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有限物 的英文翻译、例句


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The general condition for athermalizing an optical system when the object surface is at finite or infinite distance is deduced in this paper, and the principle and design method of employing a diffractive optical element to athermalize and achromatize an optical system with normalized T-C chart are expanded.

推导了物面位于有限远和无限远时,实现热补偿的通用条件;并阐述了利用归化T-C 图设计消热差和消色差的红外光学系统的原理和方法。

The general condition for athermalzing an optical system when the object surface is at finite or infinite distance is deduced in this paper, and the principle and design method of employing a diffractive optical element to athermalize and achromatize an optical system with normalized T-C chart are expounded.


Areca nut is a popular but carcinogenic chewing material worldwide; however, studies of the cytotoxic effects of its ingredients on cells remain limited.

槟榔子(areca nut, AN)是一个在世界上受欢迎却具致癌性的咀嚼物,但有关其成份对细胞毒性的效应研究却非常有限。

More precisely, culture has been defined as the consistent recurrence of an assemblage limited in time and space


Took Chongqing Gong-he tunnel as an engineering example and studied the failure mechanism of surrounding rock and the correlation with bolt support system by using the methods of theoretical analysis, modeling test, numerical simulation and in situ test, some helpful conclusions were arrived as follows.Firstly, a new failure criterion for transversely isotropic rock mass was proposed with consideration of bedding plane orientation and major principal stress, and the corresponding algorithm, arrived through VC++6.0, can be easily embedded into the software FLAC3D for the geotechnical calculation.


the chinesesword, first known as weapon used on the battlefield, has been available for other uses other than military use alonesince the cavalryman didn't need to cut andstrike in wars as times went by.it functions as the limited transferring from the reward and power in emperors' hand, converts to enthusiasm of decoration representing the class, age and reflecting thesocialstatus in the ornamental band worn by nobles, deepens to the concepts of "three cutting-edges and four blades" in the hands of martial artists in terms of developing technologicalsystems of various ways and forming the performingstyle of"gong xing zui mian "aspecial way of performingsword posing as the regular , running, andsoft-typescript in chinese calligraphy, or as a drunk man trying to demonstrate the proficiency instriving for the balance in performance.


The slow progress of researches on pulmonary stem cells up to date has its root in the complex structure of pulmonary tissues and respiratory tracts, which is demonstrated by the facts that the respiratory system is composed of at least 40 types of cells, plus that the growth, renewal, and regeneration rate or capacity of respiratory epithelium are extremely limited. Mean while, there have been no specific stem cell markers for pulmonary and lung cancer, so researchers rely on stem cell markers borrowed from other systems to search for stem cells in pulmonary system.


567Enlightenment, on its side, equally isolates the actual world as an entity forsaken by Spirit, isolates determinateness as unmoved finitude, as if it were not even a moment in the spiritual movement of essential being, not nothing, but also not something that absolutely is, but something that is evanescent.

贺译( p102-103):至于启蒙呢,在它这一方面也是一样,它同样把现实孤立为一种被精神遗弃了的本质,把规定性孤立为一种固定不移的有限物,仿佛既不是本质的精神活动中的一个环节,又不是无,也不是一种什么自在自为地存在着的东西,而勿宁是一种消逝着的东西。

You are viewing theConcept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure.


However, there are distinctive differences between their theories. Firstly, thing-in-itself is not only the source but also the boundary of the knowledge in Kant's philosophy, whereas Mou Tsung-san annuls its epistemological meaning and regards it as a value concept. Secondly, the free will in Kant's theory can be speculated but cannot be proved, and therefore it's just a postulate. However, Mou Tsung-san considers the free will as the free and infinite mind, that is, a kind of real presentation. Thirdly, Kant holds that intellectual intuition is the patent for God instead of human beings, while Mou Tsung-san holds that it is a potential of human beings.


更多网络解释与有限物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

segmented copolymer:嵌段共聚物

segmented bond tool 分区水泥胶结测井仪 | segmented copolymer 嵌段共聚物 | segregated combustion 有限垂向燃烧


在>(Phaedo)中,柏拉图指出,个别物(the individuals)因分有对应的"理念"而呈现出其限定(definite)和相似的(similar)特性. 柏拉图是以"分有"来阐释多和一、异与同及有限和无限的关系. 依照柏拉图一和多的辩证,

You are viewing the Concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure:你把上帝看成一个有限物,一个可以测量的东西

You argue there is Life and then there is... | You are viewing the Concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. 你把上帝看成一个有限物,一个可以测量的东西. | Sir, Science can't even ex...

finite object point:有限远物点

finite linewidth 有限线宽度 | finite object point 有限远物点 | finite ray 有限远光线

finite linewidth:有限线宽度

finite beam source 有限射束源 | finite linewidth 有限线宽度 | finite object point 有限远物点

pay sb. money for sth:为某物付给某人多少钱

14.limited time 有限的时间 | 15.pay sb. money for sth. 为某物付给某人多少钱 | 16.the only airline service 唯一的航空公司


哲学的唯心主义无非是不承认有限物(finite)是真的(veritable)有的东西. 每一种哲学本质上都是唯心主义. 或至少以唯心主义为原则,问题只是这种原则真的贯彻了多少而己. 哲学如此,宗教也如此;因为宗教也同样不承认有限性是真的有,

segregated combustion:有限垂向燃烧

segmented copolymer 嵌段共聚物 | segregated combustion 有限垂向燃烧 | segregated completion 分层完井


介绍:青岛宝海金属制品有限公 司是一家集生产加工、经销批发的私营有限责任公司,储物柜(lockers)、货架(steel shelving)、工具车(tool cart)是青岛宝海金属制品有限公 司的主营产品.

Tool Cart:工具车

介绍:青岛宝海金属制品有限公 司是一家集生产加工、经销批发的私营有限责任公司,储物柜(lockers)、货架(steel shelving)、工具车(tool cart)是青岛宝海金属制品有限公 司的主营产品.