英语人>词典>汉英 : 本国的 的英文翻译,例句
本国的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
native  ·  nostras

更多网络例句与本国的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some countries' moves to shore up exports are understandable. But what I can not understand is they devaluate their own currencies while on the contrary pushing for the appreciation of others' currencies.


Specifically, subdivinon a-1 provides that " subpoena duces tecum authorized by this rule and served on a judgment debtor, or on any individual while in the state, or on a corporation, partnership limited liability company or sole proprietorship doing business, licensed, qualified, or otherwise entitled to do business in the state, shall subject the person or other entity or business served to the full disclosure prescribed by section fifty- two hundred twenty-three of this article whether the materials sought are in the possession, custody or control of the subpoenaed person, business or other entity within or without the state"( CPLR 5224 [a-11] ).

具体地说,子条款a-1规定的"根据本条授权对债务人发出传票,这个人是任何在本国的,或者在公司、合伙有限责任公司或者独资企业里从事商业工作的个人,有执照的、有资格的或者其他有权在本国从事商业工作的人,这个人或者其他单位或者公司应该遵守第5223章的条款中完全披露的规定,不论这些搜集到的材料是在被传唤的个人、公司或者其他在国内的或不在国内的单位的占有、保管或者控制之下。"(CPLR 第5224条[a-11]款,。 PS:我把state翻译成了国家,不知在楼主的原文里是指国家还是指美国的州。如果根据上下文意思是州的话,上述翻译作相应调整即可。

Second, during the course of economic globalization, only by establishing an economic and trade regime in line with international practices and the specific situation of the country, can they avoid their disadvantages and fully play out advantages, and therefore electively safeguard their respective economic security while opening to the outside world; and


Economic globalization and market integration background, countries have been given extraterritorial effect of national anti-monopoly law to protect its interests.


I shall endure it, however, for I shall look upon it all as a mere representation, a masquerade, a mummery, which to-morrow, that is, when I myself as a journeyman, shall have served my time, will vanish, and I shall go my way, and all that has passed will be nothing to me.


As a vocational school student commanding modern technique, it is no doubt to learn culture science, but the first thing is to learn the cultural tradition of our motherland in order to cultivate main consciousness of Chinese culture and build self-pride and self-confidence in Chinese culture.

摘 要:作为一名掌握现代化技术的职校生,固然要学习人类所创造的一切人文科学成果,但首先需要的是学习本国的优秀文化传统,确立中国文化的主体意识,树立对本国文化的自尊自信。

Fundamentally, the same problems that have bedevilled the talks for years: the desire of some big emerging market countries, particularly India and China, to retain the right to protect farmers and manufacturers they say are vulnerable to international competition.


What I don't understand is depreciating one's own currency, and attempting to pressure others to appreciate, for the purpose of increasing exports.


But even patenting by native scientists increased slightly, rather than decreasing as proponents of crowding out would have predicted.


In line with the strategic goal of the nation's modernization drive and proceeding from national conditions, the Chinese Government has formulated and implemented a population policy which conforms to China's reality and has greatly contributed to the stabilization of the national and the world population and to the promotion of human development and progress.


更多网络解释与本国的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

displaced person:由于战争(或迫害)而逃离原住地(或本国)的人

dislodge 把......驱逐出去 | displaced person 由于战争(或迫害)而逃离原住地(或本国)的人 | dogfight 空中混战

home market:本国市场

available 可用的 | home market 本国市场 | home product 本国产品

one's native land:本国

3. adjective 出生(地)的;本地的;本国的 | one's native land : 本国 | one's native language : 本国语

native language:本国语言

根据语音的发音、听觉特征,不管其在语言中的功能(有时称做印象(impressionistic)转写法),以系统的、前后一致的方式记录语音的方法,这需在字母语言间才能实现;音译法(transliteration),将螈语言的发音按本国语言(native language)的音位系统进行转写;


native 本国的 | native-born 土著的 | natively 生来地


可是,如果全球信用紧缩情况不见改善,本国便会遭受"超出预期"的冲击,并可能陷入长期的(prolonged)的经济不景气. 当衰退持续过久,便会引发裁员、降薪、以及房价进一步地大跌,而本国的按揭贷款人也会因此面临巨大的挑战. 本周二,

What's your nationality, please:请问您的国籍

120) What's your occupation, please? 请问您的职业? | 121) What's your nationality, please? 请问您的国籍? | 122) What's your address in your native country, please? 请问您在本国的住址?

She felt fenced in by domestic routine:本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的

267. discipline n. 纪律;惩罚;学科 The teacher can't keep dis... | 268. domestic a. 本国的,国内的;家用的;家庭的 She felt fenced in by domestic routine | 270. cliff n. 悬崖,峭壁 There are very few holds ...

old country:故国(移居别国的人对本国的称呼)

牐爐he Never -Never C- 边远人稀的地方(特指澳大利亚昆士兰州西北部人烟稀少的地区);理想的地方;幻想... | 牐爋ld country 故国(移居别国的人对本国的称呼) | 牐燬o many -tries, so many customs . [谚]一国有一国的风俗...

the old country:故国(移居外国的人对本国的称呼, 尤指欧洲国家)

the old home 故国(移居外国的人对本国的称呼, 尤指欧洲国家) | the old country 故国(移居外国的人对本国的称呼, 尤指欧洲国家) | welcome home 欢迎回来; 为...返乡举行的宴会