英语人>词典>汉英 : 有过失的 的英文翻译,例句
有过失的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
blamable  ·  blameable  ·  delinquent  ·  faulty  ·  faultier

更多网络例句与有过失的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The other driver must be at fault to collect on this coverage.


He is delinquent .


Differently, they all promise a high degree of fault-tolerance.


However, if the hirer has any negligence on his order, instruction or selection, he shall bear corresponding compensation liabilities.


A mixed offense is an offense with subjective psychology of both intention and unpremeditation held by a unit when it is performing economic crime by taking advantage of its duty. This pattern is seen intentional in action performance and unpremeditated in action outcome.


Article 162 In the course of the sea towage, if the damage suffered by the tugowner or the two party was caused by the fault of one of the parties, the party in fault shall be liable for compensation.


Article 162 In the course of the sea towage, if the damage suffered by the tugowner or the tow party was caused by the fault of one of the parties, the party in fault shall be liable for compensation.


Article 162 In the course of the sea towage, if the damage suffered by the tugowner or the two party was caused by the fault of one of the parties, the party in fault shall be liable for compensation.


Article 162 In the course of the sea towage, if the damage suffered by the tugowner or the tow party was caused by the fault of one of the parties, the party in fault shall be liable for compensation.


The pastors not only preached the gospel, but they visited the sick, catechized the children, admonished the erring, and labored to settle disputes and promote harmony and brotherly love.


更多网络解释与有过失的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

carrier at fault:有过失的承运人

carried over => 转接下面;转期交割,结转 | carrier at fault => 有过失的承运人 | carrier's allowance => 承运人津贴

blamable:可责备的, 有过失的

Blake bottle | 布来克培养瓶 | blamable | 可责备的, 有过失的 | blamablely | 该责备地, 有过失地

blamable:可责备的; 有过失的 (形)

blain 脓疱; 痘; 水疱 (名) | blamable 可责备的; 有过失的 (形) | blame 责备, 归咎于 (动)

blameable:可责备的, 有过失的

blame | 过失, 责备 责备, 谴责 | blameable | 可责备的, 有过失的 | blamed | 该死的, 混蛋的

blameable:该责备的; 有过失的 (形)

blame 责备, 归咎于 (动) | blameable 该责备的; 有过失的 (形) | blameful 应受责备的, 该受谴责的; 苛责他人的 (形)

contributory negligence:与有过失

因果侵权法上共同雇佣(common employment)与有过失(contributory negligence)及自甘冒险(voluntary assumption of risk)之理论,即其著例. "再加上工业社会初期,生产力水平尚处于低下状态,不存在采用其他归责原则的社会经济基础. 所以,在工业时代初期,


culottes /女用绔裙/ | culpability /可责/有罪性/有过失/ | culpable /该责备的/有罪的/不周到的/


faultily 不完美地 | faultiness 有过失 | faultless 无错误的


faultiness 有故障有瑕疵 | faultless 无过失的 | Faults Separated 过失中断

Satan reproves sin:魔鬼责人之罪(责备他人有罪过,自己同样有过失)

42.Revolutions are not made with rosewater. 革命不是玫瑰香水做成的(指:革命不能采用温... | 43.Satan reproves sin. 魔鬼责人之罪(责备他人有罪过,自己同样有过失). | 45.Shallow streams make most din. 浅流水...