英语人>词典>汉英 : 有穷的 的英文翻译,例句
有穷的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有穷的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Although the adjacency matrix was a storage structure of finite automaton in common use, it was not proper to store all kinds of finite automata.


Firstly, we study the normality of a family of meromorphic functions concerning differential polynomial and shared values and prove the following Theorem 23.5 Let F be a family of m...

证明了 定理 2.3.5设F为Δ上亚纯函数,k、n、q∈N,P=ω~q+α_(q-1)ω~(q-1)+…+α_1ω是多项式,并且设Hf,f~1,…,f~(k是不含常数项的多项式,a、b为两个判别的有穷复数,并且b≠0,c是非零有穷复数。

In this paper,we generalize that Polya Theorem for composite of the entire function f is finite order to the form composite and the entire and meromorphic function f is finite order .


This paper makes some studied in the building of Chinese character input modes based on automata theoretic, handles the control operation in the input model, and introduces the concepts of two-way deterministic Chinese finite automaton and two-way nondeterministic Chinese finite automaton.


There can be no communism with pauperism, or socialism with pauperism.


The pollution is there, the transformation is just unimagineable, everytime he goes back there are always changes, there are poor parts even in big cities but local people don't seem to have "poor living standard" as you mentioned, he even had a chance to visit an Apple factory in Shenzhen and he was quite amazed because what he expected before the visit was something like a little confined room with little lighting, shabbily dressed workers, messy place, machines with electrical wires sticking out , but instead the workers wore full protective gears in a spacy rooms, everything looks pretty much in order.


The purpose of this publication is to study the localizations of the category of sheaves of It-algebras, where ~ is a finitary algebraic theory, and the extent to which it characterizes the topological base space.


Symbolic transition graph is proposed as a compact semantic model for the π-calculus processes. The rules which generate such STGs from finite-control π-calculus processes are presented.


The method provides theoretic basis for divergence of agent levels,then translates operational goals set into HRAFSM,at last simulatively executes operational goals set according to simulation executing HRAFSM.


My friends always say how skint they are and I end up say-ing I am, too, because I don't know how they'll react.


更多网络解释与有穷的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be at the end one's tether:江郎才尽, 智穷力衰

play one's cards well 办事方法高明, 做事有心计 | be at the end one's tether 江郎才尽, 智穷力衰 | be above one's head 超出某人的理解能力

deterministic finite automaton:确定的有穷自动机,决定性有限自动机,决定性有限自动机

deterministic expression 确定的表达式 | deterministic finite automaton 确定的有穷自动机,决定性有限自动机,决定性有限自动机 | deterministic interconnection 确定性关联

hereditarily finite set:世传有穷集

世传可数[的]|hereditarily countable | 世传有穷集|hereditarily finite set | 事件|event


3, 有穷性(Finiteness): 即必须在执行有限个步骤之后终止. 时间复杂度:该算法执行的时间耗费, 的函数. 时间复杂度:该算法执行的时间耗费,它是该算法所求解问题规模 n 的函数. 空间复杂度:该算法执行时所耗费的存储空间, 的函数.

know a hawk from a handsaw:知道鹰和苍鹭的不同 有点辨别力, 尚有见解

between hawk and buzzard 既非上宾又非奴仆(常指穷亲戚、食客、家庭教师等) | know a hawk from a handsaw 知道鹰和苍鹭的不同 有点辨别力, 尚有见解 | watch sb like a hawk 严密地监视某人

method of exhaustion:穷竭法

约公元前465年)提出的,后来>用公设的形式规定下来,于是成为希腊几何的金科玉律.智人学派的安蒂丰(Antiphon)为了解决化圆为方问题,提出颇有价值的"穷竭法"(method of exhaustion),孕育着近代极限论的思想.后来经过欧多克索斯的改进,

nondeterministic finite automaton:不确定的有穷自动机,不确定性有限自动机,非确定的有限自动机

nondeterminisitc Turing machine 不确定的图灵机 | nondeterministic finite automaton 不确定的有穷自动机,不确定性有限自动机,非确定的有限自动机 | nondeterministic program 不确定程序



A foul foot makes a full wame:(有这个词?). 人勤不受穷

A fool's bolt is soon shot. 傻子的箭放得快. /蠢人的东西消耗得快. | A foul foot makes a full wame (有这个词?). 人勤不受穷. | A foul morning may turn to a fair day. 开局不顺,结局未必差.

hereditarily countable:世传可数[的]

示性映射|characteristic map | 世传可数[的]|hereditarily countable | 世传有穷集|hereditarily finite set