

confidence n.1.信任 2.信心,自信 | confident a.1.确信的,肯定的 2.有信心的,自信的 | confidential a.1.秘密的,机密的 2.表示信任(或亲密)的 3.担任机密工作的


confidential#信赖的;机密的 | contemptuous#傲慢的 | contemptible#可轻视的


escape 跳出 | esoteric 机密的 | especially ad.特别(是),尤其

par excellence:最杰出的,首屈一指的

north of 超过... | par excellence 最杰出的,首屈一指的 | privy to 可参与...机密的


美国有案例指出,合法利益包括商业秘密、机密的客户名单及雇主独特的(unique)、不寻常的(extraordinary)服务. 而所谓独特,一些州认为指派员工接受特殊的训练,也是一种可受保护的合法利益,但是一般的训练则不在此限. 至于独特的范围,


hi-fi (下保伪的), | hugger-mugger (机密的), | itty-bitty (极老的),

Very hush-hush stuff:这是极度机密的事情

based on the theory of magnetic attraction.|研发新型武器的... | Very hush-hush stuff.|这是极度机密的事情 | I didn't realize you were in the loop on the Pentagon hush-hush.|我可不知道你在五角大楼的极度机...

negligent:忽视的, 粗心大意的

confidential 机密的 | 21) negligent 忽视的, 粗心大意的 | negligible 可忽视的

overcame vbl.overcome:的过去式

legitimate adj.合法的, 合理的, 正统的v.合法 | overcame vbl.overcome的过去式 | confidential adj.秘密的, 机密的

security clearance:参与机密的资格

McCathyism 麦卡锡主义 | security clearance 参与机密的资格 | think tank 政策研究机构,智囊团