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本领 的英文翻译、例句


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By using the electronic stopping power of Oen Robinson in the bipartition model of ion transport,the path lengths,reflection coefficients and range distributions have been calculated.


And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth.


Some creatures have amazing ability of self-repairing:a cutted fishworm can outgrow another half of it's body,and newt can rebuild it's injured limbs......By comparison,human's ablility of organ regeneration seems not that good.


Resolution of the secondary electron image ; equifinal spherical aberra tion coefficient ; optimum half open angle ; limit resolution


Membership card before mastering the computer has been reached by the date referred to in pentinum series now the operation, and was many times more capacity, membership card before character processing software performance had improved, colorful graphics and image processing power for further improvement, doubling the output speed, completely replaced the lead platoon phototype.


Product fault ink UN-uniform UN-uniform ink products were:(1) water and ink, ink and wash painting the rubber roll version of wear, spindle bearing wear, cots epiderm aging decline, ink, etc;(2) series water roll of layer debranning, cylindricity wear, a thin layer of shoulderpieces for intergradle monlchamus, a product of long a portion of the Ribbon, resulting in a roller 跞 movement oscillating anisotropism;(3) support by Edition of water, rollers, the cylinder, swayig stand, wear, resulting in version tiaodong Cot by cause pressure by version is unstable, produce ink imbalance, ink, ink plate, staves, relying on the old version (students'overloaded) version of COTS and pressure;(4) the water roll chemiluminscent set of aging or poor quality water decline caused by transmission;(5) does not have a regular check of the drum-and-ink roller and version by version-and-ink roller and pressures;(6) if the drum gear wear, and gear spacing is the same as the regular ink "" gear.

二、产物墨色不平均障碍产物墨色不平均的来因有:(1)传水、传墨、匀墨和靠版水墨各橡胶辊的圆柱度磨损超不差,拆轴承的轴脚磨损,胶辊不内脏嫩化,传墨本领回升等;(2)串水辊度层脱皮,圆柱度磨损超不差,暗地有薄积墨层,两脚长出局部有积墨带,变不败滚子跞不静串墨不不平衡;(3)撑持靠版水、墨辊的锁脚,摆不静支架,磨损惨重,变不败胶辊靠版时跳不静致使靠版不抬辛不安定,爆发水墨不不平衡,呈现墨色不不平衡、干版、水墨杠、嫩版等本体;(4)水辊绒套嫩化或质度不差变不败传水本领回升;(5)操纵按期校核各水墨辊及版滚筒与靠版水墨辊的不抬辛;(6)若滚筒传不静齿轮磨损超不差,呈现与齿轮间距不异的有次序的&齿轮墨杠&。不一、套印障碍 1。

The author believe that our Party must has hers theory and reality basement to bing forward the geal of Constructing Socialist harmonious society.


First pass golden light,哪吒, Yang Jian, Shan Guige 显本领,actually each defeat, nearly lost their life.


The old man replied levelly, Your skill at shooting is indeed quite astounding, and I myself, having no such talent, have nothing to teach you concerning this.


The tiger made a few more exploratory forays, and each time the donkey just brayed loudly. The tiger gradually got used to this, and began to feel that there was nothing special about the donkey.


更多网络解释与本领相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absorbing ability:吸收能力[本领]

discordant 不调和的, 不和的, [乐]不悦耳的, 不和谐的 | absorbing ability 吸收能力[本领] | BSAM Basic Sequential Access Method 基本顺序存取法

crushing capacity:压碎本领 碾碎本领

aerodontalgia 牙痛(在高空中气压低所产生的) | crushing capacity 压碎本领 碾碎本领 | course sensitivity 航向灵敏度


瞬间必v power,instantaneous | 游离本领 power,ionizing | 直线阻挡本领;直线阻止本领 power,linear stopping


标称烛光 power, nominal candle | 贯穿本领 power, penetrating | 辐射本领 power, radiation

stopping power function:阻止本领函数

stopping power 阻止本领 | stopping power function 阻止本领函数 | storage 贮藏

show one's paces:马)显示速度(步法); [喻]显出自己的本领

in the long run:从长远的观点来看;终究,最后 | show one's paces ( 马)显示速度(步法); [喻]显出自己的本领 | try sb.'s paces 试某人本领

Cloaking field:飞行器隐形本领

YaMaTo Gun=大和巨炮 | Cloaking field=飞行器隐形本领 | P.Cloaking=地面职员隐形本领

diffusibleness:扩散能力, 扩散本领

diffusibility 扩散能力, 扩散本领 | diffusibleness 扩散能力, 扩散本领 | diffusion 扩散

separative duty:分离本领

separation tower 分离柱 | separative duty 分离本领 | separative effort 分离本领

separative effort:分离本领

separative duty 分离本领 | separative effort 分离本领 | separative element 分离元件