英语人>词典>汉英 : 本地的 的英文翻译,例句
本地的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
local  ·  vicinal  ·  autochthonic  ·  autochthonous  ·  inlandish  ·  nostras

更多网络例句与本地的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the destination IP address is local ,the router searches an internal store of IP addresses and local-device Media Access Control addresses. This store is known as the Address Resolution Protocol cache.


When we cannot use the network or the database,making use of the DLL document,which is downloaded to the local compter,and the data of XML copy ,clients can realiz.


One solution is to deter parking local to the bus stop and provide easier boarding for passengers by constructing bus boarders which consist of local extensions of the footway into the carriageway of about


If the destination IP address is local ,the router searches an internal store of IP addresses and localdevice Media Access Control addresses


If the destination IP address is local, the router searches an internal store of IP addresses and local-device Media Access Controladdresses. This store is known as the Address Resolution Protocolcache.


This local event bus would allow runtime subscriptions of both local and external servers.


It allows you to copy DVD movie to local ISO file, copy DVD to DVD, copy ISO file to DVD and copy DVD to local file folder.

该软件还允许拷贝 DVD 电影到一个本地的 ISO 文件,拷贝 DVD 为 DVD,拷贝 ISO 文件到 DVD 以及拷贝 DVD 到本地的一个文件夹当中。

We offer: current agri data, proffesional managing, official goverment contact, experience in the stablishment of the local company, logistic work, contacting local suppliers, employment agreements as well as local financial and trading deals, hoping to export the 100% of the production to your own international clients.


Gather friendlily as this locality net later, discover everybody cares the development of this locality more and more, a few general affairs of discussion this locality, as time passes is become most a community of fire.


However, my Dad and Mom dared not to hand-off from current condition as they knew that they still have to work in order to survive.

从小, 我就懂得讲本地的马来语,福建语,因为这些左邻右舍不是马来人,就是本地福建人。差不多每一天,我都在他们的家吃饭。

更多网络解释与本地的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


本地接口的风格是细粒的(fine grained)用于紧密耦合交互(tightly coupled). 本地的服务接口可以使用方法或操作的重载. 本地接口调用服务的数据交换语义为by-reference. 如果一个服务的定义中使用了双向接口元素,


包名到命名空间(namespace)的约定转换Convention 允许action类为每个action定义不同的results,results分为两类,全局的(global)和本地的(local),全局results可以被action类中所有的action分享,这种results在action类上使用注解进行声明.

home-grown talent:本地的人材

292hold your horses(俚语)耐心些,别着急 | 293home-grown talent本地的人材 | 295Hotel Booking Service旅馆预约登记处


服务器端(stored)的过程(procedure)或函数(function)本地的(local)过程或函数当一个自治的 PL/SQL 程序结构开始运行时,调用者的事务上下文环境(transaction context)就被挂起.

locals me qmail-send:传递至本地的域名

localiphost me qmail-smtpd 本地IP的替代名 | locals me qmail-send 传递至本地的域名 | me 系统正式域名 various


我们说明提出系统虚拟机的动机,并概要介绍系统虚拟机的实现方法,包括本地的(native)和宿主(hosted)的虚拟机. 我们还讨论对计算机系统三个主要资源:处理器、存储器、I/O的虚拟化技术. 处理器虚拟化的条件最早由Popek和Goldberg在70年代阐明,


autochthonal 土生的 | autochthonic 本地的 | autochthonism 土著

autochthonic:本地的, 土著的

autochthonal | 土生的, 土地固有的, 土著的 | autochthonic | 本地的, 土著的 | autochthonism | 土著, 土生, 土产


azonal peat 潜育泥炭 | azonic 非本地的 | azote 氮


localised 本地的 | multi-lingual 多语种 | Fostering 培养