英语人>词典>汉英 : 有钱人 的英文翻译,例句
有钱人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
toff  ·  wealthy  ·  nobs  ·  silvertail  ·  wealthier  ·  capitalists  ·  millionaires  ·  toffs

carriage trade · solid man
更多网络例句与有钱人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Otherwise to your lot of moneys, also let you own much aer the disease ties up the body of the body, can imagine that kind of to feel what kind of a kind of helpless, the realistic life is in the middle also not a few see, how much the rich the inattention food hygiene, is usually the gluttony crapulence for the sake of the social parties, but is sometimes for show his free with money, need not how long appeared the potbellied physique and even appeared the appearance of the prematurely senile then, he thoughted of at this time health, thought of me rich can go to the hospital medical treatment right away.


And "he" is not, because "he" is rich and the rich serve the have-nots, which is also natural.


Because being wealthy means very little if you owned things of little value, both the tangible and the impalpable. But as usual, this is just my two cents.


I believe the act of philosophical thinking is not the exclusive domain of the privileged, the moneyed, the old or the accomplished.


Avery rich man came to be the slave market to_50_a slave.Allwere eager to be bought because they knew he would be a kind maeter.As the slave stood before him he asked each one to_51_him what kind of work each of them could do.


If a man is penniless he may be impervious to other people's snubs, but if the man is rich any small slight on another person's part may be seen as a great insult. Not only does the rich man lose prestige but his spirit is wounded. He goes around carrying the grudge in his heart, waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.


But I would bet that splurging and bling will come back as soon as the rich feel rich again .


When I first started driving a cab, Park Avenue was mostly a bunch of coal yards. Hoofer's Brewery was right next to where the Waldorf-Astoria is now.


The way I comprehend idol drams is probably different than you guys.


Since everyone is willing to be wealthy, we are today to find out what kinds Check these star couples of the most wealthy.


更多网络解释与有钱人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The violin passed into the arms of a wealthy dilettante:那把小提琴落到了一个对音乐一知半解的有钱人手里

8. a babe in arms.还抱在怀里的小... | 9. The violin passed into the arms of a wealthy dilettante. 那把小提琴落到了一个对音乐一知半解的有钱人手里. | 10. the long arm of the law caught up with him.他终于...

Filthy Rich:有钱人

Fall flat on his face 他失败了 | Filthy rich 有钱人 | Fat chance 希望渺茫

nob kn:脑袋瓜, 头, <俚>大人物, 有钱人, 打头

gnaw gn 咬, 啃, 使苦恼, 消耗, 折磨 | nob kn 脑袋瓜, 头, 大人物, 有钱人, 打头 | ★ knob kn 球形把手, 旋钮

nob sn:脑袋瓜, 头, <俚>大人物, 有钱人, 打头

knightly kn 骑士般的, 勇武的, 侠义的 | nob sn 脑袋瓜, 头, 大人物, 有钱人, 打头 | ▲ snob sn 势利的(小)人, 假内行, 势利鬼

the rich:有钱人

"the poor",,,"穷人","(B8 U8)" | "the rich",,,"有钱人","(B8 U8)" | "the Six Banyan Temple",,,"六榕寺","(B7 U1)"

Stealth Wealth:隐形的有钱人

精密计算出来的不修边幅/customize | 隐形的有钱人/Stealth Wealth | 从乡愁出发的改造/Ostalgia

Rich people enjoy a good stogie. Sometimes send them as gifts:有钱人喜欢抽好雪茄 有时还会用来送人

He might have. Dude had a lair. Means he... | Rich people enjoy a good stogie. Sometimes send them as gifts.|有钱人喜欢抽好雪茄 有时还会用来送人 | Hey,taub,did that sound like I was awkwardly trying to...

the wealthy:有钱人

going to teach a few select people how to influence去教导数责人怎样的影响 | the wealthy."有钱人. " | I was floored.我是性能.

well-lined purse:有钱人

well out of it 幸能脱身 | well-lined purse 有钱人 | wet blanket 煞风景的事情,对别人泼冷水的人

fat cat:有钱人

37.fall guy 替死鬼 | 38.Fat cat 有钱人 | 39.Fifth-wheel 多余的人或物